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Mothers Day Gifts

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  • Mothers Day Gifts

    My MIL loved the silver artsy bracelet we got her last year. Small, not too pricey and easy to mail. My mom usually gets tickets to something in her town - or a restaurant gift certificate. She is spending her retirement eating lunch out and that gets more worrisome the more years she's retired. (Not that she is anywhere close to accepting the Perkins early bird special route for seniors in FL! ) . I try to go for something easy to mail and more frivolous. Before we had disposable income, I'd do cards and a call-- and maybe earrings. It is easier now that DH is an attending.

    We get slammed here too in May. It's the celebration gauntlet month.
    Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
    Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

    "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

  • #2
    Re: Mothers Day Gifts

    I gave my mom a cute summery skirt. I asked my family for some big planters and to help me make a few container gardens for the deck.

    I agree with Angie about May getting expensive and card/call combo sometimes.


    • #3
      Re: Mothers Day Gifts

      Because both of our moms live close by, we usually take everyone out for a nice brunch. When we lived further away during med school, they got cards and calls. Same deal for Father's Day, just substitute "backyard barbeque" for "nice brunch" in the first sentence.

      -Wife of urology attending.
      -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


      • #4
        Re: Mothers Day Gifts

        We usually do the call and card but step-MIL is arriving here for a visit on mothers day so we will have to think of a gift. Don't think the baby is up to restaurants yet.


        • #5
          Re: Mothers Day Gifts

          Originally posted by bugs
          We usually do the call and card but step-MIL is arriving here for a visit on mothers day so we will have to think of a gift. Don't think the baby is up to restaurants yet.
          oh Kirsty! You have to start early! Jacob went to his first restaurant at 7 days old, Quinn at 11.


          • #6
            Re: Mothers Day Gifts

            Originally posted by Jane
            Originally posted by bugs
            We usually do the call and card but step-MIL is arriving here for a visit on mothers day so we will have to think of a gift. Don't think the baby is up to restaurants yet.
            oh Kirsty! You have to start early! Jacob went to his first restaurant at 7 days old, Quinn at 11.
            I agree with this. Ryan was 5 days old for his first outing to a restaurant. He was 9 days old when he went to the Utes basketball game vs. Wake Forest in a front carrier. Keith Van Horn and Andre Miller vs. Tim Duncan. He slept through the whole thing, even with all the crazy noise. Maybe he had his good ear on my chest, and that's why. Hmmm. I never thought of that, but at the time we didn't know he had a hearing problem. Lexi was 9 days old when we went to Match Day and TGI Fridays. Here she is with our friend Greg. You can see the lovely Albany March weather in the background, and the evident TGI Friday's tables.

            I think it helps acclimate babies, and unless they are preemies or immunocompromosied, there's no reason you can't take them out. Just keep the strangers away. Plus, it is a savior to mom's sanity. I nursed Lexi in the car a lot, because I wasn't at all comfortable doing it around other people.

            As for Mother's Day gifts, I haven't a clue.
            Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


            • #7
              Re: Mothers Day Gifts

              Originally posted by Jane
              Originally posted by bugs
              We usually do the call and card but step-MIL is arriving here for a visit on mothers day so we will have to think of a gift. Don't think the baby is up to restaurants yet.
              oh Kirsty! You have to start early! Jacob went to his first restaurant at 7 days old, Quinn at 11.
              Really? I am impressed.

              Julia, I just ordered this (for me!), it is just out in paperback. Thought of you because of the one you sent me for secret santa. Not sure if you and your Mom have similar tastes but...
     ... 439&sr=1-1


              • #8
                Re: Mothers Day Gifts

                Originally posted by bugs
                Originally posted by Jane
                Originally posted by bugs
                We usually do the call and card but step-MIL is arriving here for a visit on mothers day so we will have to think of a gift. Don't think the baby is up to restaurants yet.
                oh Kirsty! You have to start early! Jacob went to his first restaurant at 7 days old, Quinn at 11.
                Really? I am impressed.
                Yes! Definitely! We were like you with DS#1, it took us a few weeks to go out to eat with him because we were so nervous. But we started when he was about a month old and have been going out about once a week ever since, and he's AWESOME in restaurants now. Seriously. I think it's because we started him so young. DS#2 has been joining us since he was 1 week old.

                -Wife of urology attending.
                -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                • #9
                  Re: Mothers Day Gifts

                  Heidi, and Jane!
                  We do go out, but as yet only where I can keep moving! I wear him in a carrier when we go shopping etc and he is fine (usually sleeps) while I am walking around, but as soon as I stop he starts screaming every time. There is no way he would sit quietly through a meal. It is not getting any better yet so I probably need to practice nursing in the sling so we can do things like go to restaurants. I have also so far only done the nursing in the car thing.


                  • #10
                    Re: Mothers Day Gifts

                    Kirsty, that is to bad - Adele is still super portable, she falls asleep in her car seat very easily so she'll sleep through most restaurants, I think its the ambient noise. We've even been able to take her to a sports bar for KU games (non-smoking).

                    As for Mother's Day we got my parents a combo gift, they were in desperate need of a new knife set. I have NO idea what we're getting MIL.
                    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                    • #11
                      Re: Mothers Day Gifts

                      Kirsty, I used to nurse DS in restaurants all the time. We would just request a table in the corner so that none of the other patrons would notice. You can also bring along a bottle of expressed breastmilk if you're not comfortable with bf'ing in public.

                      I have no idea what to get my mom and MIL for Mother's Day. I think I need to take a look on Etsy.


                      • #12
                        Re: Mothers Day Gifts

                        Kirsty -
                        I can empathize with you. DS is a screamer . He screams if the car stops, he screams if you stop walking, he screams. . .There is no way in heck that we are going to a restaurant with him. I'll even nurse him and then as soon as he is finished nursing, guess what he does? Yep, you guessed it. . .he SCREAMS until I start walking around with him again. TAKE OUT is much easier!!!!


                        • #13
                          Re: Mothers Day Gifts

                          Originally posted by TheFairQueen
                          Kirsty -
                          I can empathize with you. DS is a screamer . He screams if the car stops, he screams if you stop walking, he screams. . .There is no way in heck that we are going to a restaurant with him. I'll even nurse him and then as soon as he is finished nursing, guess what he does? Yep, you guessed it. . .he SCREAMS until I start walking around with him again. TAKE OUT is much easier!!!!
                          Yes that sounds more like Jack. He cries at each stop light in the car, so I never take him in anywhere in the car seat! I have hardly been able to eat dinner at home without having to get up several times so don't think the restaurant idea is practical yet (though I will consider the nursing idea).

                          But, Fair Queen, he is now 7 weeks and is now entertained by a mobile or toys hanging (I have rigged up an "entertainment centre" above his basket) for up to half an hour. He does not really sleep during the day so this gives me a chance to get things done! So, hopefully it will get easier for you too.

                          Really sorry for the


                          • #14
                            Re: Mothers Day Gifts

                            BTDT, you two have my sympathy. :therethere:


                            • #15
                              Re: Mothers Day Gifts

                              BTDT, you two have my sympathy.
                              What she said.

                              Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                              "I don't know when Dad will be home."

