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Cable vs Dish?

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  • #31
    Re: Cable vs Dish?

    I didn't read all of the other responses.

    But I must say, if your choice is between comcast and satellite....please choose satellite.

    Comcast is TERRIBLE.

    I just called them this a.m. because my bill is 30% higher this month. Guess my "triple play" was a one-year promotion -- phone, tv and internet. Chose that option because when we moved here it seemed so easy and needed a "home" phone for the alarm system we we installed.

    Comcast has been a nightmare. The phone service is terrible. I've spent more time on the phone (my cell that is) wrangling with them than I have on the comcast phone which is supposed to dial for help if our alarm goes off.

    Satellite can't be done well here because of the alley / interference / city life.

    But if you can do satellite and you don't need their phone (and mine doesn't reliably work) run fast and far from comcast.

    As a side note, their customer service reps are quite cagey and well-trained. They're well-prepared to handle the abuse that their parent company rightly deserves. That and my southern upbringing has kept me from releasing all my rage on those smucks.

    Instead, they have worn me down and I don't do anything other than write my check to them and shake my head each time that I pull the pen and the register out to do so.


    • #32
      Re: Cable vs Dish?

      Originally posted by uvagradk
      Instead, they have worn me down and I don't do anything other than write my check to them and shake my head each time that I pull the pen and the register out to do so.
      That is pretty much how I feel about Charter - cable just sucks! Our issue is we don't want to go to DSL.
      Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


      • #33
        Re: Cable vs Dish?

        Re: comcast. I literally spent over 3 hours ETA: on second thought it was more like 4 hours (seriously) on the phone (the cell b/c the comcast phone wasn't funcitional) one month in an effort to get them to understand and remedy our phone problems.

        The result of that effort was a "credit" which actually turned out to be a "debit" which necessitated more calls the following month to rectify.

        And nothing was done about the phone problems -- just me struggling to eliminate the "insult to injury" debit that was supposed to be a credit.


        • #34
          Re: Cable vs Dish?

          Almost everyone in our neighborhood has satellite, and all the houses are wired for Cable. So, that might be an indication of how the Comcast cable service is. The hi speed internet is fine, though. I haven't had any issues with them. Charter internet service sucks for my parents and siblings in the good old northwest though. It's pretty bad-- as in outages for over 3 days happening at least 1 time every 2 months.

          Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


          • #35
            Re: Cable vs Dish?

            We don't have cable, but when we moved in here our landlords and another neighbor warned us to avoid comcast.

