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Sex Movie

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  • Sex Movie

    I am probably going to get boo-ed right off stage here, but...

    is there anyone else out there who does not give a DARN about anything having to do with "Sex and the City" and is SICK TO DEATH about "breaking news" alerts related to what one of the four ensemble actresses is wearing?

    There was a midnight showing of the movie at a swanky local theater a couple of blocks from our place. There was nearly a traffic jam between all the women (NO MEN ANYWHERE, by the way) and the TV vans and camera crews. It was the LEAD STORY this morning on the local news.

    All about a twitty, self-absorbed, NY "journalist" character with petty, boring, superficial "problems."

    ***I can hear the boos and hisses rising in the background...***

  • #2
    Re: Sex Movie

    When the hype has died down a bit, I'm going to go see it with my brother and dh. I actually like that people get excited about things - whether it be the newest HP book, the iphone, or Wiis. Whatever floats your boat.

    I loved the show - one of my guilty pleasures when dh is on call!
    married to an anesthesia attending


    • #3
      Re: Sex Movie

      Nope. You are the only one in the world who doesn't follow SitC. All the cool kids know exactly what Carrie and...S[mumblemumble] know, the others, are up to.

      As I've mentioned elsewhere, I don't do cable TV. I don't know nothing 'bout no Sex in the City, Sopranos...what else are the kids watching these days? :huh:

      But it certainly doesn't hurt my feelings that others are on to the Latest Big Thing.


      • #4
        Re: Sex Movie

        I've never seen it either, I'll probably add the show and the movie to my Netflix list but won't be going to see it.
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #5
          Re: Sex Movie

          Originally posted by spotty_dog
          SitC . . .

          But it certainly doesn't hurt my feelings that others are on to the Latest Big Thing.
          There's an official "text paging"-type abbreviation for it? Holy cow. I think it's official, then: this is a phenomenon.

          Oh, my feelings aren't hurt. I am just tired of the coverage--and the apparent inability of the media to recognize irony. In the same breath that they are getting bent out of shape with concern about whether Hillary Clinton is the victim of sexism, they are covering the story of the opening of a movie that glorifies female vapidness.

          I do really like Chris Noth, though. If it were any other movie with him in it, I'd probably go see it.


          • #6
            Re: Sex Movie

            Actually, the characters aren't vapid. Some are shallow, yes, but one is a lawyer, one is a writer, one is a PR person, and one is an art curator of some kind. I was never a huge fan - have watched maybe 10 episodes - but as we all know fashion and shoes aren't my thing. The dialogue was generally well-written and funny, although the Samantha character bugged me.

            The abbreviation is SATC (Sex AND the City , not IN the City), and it's been in the headlines for a couple of weeks that way.


            • #7
              Re: Sex Movie

              Originally posted by Jane
              The abbreviation is SATC (Sex AND the City , not IN the City), and it's been in the headlines for a couple of weeks that way.


              • #8
                Re: Sex Movie

                I am going with a bunch of girlfriends. To me, ya'll know I don't care a bit about fashion, but it's We're going to go see the movie without our men and kids and go have a drink afterward. Who cares about what they're wearing! It gives me an excuse to go have fun with some friends.
                Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                • #9
                  Re: Sex Movie

                  I've seen maybe two episodes, and probably won't see the movie either. I'm not bothered by the hype, though. I can see how fans would get excited about it, so if they want to do up the craziness, well ... let 'em. :huh:

                  -Wife of urology attending.
                  -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                  • #10
                    Re: Sex Movie

                    It's purely escapist fun. Entertainment!!!
                    Come on, people!

                    The characters in Seinfeld were just as annoying and were just as promiscuous as the SATC gals. :huh: Just throwing that out there. I think women can be pretty hard on each other.
                    married to an anesthesia attending


                    • #11
                      Re: Sex Movie

                      I've seen every episode (via DVD). The show's run was pretty concurrent with my years in NYC, so it's a show that has some meaning to me, lots of things I love and hate about it. (Mostly love, but I think you have to take it for what it is--a half-hour sitcom, not a documentary.)

                      But I agree, the movie is a bit overhyped. Typical of a summer movie, as others have pointed out.
                      Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
                      Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

                      “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
                      Lev Grossman, The Magician King


                      • #12
                        Re: Sex Movie

                        I never watched the show, but maybe would eventually rent the movie to see what the fuss is about. I find SJP very annoying though so we'll see (yes I have read enough trashy magazines to know that abbreviation!).

                        Hope those of you who are going have fun nights out with your girlfriends!


                        • #13
                          Re: Sex Movie

                          My colleague and her girlfriends are renting a limo, dressing up, drinking cosmos and celebrating womenhood.

                          I've never seen it because we don't have HBO. and the time that I do waste in front of the idiot box I save for Andrew Zimmeran and Anthony Bourdain.



                          • #14
                            Re: Sex Movie

                            Originally posted by DCJenn
                            I save for Andrew Zimmeran and Anthony Bourdain.

                            I'm watching Anthony Bourdain right now (okay - right before now) as I was folding laundry. I love that show!! Andrew Zimmer totally creeps me out and I refuse to watch him. Add to that that the few things he's had on the show that I've eaten are the ONLY things he says taste gross. That guy's palette is in backwards or something.


                            • #15
                              Re: Sex Movie

                              I've never seen it, either, but the hype hasn't bothered me too much.....if there were a movie based on a show that I loved coming out, I would want to know all about it. Unfortunately, there are no plans (that I know of) to take Rockford to the big screen. :huh:

                              Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                              "I don't know when Dad will be home."

