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Kris is TOO NICE

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  • Kris is TOO NICE

    OK you guys, she'll never admit it-

    but, we're putting out the newsletter again, and she's paying for the postage herself.

    So, I'm going to play hardball because I'm not as nice as she is! Please consider donating to help her defray the costs. Effective January, 2003, the newsletter will be subscription based- more info to come on that- but, there's a mechanism to donate a dollar now. If you've received any of the previous newsletters or are on the list now, please submit the cost of postage! Every little bit helps!

    Remember, she's on the road to financial recovery, too! She shouldn't have to foot the entire bill!


    OK, Kris, PM me and yell all you want- I know you're going to poo-poo everyone and tell them its not a big deal. BUT IT IS. (and yes, I'm yelling!)

  • #2

    You are too funny! But you are right. I did it -- it only took about three minutes, so come on you guys. Having access to this forum and the newsletters is DEFINITELY cheaper than therapy!

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


    • #3

      You guys are pretty funny. Actually, I'm feeling a bit depressed about this..I wanted this to be something that is free for all spouses because...let's face it...everyone is struggling financially. We've had so many new subscribers though that the cost is becoming an issue......That's sort of a good news/bad news thing.

      I tried really, really hard over the last few months to conjure up some advertising support. I went to retailers, residency programs and drug companies. Here's the problem: The newsletter is still too small to be of interest to the big companies in an advertising capacity...yet....and because we didn't go through the legal hoopla to get an NFP, we aren't eligible for any types of grants.

      I even tried to get some gift certificates this year from restaurants for a free dinner (TGI Fridays, Bennigans...) and Gymboree to add to the newsletter as a Christmas gift and the standard response that I got was that we did not meet the legal guidelines and they couldn't do it.....not that it wasn't a good idea, blah, blah, blah...come back when you are an NFP.

      Putting together an NFP is also a financial investment and requires paperwork where the i's are all dotted/t's all crossed. We're really trying to figure out where to go with it. Any suggestions/help in that regard are WELCOME!

      I did set up the paypal newsletter thingy on the front page. I calculated that it costs $6.50/year to send out the newsletter to one person...this is because of 1. copying costs and 2. mailing costs. Multiply this by 100 and it comes out to....well, $650/year...which has my husband freaking out! 8)

      I feel terrible about this and I have really tried so many different avenues. I hate to go back to an email newsletter...because I always dump the email newsletters that I subscribe to. I like to physically hold and read something and tuck it away.....I'm the same way about books and journals...

      I hope that you guys aren't mad

      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


      • #4
        Please tell me how to donate. Remember I'm not very computer savvy so you have to spell it out!!!! Kris, you can privately email me and I'll send you a check - please, I want to. I would rather give you a check that a therapist.
        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


        • #5
          Hi Kris-

          Are you using a specific program for the newsletter? (i.e., Quark, Word). Have you thought about having the newsletter as a PDF that each user can print themselves? This would save the cost of copying and mailing. I know you said that you don't like the email newsletter idea, but if it's a PDF and the user has access to a printer (for me, I have a nice color printer at work) then they can print it out themselves. For those who can't print it themselves, they can either read it online as a PDF (which is actually pretty nice) or you can have them pay you for the cost of printing and mailing.

          Just an idea...

          P.S. I'd be happy to contribute the money to cover costs as well!


          • #6
            I would be happy to send you a check also if you would give me an address. Since i have been on the list (only about 9 days) I have already releaved so much stress. I feel that the $6.50 would be a good investment to my sanity. Since i just joined the list I have not gotten any news letters, but I would really like to. Therefore I would be happy to donate the money to cover my letters. Just let me know where to send it to. Thanks,
            Lauren Clark


            • #7
              Kris, I don't think anyone is going to be mad about this. It is a small price to pay if we spread it out! Please let us know more forcefully when you need money for this. You spend so much time on the website and the forum -- we don't intend for you to spend all your money on us as well! When someone joins, can you set it up somehow that they get an automated message about the costs? The reason I hadn't done it before now is that I hardly ever go to the website, I just come directly to the forums. I thought it might take a long time to get signed up to do PayPal, but it was quick and easy. Just keep after us!

              Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

              "I don't know when Dad will be home."


              • #8

                I told you so...



                • #9
                  I'm still waiting for some direction!!!
                  p.s. do you realize therapy is at least $125 and hour here. I am online many hours PER WEEK>
                  wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                  "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                  • #10

                    Go to the website ( and there is a thing to click on the first page that comes up that says "donate a dollar". Click on that and follow the directions from that point on. You will have to create an account at PayPal, so you will have to give credit card information, as well as your name, address, and phone number. It is secure and will require you to choose a password. Once you do that, you choose how much you want to donate and you pay PayPal -- PayPal will then pay the medical spouse network. PayPal is what a lot of people use for Ebay transactions and I have never heard of any security problems with them. Does this help?

                    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                    • #11
                      I'll subscribe and pay $6.50 to get a support newsletter. Should I do the donate-a-dollar thing, or should I send a check? Oh, and how do I subscribe, actually?

                      Also, the PDF file is a good alternative if that doesn't work out. A lot of companies are doing that these days.


                      • #12
                        Once you access the Paypal account you can choose to donate any amount. $6.50 covers the costs of the newsletter so that willmost certainly do. Then , make sure that Kris has your address!



                        • #13

                          the address is on the newsletter....

                 can we get this thread to stop being an announcement?


                          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

