We haven't done this in a while and with all of the people moving and setting up house and home (again) I thought we should all think of a few things that we absolutely will not live without.
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Things I love
Re: Things I love
I will start:
1) The LLBean dog collars with name and address sewn into the collar. It's great because I have an escape artist and I don't have to worry about her tags getting caught on fences and the like. (I keep the rabies tags on the leash for safe-keeping)
http://cdni.llbean.com/is/image/wim/234 ... 30&hei=295
2) Mary Kay tinted moisturizer/sunscreen. Love the stuff, especially here in South Texas
3) http://www.greenling.com local, organic foods delivered to my door. If you're in Austin or nearby- check them out. Today's "local box" contained: about 3 pounds of carrots, bibb lettuce, romaine lettuce, a butternut squash, okra (at least a pound), three limes, cucumbers, beets, fennel, cabbage, flat leaf parsley, shallot shoots, leaks, two huge tomatoes. The "artisanal box" contained: fresh cheese, a half dozen eggs, two croissants from an Austin bakery, two fresh chocolate chip cookies (same bakery), and a loaf of ciabatta bread.
4) my Dyson (you knew he'd make the list)
and 5) Swifter dusters. Yes, I know that they aren't environmentally friendly but I've been living with an unpaved street for a year and they're the only thing that has been successful in getting up the layers of dust and ick.
Re: Things I love
I'll have to think about this, but off the top of my head, in no particular order:
1. My Keurig coffee maker, I think I first heard about it here from Trisha. DH and I both LOVE it, and we no longer waste coffee because it was too old.
2. My OXO Salad Spinner from Williams Sonoma. That thing is absolutely wonderful. I am sure I have saved a fortune by not throwing out lettuce because it sat too long in the refridgerator. It works for other veggies too.
3. My Dyson, I have two dogs, two cats, need I say more?
4. Line of credit at Home Depot and Lowes!!!!!Luanne
wife, mother, nurse practitioner
"You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)
Re: Things I love
1. Laptop
2. Digital camera
3. cell phone
It's amazing what you can do without when you have to.Wife to PGY5.Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009.
Cat mommy since 2002
"“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"
Re: Things I love
1. computer- with speed dial to imsn
2. lately, cell phone that exceeds phone plan minutes.
3. car dvd player
4. king size bed to hold kids during crazy thunderstorms
5. pizza cutter- used to cut pancakes, quesadillas, pizza, you name, I use it.
6. Clif bars and Diet Pepsi- Breakfast of Champions
7. Asics Running Shoes-saves my sanity, kills my feet.Needs
Re: Things I love
FOOD- I just love food. I love to eat. It will be a problem of mine till the end of time. I love good food. Hell, I even love mediocre food. Yes, I have eaten too much of some things that I don't even particularly love.
-Confessions of a food addict
Adventure - I love the adrenaline rush of doing something new and maybe even a little scary. From clliff diving and river rafting to golf and amusement parks, ballroom dancing and cooking, I like to experience a ton of different things, and I am up for almost anything once.
My kids - They are the best people in the world, and I am proud to be their mother.
My husband - He's my best friend. What can I say?
TiVO - Yup, there's my huband, kids, food, and TiVO, which is the best invention ever second to...
High speed internet - What the hell did I do before the internet??Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.
Re: Things I love
My knives
German appliances (dishwasher, washer/dryer, and vacuum cleaners) - one day...
My dutch oven
In the summer, Vietnamese food (so light and fresh!)
A good burger
lychee nuts
Hawaiimarried to an anesthesia attending
Re: Things I love
dh, my babes, my dogs, cell phone, my travel mug that allows me to have a large cup of hot coffee last me 2hrs. amy, my hair stylist friend who hooks me up with highlights, color, cuts, eyebrows, and pedis for a very tiny fee or free....and she will even babysit in a pinch! my computer/internet. my comfy king bed, my chi flat iron. all my awesome friends online and off. my contact lenses.~shacked up with an ob/gyn~
Re: Things I love
I'm going to steal part of Alison's list.
I lurve my German vacuum. It is near instant gratification for cleaning the house. Not German w/d but I was just thinking the other day how nice it is to have a washer and dryer and one that works so well at that.
I have been dreaming of Hawaii, especially with this crappy weather. The stuff of many a daydream.
Now I am craving Vietnamese food! I don't have dinner plans but now I think I am going to make a Vietnamese grilled chicken and spring rolls. The kids love rolling their own.
Re: Things I love
Now that we've had to move so many times this year, I've got this list down pat.
1. DH and the girls of course
2. Cable and our DVR. I don't have the DVR where we're currently at and I'm miserable. Live TV SUCKS! I hate commercials and not being able to watch my shows when I'm good and ready.
3. High speed internet
4. Pizza stone from Pampered Chef. I use that thing for everything.
5. Call me vain, but I need the whole palette of all my eyeshadows (there's 16 different colors), makeup brush set, skincare products, and rest of my makeup bag that has eye and lip liners, lipglosses, lipsticks and mascara.
6. My favorite strapless convertible Victoria's Secret bra.Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters