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what are you doing for Father's Day?

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  • what are you doing for Father's Day?

    I haven't decided yet. I have an idea for DH now, but my dad & FIL are more of a challenge. I got my FIL a leather-bound journal last year for a road trip he was taking to childhood spots. I wish he were doing something similar this year... I guess getting his PhD should give me some ideas, but that's not very father-ish. :huh:

  • #2
    Re: what are you doing for Father's Day?

    I'm giving DH a new hammock. We have a stand but the current hammock popped a string or two. I need to go buy it!

    I have no idea what I'll give my dad. His birthday is two weeks later so I need to be working on that as well.


    • #3
      Re: what are you doing for Father's Day?

      DH is getting a coffee mug with a collage of pictures of the kids on it from Snapfish. My dad and FIL will get cards. In years past we've had everyone over for a BBQ at our house, we haven't talked yet about whether we're going to do that again this year.

      Annie, your trip sounds fun!!

      -Wife of urology attending.
      -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


      • #4
        Re: what are you doing for Father's Day?

        DH is getting a watch, my dad got a joint gift with my mom which we gave them at Mother's Day, I have no idea what we'll get FIL. I need to get DH thinking on that.
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #5
          Re: what are you doing for Father's Day?

          My husband can sit and admire the new fence.

          Actually, its the Texas Folklife Festival that weekend across the street at the HemisFair plaza which is always fun. It's a bunch of different ethnic foods/drinks/music all day for three days. Although my husband usually stays firmly planted in front of the Belgium stand, drinking the Belgian beer.

          Yet one more time when I'm glad we live downtown.


          ETA: I'm stumped for my Dad. He's painful to shop for because anything he wants, he gets. and until he gets his cataracts fixed, he doesn't want books. ARGH.


          • #6
            Re: what are you doing for Father's Day?

            E is getting a bike so he can ride with J. He may even get a putter. My MIL owes us some $. I got my stepdad Tiger Woods 08 for the wii [it was his bday/fday gift] and we got E's stepdad a laser putter from the red envelope. We don't buy for my dad or his.


            • #7
              Re: what are you doing for Father's Day?

              My dad (mom too) will be in town for my brother's graduation. He's already worried that it'll be too hot for him here. We'll have my parents over for brunch. It'll all be about my daddy that day.
              married to an anesthesia attending


              • #8
                Re: what are you doing for Father's Day?

                This was being asked on a parenting site I use and one of the mum's put up a poem she used last year about father and child, its beautiful. So may use that on one side of a photo frame with a picture of the children on the otherside

                ETA: this is the poem:
                “Walk a little slower, Dad”,
                Said a child so small,
                “I’m following in your footsteps
                And I don’t want to fall.

                Sometimes your steps are very fast,
                Sometimes they’re hard to see;
                So walk a little slower, Dad
                For you are leading me.

                Someday when I’m all grown up
                You’re what I want to be.
                Then I will have a little child
                Who’ll want to follow me.

                And I will want to lead just right
                And know that I was true;
                So walk a little slower, Dad
                For I must follow you”.


                • #9
                  Re: what are you doing for Father's Day?

                  That poem made me think of this one, I can't remember if I've posted it here before or not.

                  My Daddy M.D.

                  Whenever Daddy signs his name he always writes M.D.
                  So people will all know that he belongs to me.
                  For M.D. means “My Daddy” or something just the same.
                  And that is why he always puts these letters in his name.
                  Some letter in his name are small, but these are not you see.
                  He always makes them big like that because he’s so proud of me.
                  Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                  • #10
                    Re: what are you doing for Father's Day?

                    Aww thats so cute, and so appropriate!!!


                    • #11
                      Re: what are you doing for Father's Day?

                      Originally posted by cupcake
                      I'm giving DH a new hammock. We have a stand but the current hammock popped a string or two. I need to go buy it!
                      OMG! Bingo! We played on a hammock in DC and DH mentioned something about getting one...he has a lot of free time in June, I bet he'd love it!

                      Originally posted by Suzy Sunshine
                      That poem made me think of this one, I can't remember if I've posted it here before or not.
                      I printed that one out for DH last year and "signed" it by tracing Eddy's hand.


                      • #12
                        Re: what are you doing for Father's Day?


                        Originally posted by "Suzy Sunshine":b1ae0
                        That poem made me think of this one, I can't remember if I've posted it here before or not.
                        I printed that one out for DH last year and "signed" it by tracing Eddy's hand. [/quote:b1ae0]

                        That's how I told DH I was pg, printed it out and left it on his spot on the kitchen table. Someday I'll get him a nice print of it for his office.
                        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                        • #13
                          Re: what are you doing for Father's Day?

                          Unfortunately I'm missing yet another holiday along with Mom and Dad's birthdays this month. Darn med school. Oh well. I guess a phone call will have to do.

                          Please everyone, enjoy your Dad this year for those of us that can't be with our dads this year!!
                          Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
                          "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


                          • #14
                            Re: what are you doing for Father's Day?

                            I am actually waiting for my dad to call. Thanks guys - you reminded me that I need to ask him what he wants! His first response is usually gift card. I push him a bit - "is there something you need?" Then I usually get a better response. I am hoping to perhaps get him something travel related. He has been doing a lot of traveling to Minneapolis for work this year.

                            Not exactly sure how we're going to celebrate Father's Day. My stepmom's 50th birthday (and their anniversary) is the Wednesday after, so I am hoping that we will kill three birds with one stone that Sunday. I love them, but I don't want to make that drive twice in one week. :guilty:
                            Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


                            • #15
                              Re: what are you doing for Father's Day?

                              I am unsure whether to do nothing like DH did for my first mothers day, or get him something really good to make him feel bad :>
                              At least the British fathers day is the same as here so I don't forget my Dad (mother's day is different and I always forget without all the reminders in stores etc )

