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We're back

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  • We're back

    We got back from Hawaii this morning, and although I am severely jet-lagged, I am sitting here trying to catch up! (I'm addicted!) We had a WONDERFUL time. Hawaii is even more beautiful than I had expected. Travis had meetings the first part of the week, but they were usually over by noon, so we had plenty of time to ourselves. We were staying in the big Hilton resort at Waikiki, the first time we have stayed in a resort-type place. It was fun, especially since the military will be reimbursing us for it, but it wasn't really our kind of place -- too crowded and they hit you up for money at every turn. Travis met with the assignments officer and it looks like we will either get to move to Scott AFB (outside of St. Louis) or we will stay here. There is an outside chance we will have to go overseas, but I am not going to worry about that unless I have to. They have 22 OB/GYN positions open in the Air Force, and only 14 docs coming out of residency, so they are really hurting right now. We won't find out anything until March. I don't even know what I hope for -- it will only be for two years, so I guess whatever happens is okay.
    We saw a lot of old friends and were around staff from Travis' residency -- it was truly shocking how much marital discord has popped up amongst our circle of acquaintances (who are now all over the world) and after about a day and a half of being bombarded with all of these sad stories, we just stayed away from people because it was making me paranoid! But anyway, we had a great time and are glad to be home to see our boys.

    More later.....
    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."

  • #2
    Welcome back!

    I'm sorry to hear about your friends' marriages. It is difficult to hear about but it does make our marriages feel better!

    Hawaii sounds gorgeous--How wonderful that you guys got this time together. I'm sure that you wish that vacation could go on forever, but it is great to have you back. 8)

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #3
      Welcome back Sally!

      It's odd what happens when people leave residency isn't it? We've heard allkinds of things about last years grads!

      So, very happy to hear that you might have a way out. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed!


      PS- Welcome back. (and Rick put Tripler on his Plan B list!)


      • #4
        welcome back

        Wow, Sally....that really went by FAST! Make me jealous...what WAS the weather like? We're in the middle of the third coldest spell on record in Minnesota..we are expecting low 20's on halloween

        Since we left training, we've experienced some similar encounters with other families from training...One of Thomas' best friends in germany did a surgical residency and he and his wife were really a model couple in our eyes. They split up this year and it was a shock to us both...we quickly moved on from even thinking about it because it is so distressing.

        I'm voting for the overseas thing, btw

        I hope you took lots of pictures to share!!!

        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


        • #5
          Thanks for the welcome back!

          We did take lots of pictures, and they turned out pretty well. We'll see if I can figure out how to post them or something. We have come back to sick kids! Luke (oldest) and Nathan (youngest) both have a virus -- headaches, sore throats, and chest congestion -- and Joel, my middle sweetie, is jealous of the attention (and pain reliever -- go figure) that the other two are getting and so he is trying to purposely get himself infected by drinking out of Luke's cup, etc. Too funny. Nathan had a stomach virus the week before we left, so I have been homebound for a while! I am glad we went away for a week!

          All of the marital/family problems we heard about were across the board -- staff, former residents, and current residents. It really got me paranoid for a while. We did get to see some good friends (in a healthy marriage!) and had a blast with them.

          Jenn, we went to the PX at Ft. Shafter to get my husband a haircut and to buy tickets to some area attractions at a reduced rate. As we walked out into the parking lot, we saw a rainbow over the mountains. I don't see how people can go about their business there without their jaws hanging open, seriously. We loved getting away from Honolulu and finding secluded beaches all along the coast. It was a very nice respite. Travis is facing a tough week this week, including being in the field for some military drill starting at 4 a.m. tomorrow morning and ending Wednesday night -- and he is on call tonight, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. So between that and the sickies around here (oh, and our toilets are backing up into our backyard because we have tree roots in our sewer line) we are back to reality in a big way 8O but at least we are rested!

          If anyone wants to give me hints on how to upload pictures and where to put them, I will try to do it this week.


          P.S. Kris, the weather was perfect -- (I think it always is there) in the mid-eighties and breezy with occasional misty showers that lasted just long enough to produce lots of beautiful rainbows. Don't hate me -- remember that I live in one of the ugliest regions in the country, so I was starved for beauty!
          Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

          "I don't know when Dad will be home."


          • #6
            Welcome home and glad you had a good trip! (A little late on the post, sorry).


