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Best Programs? Worst Programs?

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  • Best Programs? Worst Programs?

    I know that when my partner and I started looking at programs, we were hard pressed to find some 'real' information about some of the programs! I was just curious to know how (as a spouse) you all would rank the programs where you ended up at!

    My partner is a Peds Resident at UC Davis in Sacramento, CA.

    Overall, I would say it's a great program so far. Hardest rotations she has been through: the PICU, the NICU, and Hem/Onc. For the NICU, it was Q4... and that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Her intern class retreat was last week in Napa Valley... not too shabby! Her work days aren't as long as I thought they would be... This is much better than Tulane (which she also looked at) which required basically 3 years of Q4. Interns here end up with about 5 weeks of vacation (they do start a week early and get about 4-5 days off around Christmas or New Years PLUS 4 wks vacation).

    I'm still waiting for this 'awful Intern year' that I have heard so much about!! Does it not happen with Peds???? Or is my partner just walking around with a white cloud over her head? (which, yes.... she thinks she is!)

    So.... overall... and almost 6 months into Intern Year, I would rate this program highly.... on the spouse end of things (From her medical perspective.... she loves it here. )

    I just thought it would be interesting to hear what everyone thought of their partners/spouses/boyfriends/girlfriends/whatevers programs!


  • #2

    This is a great lead in for the residency reviews stuff...
    We had a database going for awhile that I'm slowly transfering over.

    It's so interesting to read about everyone's experiences!

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


    • #3
      Residency Reviews

      If you're not aware of this site, check out - it has reviews of several programs by participants. Encourage your spouses and their colleagues to get on and add their $0.02!!!
      Enabler of DW and 5 kids
      Let's go Mets!


      • #4

        Scutwork is awesome...they have great perspecitve over there...we just did some little pools about the experience from the spouse's perspective...including comments about schools, community, cost of living, etc...not nearly the same quality...

        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


        • #5
          It depends-
          Intern year- my sentiments were "I have a spouse?" We were questioning as to whether or not Matt was going to be at the hospital for Emma's birth. With that said the Univ CO IM dept was great in rearranging Matt's schedule so he could have a couple extra days off so he could be home with his new daughter, as she was born the last day of his vacation (he submitted his request in June 2001, and Emma was born 13 Jan 2002). Hmm pretty hard to plan "vacation" when your s/o is expecting a baby, and they come on their own time table.

          Anesthesia (R2)- AWESOME!!! I would have to vote "It rocks!!" Matt gets weekends off, the post call day off. Today he was on-call and didn't have to be at the hospital until 3 pm, and he will come home at 7 am, and have the entire day off! How lucky am I?! Matt has time to study, spend time with his family. The program is great- they pay for a conference a year for Matt to attend. So next year we are going to plan for Matt to attend CRASH (Colorado Review of Anestheia and Ski Holiday) in Vail, CO. As long as the program is paying for a conference for Matt to attend, he might as well get some snowboarding/skiing in, and do it for a week!
          This year compared to last year is 100% better- for Matt personally, and for our marriage.

          Gas, and 4 kids


          • #6

            I agree, peds residency is pretty much cake compared to what our compatriots here go through. I thought internship year sucked but it was only because he was miserable for additonal reasons besides the actual medicine part of it! (See my diary entry for internship)

            and let me tell you, third year is absolutely wonderful. As a matter of fact, I kind of miss the call nights! He's on-call a total of five times this month. 8 last month. Hello? Where's my alone in my bed with all of my animals and all of my books and magazines time?! (Just kidding- sort of)


