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Easter Weekend!!!

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  • Easter Weekend!!!

    Happy Easter, you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope it's a good one for all of you. We're sitting under about 7 inches of snow right now and .... it' still snowing. I'm dreaming of a white easter.....

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    Re: Easter Weekend!!!

    Oy. Are you sure that you want to settle in MN forever?! 2 years ago, one of DH's partners moved back to MN because it was too "warm" here in the winter.

    I'm wondering how I'm going to keep my paws off the kids' Easter candy.

    Happy Easter!


    • #3
      Re: Easter Weekend!!!

      Happy Easter! DH is post-call today. Our company canceled because of poor driving conditions between here and MI. We went to an Easter egg hunt at our church today that was held inside because it was "snowing". Not really my version of snow, but eggs were still found.

      Nonetheless, our weekend is turning our quite lowkey. That is fine with me.


      • #4
        Re: Easter Weekend!!!

        There's hardly anyone in the city. I made a reservation 2 weeks ago for a restaurant (a difficult place to get one), and when we got there, there were tables empty all over the place. It was great! Everyone has left for the suburbs!
        married to an anesthesia attending


        • #5
          Re: Easter Weekend!!!

          That is a lot of snow! Easter seems so early this year; it has really snuck up on me.

          I did a ton of errands today and the kids decorated eggs with the babysitter. Tomorrow we will have brunch with MIL and do a little egg hunt with the kids. If a certain someone scoops the dogpoop, maybe we will do it outside. (It's so not my turn...).


          • #6
            Re: Easter Weekend!!!

            Its a good thing Adele isn't old enough for her first easter egg hunt b/c we have snow too, I think we got around 6 inches. Next year I think we'll have to go to KS so she can have a real hunt.
            Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


            • #7
              Re: Easter Weekend!!!

              We normally do ours inside, but this year we ended up with so many eggs that I threw so outside last night. The cat got out without me knowing and stayed out all night. Poor guy. We don't have snow, but there was frost.


              • #8
                Re: Easter Weekend!!!

                We did our egg hunt on Saturday. Dh worked 11 pm to 7 am at the hospital Friday night, and during his shift stuffed plastic eggs for me, even though he had a busy night. He worked again from 7 pm to 7 am last night, and had Easter Sunday off.
                Gas, and 4 kids


                • #9
                  Re: Easter Weekend!!!

                  Daegan ended up with bilateral preseptal cellulitis...both eyes were swollen and full of pus....lovely. I'm so glad breastfed babies don't get sick ( ). Good news is that Russ was the doc on-call....and now the little guy is doing better. I just do not know what this last round of sickness was.....high fever for 3 days, rash 5 days later (makes you think roseola), intermittent vomiting and then the eye infections...with a stuffy nose? Anyway, I hope he's on the mend for real this time. My mom and sister come in 2 weeks! If he doesn't get better, at least I can sleep then!!!
                  Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                  • #10
                    Re: Easter Weekend!!!

                    Chad was on call all weekend. I spent the weekend in bed, sick. I am still sounding like James Earl Jones on the phone.

                    "Is Heidi there?"
                    "This is she."
                    "Oh...God...Are you O...okay?
                    "I'm fabulous...hack...cough..."

                    So, it's a good thing, I suppose that our Easter is postponed. We do the secular thing anyway, so the actual "date" doesn't matter. So long as the kids get candy and baskets, they're cool. They, on the other hand, spent the weekend playing pool, video games, and riding bikes in the Shriner's Hospital.
                    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.

