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Such a tragedy

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  • Such a tragedy

    Dr. Hiba is a GI doctor, in Fl.
    He & DH have been friends for a long time. I wanted us all to read this, especially those of us w/ pools.
    Please keep this family in your thoughts & is unimaginable what they are going through right now!

    Brooksville 1-Year-Old Drowns In Family Pool
    Tampa Bay Online
    updated 9:50 a.m. MT, Tues., May. 27, 2008
    A 1-year-old boy wiggled through an open but blocked sliding glass door and drowned in the family's Brooksville pool Monday morning.

    The Hernando County Sheriff's Office today identified the boy as Bisher Hiba, 4571 Golf Club Lane.

    The sheriff's office said the boy's three siblings, ages 10, 12 and 14, were inside the house watching the child while the parents were in another part of the home about 11 a.m.

    Two of the siblings were watching a movie while a third did homework, the sheriff's office said.

    The sliding glass door to the pool was open but blocked by a plastic barricade. The boy was able to maneuver between the barricade and door and made his way to the pool, the sheriff's office said.

    The siblings noticed the boy was missing and found him in the pool. They pulled him out, and the father, Rodwan Hiba, tried to revive the child until help arrived.

    The boy was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital in Tampa, where he was pronounced dead, the sheriff's office said.

    The sheriff's office is continuing to investigate but said it appears the drowning was an accident.


  • #2
    Re: Such a tragedy

    I am so, so sorry to hear this. It is absolutely heartbreaking. My thoughts are with the Hiba family.
    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


    • #3
      Re: Such a tragedy

      So so sad. My thoughts are with you and the family.


      • #4
        Re: Such a tragedy

        I saw this in your blog last night and was so sad. Pools are scary things IMO, I know in some parts of the country they're the norm but I knew a family that lost a child in a similar fashion when I was in high school. They filled their pool in, so very sad for everyone. They're in my prayers.
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #5
          Re: Such a tragedy

          Our pool was the the #1 reason why I didn't want to buy this place. The first thing we did was to have the pool fence installed. We got the soft sided four footer so they can't even climb it.


          I'm so sorry Suz.



          • #6
            Re: Such a tragedy

            So sad.
            Mom of 3, Veterinarian


            • #7
              Re: Such a tragedy

              My older sister was watching my parents' second child just for a few minutes when he drowned in a pond on their property. This was long before I was born, but it still makes an impression, knowing my family went through that. There are so many accidents that can happen, and it's hard to be there constantly to watch your kids, especially when the family is large.

              I am so sorry this happened to them. I hope the kids can cope with it ok.


              • #8
                Re: Such a tragedy

                I read your blog yesterday about this tragedy. So terribly sad. I am so sorry for the family.
                married to an anesthesia attending


                • #9
                  Re: Such a tragedy

                  Just awful. I'm so sorry for your friends, Suz.


                  • #10
                    Re: Such a tragedy

                    Oh how terrible, and we were just talking about this yesterday. Scary how fast something like that can happen.
                    I am so sorry


                    • #11
                      Re: Such a tragedy

                      That is just so sad. My heart goes out to their family.


                      • #12
                        Re: Such a tragedy

                        Oh Suz, I can't even imagine.

                        The family is in my prayers.


                        • #13
                          Re: Such a tragedy

                          Thanks for your thoughts and prayers...DH seems to be holding & cuddling our littlest a bit more than usual. DH & his friend were just speaking a couple weeks ago. the dad said Bisher, the drowning victim, had just started walking around his 1 yr b-day.
                          He told DH that they were all going to travel to Syria soon, and how the grandmother was soo excited to finally meet her newest grandchild. It just breaks my heart .
                          DH & I just can't get it out of our heads. I am soo worried about the older kids, they found him and began screaming for their parents, they had him out of the pool when the dad began CPR...there is just so many multiple layers to this loss.

                          I did put the padlock on the safety gate that leads out to the pool deck!
                          DS1 actually knows how to open the self locking safety latch, that's why I wanted the padlock.
                          We are installing safety alarms on the pool gate& the sliding glass door, which already has a safety lock handle, up high, that needs to be used if you want to get(again DS1 can pull up a chair and has figured out how to pull & push to open the door!


                          • #14
                            Re: Such a tragedy

                            Originally posted by Ladybug
                            Suz, my parents have an some kind of alarm on their pool. Even if their dog were to jump in the pool the alarm would go off. They are like motion detectors.
                            I know... I am looking into getting 2 of them: our spa is a higher elevation from the pool and spills over (H2O fall), an alarm on the main part wouldn't sound,if someone fell into the spa.


                            • #15
                              Re: Such a tragedy

                              wow I can't even horrible.

