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who else is moving this month?

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  • who else is moving this month?

    If there's already a topic on this, please inform me. I need sympathy!

    We're moving out of state for fellowship. We have about half the house packed - including a few items I wish I hadn't packed yet, but not too many.

    Is anyone using movers? I think DH is just going to have them help load the big stuff (piano, dressers, etc.). His family is coming to help us with the little boxes and with driving all the vehicles.

    I'm trying not to plan anything for that last week. We have residency graduation on the 21st, and moving day is the 23rd.

    I hope when we move back, we get a relocation package.

  • #2
    Re: who else is moving this month?

    We are. The powers that be have graciously allowed DH to have June 30th off (a Monday). He's finishing his fellowship on Friday, June 27th. We're flying to Massachusetts on the 29th, closing on our new house on the 30th, and he's starting his new job on July 1st.

    Our current place is on the market but will never sell. We're paying for movers, even if we have to charge it, because I am way too old to be schlepping my stuff.


    • #3
      Re: who else is moving this month?

      Yep, we're moving, too. We should have the trailer packed by Thursday, graduation is Friday, and we're heading out on Saturday.

      Blech. I hate moving. :banghead:


      • #4
        Re: who else is moving this month?

        we're moving 200km south. have only packed 4 boes so far and haven't booked the moving company yet.


        • #5
          Re: who else is moving this month?

          No- we are actually still in the same house that we've lived in since December '06. Crazy.

          Of course, we're military so all bets are off.



          • #6
            Re: who else is moving this month?

            No moves here. I hate moving. You have my sympathy and wishes for an easy move.


            • #7
              Re: who else is moving this month?

              We are moving on the 23rd too.
              We are going to be U-hauling it, and will probably be packing last minute as usual.


              • #8
                Re: who else is moving this month?

                Yep - u-haul here, too, their biggest truck this time. It's amazing to me how having kids has tripled our belongings.

                I'm sure we'll have a lot of last-minute packing, just because we have a formal dinner right before we leave, and the kids are going with us. It's not easy having everyone perfectly preened and ready to show off if we're living out of boxes.

                We'll have lots of hands helping us on packing day. I can't tell you how nervous that makes me. I like knowing just where everything is. But I guess we'll sort it all out when we get there, and if someone loses something, I'll just have to deal with it.

                As long as we get both of our kids loaded in, we're all good.


                • #9
                  Re: who else is moving this month?

                  We're doing a local move in two weeks and are moving out of state in early August. We'll live out of a few boxes in the interim. Yay.

                  Like Marolatry, we're hiring movers. BTDT on the U-haul. No flippin' way am I moving my own crap again. I do my own packing though.

                  You have my sympathies! Moving sucks!


                  • #10
                    Re: who else is moving this month?

                    Originally posted by BonBon
                    Like Marolatry, we're hiring movers. BTDT on the U-haul. No flippin' way am I moving my own crap again. I do my own packing though.

                    You have my sympathies! Moving sucks!

                    Yeah, we opted to NOT drive a flippin' U-Haul cross country. The gas alone would have killed our moving budget. ABF's U-Pack program was much more affordable...and I don't have to drive the stupid thing, either.


                    • #11
                      Re: who else is moving this month?

                      Add me to the list this month. At the end of the month we move from England back to Texas. Yay! We have our things in two storage units. I'm going to be digging for summer clothes and other needed items when we get back. A majority of our stuff is going to stay put in storage until we get our residency match next year. Just 9 months to go!

                      Best of luck with everyones respective moves!
                      Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
                      "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


                      • #12
                        Re: who else is moving this month?

                        We just moved 2 days ago from Albuquerque to Champaign. It's only for a month so DH could do the prep program for Step 1. We loaded up the Honda and drove for two days. Since this is primarily a college town there were lots of furnished places to sublet. Now it's just buying the little things that are adding up quickly.

                        Between the recent flood we had at our house, our vacation, and this, by the time July rolls around we will have lived in our house less than 8 weeks and have moved 5 times. I HATE MOVING!!!! :banghead:

                        Off to find a happy place........
                        Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


                        • #13
                          Re: who else is moving this month?

                          diggitydot -- we have done 2 moves with ABF. Obviously, we have been happy with that option. The first time, I priced it out and doing U-Haul was only slightly less by the time you figured in gas, gas for the other car, and an extra night hotel stay since it would take longer. Totally worth it. The other time, we were moving my MILs stuff here from Wisconsin. Both times, the truck got here right when they said it would.

                          I do have one issue with their trucks. I guess that they don't have the "air ride" or super-duper suspension that other moving trucks do so you can get more vibrational rubbing and damage. When you pack the truck, make sure that you have a something between any items that could rub or shift. I think it is fine with a little extra padding.

                          There is another company that does a similar type of move -- Broadway or Broadway Express? Can't remember the name right now.

                          I'm having moving PTSD! I better get away from this thread!


                          • #14
                            Re: who else is moving this month?

                            Originally posted by cupcake
                            diggitydot -- we have done 2 moves with ABF. Obviously, we have been happy with that option. The first time, I priced it out and doing U-Haul was only slightly less by the time you figured in gas, gas for the other car, and an extra night hotel stay since it would take longer. Totally worth it. The other time, we were moving my MILs stuff here from Wisconsin. Both times, the truck got here right when they said it would.

                            I do have one issue with their trucks. I guess that they don't have the "air ride" or super-duper suspension that other moving trucks do so you can get more vibrational rubbing and damage. When you pack the truck, make sure that you have a something between any items that could rub or shift. I think it is fine with a little extra padding.

                            We used them for our move from PDX to PHX and had a great experience, too. They delivered exactly when they said they would, charged us a couple hundred dollars less than quoted, etc. But yeah, you have to be careful about how you pack things because they won't touch it once the bulkhead is put in. On our way down here we only lost our little cheapie microwave, but that was because we packed it stupidly. For this move, we're only taking essentials and ditching a ton of crap that just isn't worth moving again.


                            • #15
                              Re: who else is moving this month?

                              Wow, what is ABF? I will look into that one....... Everywhere we priced was miles higher than a u haul. We rented a penske truck at $296 for a 26 ft truck. Even if gas was $1000 which I highly doubt, how can movers beat that?
                              Mom to three wild women.

