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Physically Uncomfortable

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  • Physically Uncomfortable

    I am not sure if this belong in "Grand Rounds" or somewhere else, but I hope it's OK it post here:

    I am not sure what I am looking for...maybe a shared experience or a "hey, that's weird" comment or something.

    I am pregnant with our second. First was a boy; this one's a girl. My pregnancy with DS was, in all honesty, just not particularly uncomfortable. I mean, I gained about 29 pounds, and by the last trimester couldn't jog and had to sleep on my side, but there wasn't physical discomfort, really. It is totally different this time. I seem to be carrying her somehow differently. I am experiencing a lot of feeling "swollen" high up, under the diaphram, and my stomach skin feels extremely taute (no stretch marks or discolorations, just feeling like it is about to rip). My rib cage feels like it needs to expand but it can't, and I get a lot of sharp pains in my lower abdomen. I know this seems like a hodgepodge of bitch-and-moans, but I am surprised. I get winded so often and feel extremely uncomfortable. I am at about 22 (23? I forget) weeks, and have put on maybe 13-14 pounds (so, I have a pudge that looks like a baby bump in the right clothes, or otherwise just makes me look dumpy). I haven't complained about this stuff to the OB. She says the pregnancy is going great and I don't want to look like I am complaining about regular stuff.

    Maybe it's because I have a girl? Or maybe it's related to my age (I will be 35 when I give birth--I was only 31 when I gave birth to DS)? Any thoughts?

  • #2
    Re: Physically Uncomfortable

    My cousin and my SIL have both said that their second pregnancies were markedly more uncomfortable than the first. My SIL told my on Sunday that she's never been so uncomfortable in her life.



    • #3
      Re: Physically Uncomfortable

      My cousin and my SIL have both said that their second pregnancies were markedly more uncomfortable than the first.
      Great! I'm 15 weeks into my 2nd pg. Haven't felt any aches & pains yet, but I sure did with my first (twins). I did ask my OB all about them, including the feeling that my uterus was about to fall out, that I had a nerve caught around a ribcage, and that I had carpal tunnel (all "normal" - except I got PT for the nerve thing, which didn't help a bit). I don't remember the tightness in the upper abdomen until closer to the 3rd trimester.

      I'd ask my DH for you (then you could get internet advice from a doctor's wife - how bad is that?!) but he's not home. I don't think it would be a big deal at all to ask your OB at your next appt. It's not like you're making unreasonable demands or being obnoxious - just asking a simple question about what's normal. My OB was super laid-back and great about answering my little questions, although I did try not to make a big deal of them when I asked.


      • #4
        Re: Physically Uncomfortable

        Hmmmm. This sounds very different from your first pregnancy. I would mention it to your OB/Gyn if only for another person to get some feedback. She may have some ideas about why this is happening and how you can minimize these particular symptoms. Don't feel like you are complaining!!!! You are mentioning medical symptoms that are different from your first pregnancy -- that's NOT being high -maintenence!!! (I have this issue too. I hate to admit anything is less than fine. )

        I do think every pregnancy is different. I've been having symptoms with this pregnancy I never had with DD and DS -- really annoying stuff I won't go into. I feel your pain.

        I think for me, putting my feet up with two pre-school age children is not possible so I'm MORE tired with this one than the other two. I have many more aches and pains. Second, I know I'm a big pooper in this area, but I think pregnancy in general is HARD on your body. The whole process makes me go . Who came up with this? Yes it's amazing, yes it all works out, but dang it's a PITA at times to be pregnant.

        The other day DH asked what I was doing (very nicely) -- I was on the couch for more than 10 minutes with my feet up and my eyes closed. I wasn't reading, paying bills or folding laundry -- a usual given if I'm sitting still. I feel guilty relaxing if I'm not being productive too. I affectionately told him to back off -- "I am the giver of life. I am creating your second son. Right now I'm working on the ears and they are tricky so let me be! "

        Bubble baths after the kids are in bed have been a really nice treat to calm the aches and pains pre-bedtime. It helps me sleep better.

        Remember, you are NOT a complainer!!!

        Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

        “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


        • #5
          Re: Physically Uncomfortable


          I think you should make an appt. to get in and see your OB just for your own comfort. It is most likely the aches and pains of pregnancy, but you have nothing to lose by getting it checked out...and it will give you peace of mind.

          I'm probably being overly cautious, do want to make sure to take care of yourself.

          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #6
            Re: Physically Uncomfortable

            I honestly wouldn't think twice about mentioning those aches and pains to my OB. They're perfectly valid complaints and s/he might have some answers as to why you're feeling so crappy.

            I was definitely much more sore and achy during my pregnancy with DS#2, but (like Flynn said) I was also a lot busier what with chasing after a toddler all day long.

            Good luck, I hope you start to feel better soon ... or that the rest of the pregnancy goes by quickly!

            -Wife of urology attending.
            -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


            • #7
              Re: Physically Uncomfortable

              Thanks, everyone. I thought I was going kind of crazy--like maybe I have a bad recollection of my first pregnancy! Good to know that others have had varied experiences with their own pregnancies.

              I have an upcoming appointment soon, and I will mention this to my OB. She is just an awesome woman and I am sure she will take my concerns seriously. I always hestitate looking like a whiner, but she may be able to help, so at least give me a nodding gesture of sympathy!


              • #8
                Re: Physically Uncomfortable

                Originally posted by Flynn
                The other day DH asked what I was doing (very nicely) -- I was on the couch for more than 10 minutes with my feet up and my eyes closed. I wasn't reading, paying bills or folding laundry -- a usual given if I'm sitting still. I feel guilty relaxing if I'm not being productive too. I affectionately told him to back off -- "I am the giver of life. I am creating your second son. Right now I'm working on the ears and they are tricky so let me be!"
                Very good! I will have to use that line in the future!


                • #9
                  Re: Physically Uncomfortable

                  Yep, hurt more the second time. Felt like a broken down car, one week one wheel rattles, the next week the bumper starts to fall off, the next week bad noises are coming from the tail pipe It sounds totally normal, but I wouldn't feel bad to ask either. Twice in my last pregnancy my sciatica totally went ape and I almost couldn't walk for like a day, both times it past and have no clue what brought it on. Sometimes bringing life into the world is like 9 months of labor Don't worry you'll forget most of this when that wee one is in your arms, and later you'll totally forget and wonder if maybe you should have another


                  • #10
                    Re: Physically Uncomfortable

                    Every pregnancy is different, but those are real symptoms. I would call and ask for an appointment. They are probably pregnancy related, but I would check to make sure.
                    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                    • #11
                      Re: Physically Uncomfortable

                      Originally posted by Color_Me_Sulky
                      Twice in my last pregnancy my sciatica totally went ape and I almost couldn't walk for like a day . . .
                      You know what's making me completely nuts? My TMJ (a jaw disorder that causes jaw "clicking" and tooth grinding) has gone into triple overdrive. This happened with DS pregnancy, too. I am grinding so badly at night that it wakes me up. I have a bite plane to prevent tooth-to-tooth contact, but it attaches only to the front two teeth--so there is a "gap" of open space running between the two rows of teeth along my cheeks. My TMJ is so bad that, as I sleep, I am unconsciously sucking my cheek flesh through the gap, and grinding on my own cheek tissue! I have open sores at least an inch long on the interior side of each cheek. And if I don't wear the bite plane, I am so disabled in the morning by the resulting headache (from the tooth-on-tooth grinding) that I cannot function. It's sort of like I have to pick my preferred form of pain.

                      I keep telling myself: it's just nine months, and you're over halfway through! This too shall pass and she will all be worth it! And thanks for letting me complain!!

