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Physican Loans?

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  • Physican Loans?

    Have you used a Physican loan? Since we are looking and I am in need of some info please let me know what you did and how you did it!

    Thanks! I'm very new at this and need a lot of advice! But we are going with a realtor who is a resident's wife- thanks to Suzy Sunshine!

    Any advice would be great!

  • #2
    Re: Physican Loans?

    Are you referring to mortgage loans? Check out the financial forum-- lots of info in there. We went with B of A and have been very pleased with them so far. Friends have used other companies with good results as well. PM if you have specific questions.


    • #3
      Re: Physican Loans?

      We've had some freakishly good experiences with Compass Bank. There's a guy who specializes in loans for physicians and he's bent over backwards for us. If you want the info, feel free to PM me.

