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Best zoo?

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  • #16
    Re: Best zoo?

    As with everything else in the world, there are good and bad zoos. The Alaska Zoo in Anchorage had an elephant (Maggie) in a teeny-tiny building (well, teeny-tiny for an elephant). An elephant should not be in that climate -- and she had hardly any space to move. It was really sad to see.

    I'm happy to report she was moved to a more appropriate locale recently.


    • #17
      Re: Best zoo?

      I'm not saying that they should release the animals that are already in zoos. There'd be no way for them to survive.

      I'm curious how many of the animals are rescue animals. That would be an interesting statistic.
      married to an anesthesia attending


      • #18
        Re: Best zoo?

        Originally posted by Jane
        As with everything else in the world, there are good and bad zoos. The Alaska Zoo in Anchorage had an elephant (Maggie) in a teeny-tiny building (well, teeny-tiny for an elephant). An elephant should not be in that climate -- and she had hardly any space to move. It was really sad to see.

        I'm happy to report she was moved to a more appropriate local recently.
        Yes, yes, I agree. I just see a lot of injured, rescued animals that my dad deals with that would never survive otherwise. Its nice to see them have an option.
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #19
          Re: Best zoo?

          Look, no arguments from me about what should or shouldn't be done with the animals, where they came from or where they're going or whatever. But when you see a 500 pound cat behind bars eating kitty chow, it kinda tugs at the ol' heartstrings, especially when you know that more cutting-edge zoos are doing bigger and better things with stimulating enclosures and natural diets and the like. :huh:

          I loved the elephant house at the Anchorage Zoo when I was a kid. I think I got to see Annabelle painting once.


          • #20
            Re: Best zoo?

            I like the Milwaukee Zoo. They are really doing a lot to improve the habitats and make them bigger and more realistic. In addition to the camel rides, they also have a miniature train that runs throughout the park. It is a neat experience.

            But, my favorite zoo is the Henry Vilas Zoo in Madison, WI. It is small, but FREE! The habitats are outstandng for the size and resources.


            • #21
              Re: Best zoo?

              Alison, I think the Portland zoo might be better than when you last saw it. They are bringing in a big cat exhibit, or at least trying to raise funds for it. The newer exhibits are nice. The primate house is still the concrete blah but I hope they fix that too. I like the Seattle zoo better than the Portland zoo. I haven't been to the San Diego or DC zoos in ages but recall liking them both.

              I hated seeing the tigers at the Denver zoo pace back and forth. Pace, pace, pace. Made me feel nervous. The tigers in the zoo here seem much more relaxed.


              • #22
                Re: Best zoo?

                Originally posted by Ladybug
                "The wild?!?!"

                Definitely what I think of when I hear "the wild" these days.

                I didn't mean to start a debate. Zoos serve to familiarize and educate and are the only way a good portion of the population will ever see most of the non-domesticated animals. I meant it like Alison, that my heart and throat tighten a little with the sight of a wild animal in a cage.


                • #23
                  Re: Best zoo?

                  Originally posted by Jane
                  As with everything else in the world, there are good and bad zoos. The Alaska Zoo in Anchorage had an elephant (Maggie) in a teeny-tiny building (well, teeny-tiny for an elephant). An elephant should not be in that climate -- and she had hardly any space to move. It was really sad to see.

                  I'm happy to report she was moved to a more appropriate locale recently.
                  Yup. I was there and got to see her just a couple weeks before they moved her last year. I don't know the whole story, but she had some big sores on her side, and the building really was pretty small. It was snowing while I was there, and the elephant house was the only indoor place for humans, so I hung out for a little while and watched her pace. I was glad to hear later that she was being moved to somewhere warmer with other elephants. I don't know that Anchorage is a *bad* zoo, per se, but they are very small.
                  Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                  • #24
                    Re: Best zoo?

                    Disclaimer: I haven't been to a lot of zoos.

                    I am partial to the Philly Zoo. They have a great Primate House, which is brand new and allows you to get superclose to the animals. It replaces one that burnt down over a decade ago (really, really sad story - a lot of primates were lost). I also really like the big cats exhibit and the cool tortoise who uses a dolly to get around. They are in the process of refurbishing the bird exhibit area. There lots of areas to picnic and the free roaming peacocks will attempt to join you for lunch.

                    You can also ride a camel, plant in a garden, or soar (up to a predetermined height) on a balloon ride. There is also a Treehouse that offers opportunities to stay overnight in the Zoo and learn what exactly happens behind-the-scenes. I believe this may be for members only, I am not 100% sure. So, in order to make up for the info I lack, this is their website:
                    Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


                    • #25
                      Re: Best zoo?

                      Originally posted by poky
                      I don't know that Anchorage is a *bad* zoo, per se, but they are very small.
                      I had no other problems with the zoo besides Maggie and her accomodations. I did think it was overpriced for such a small ... and let's face it ... not terribly impressive zoo. But most of Anchorage is overpriced. :huh:


                      • #26
                        Re: Best zoo?

                        Originally posted by Jane
                        I had no other problems with the zoo besides Maggie and her accomodations. I did think it was overpriced for such a small ... and let's face it ... not terribly impressive zoo. But most of Anchorage is overpriced. :huh:
                        Sheesh. Tell me about it. I thought it was bad when I was staying there in the winter. My coworker's trying to get me up there for a couple weeks this summer, but MAN. Everything's *twice* as expensive as it was in the winter. Cheapest hotel room the HR person could find for me? Over $200/night.

                        Back to zoos: The zoo in Phoenix had a ray-petting pool open when we were there; that was pretty cool.
                        Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                        • #27
                          Re: Best zoo?

                          Originally posted by GrayMatterWife
                          Originally posted by planet
                          I haven't been to a ton of zoos, but the San Diego and St. Louis zoos top my list too. . . .
                          I also vouch for the St. Louis Zoo. It is really nice and FREE!! DH, my FIL and DS went just yesterday.
                          Hey Abigail, we were there Sunday too! I even thought about you while we in STL. We were passing through on our way to Champaign and since it was DD's bday we decided to stop and spend the day at the zoo.

                          I enjoyed the STL zoo and one of my other favorites is the Miami zoo. DH and I were able rent bikes so it was cool to bike through instead of walk through. Especially since we were there in July and it was HOT!
                          Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


                          • #28
                            Re: Best zoo?

                            we run a very well established zoo in our home!


                            • #29
                              Re: Best zoo?

                              Annie, I just saw your have such a beautiful (and photogenic!) family.

