When did your milk come in? I can't remember!!!!! Amy's son was born on Wed. at 11:31 am and she is really worried that her milk hasn't come in yet. I told her it would be a few days, but I made that up!!!! I don't remember.
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Breastfeeding Help
Re: Breastfeeding Help
Cora was born early Friday morning (6:35), and my milk came in kind of overnight on Monday night. (ETA: I forgot about the C-section. My experience was for a non-C-section birth.)
That first week was so weird--I was worried, too, but really everything was going great.Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.
“That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
― Lev Grossman, The Magician King
Re: Breastfeeding Help
Five days with a cesarean is what I've heard. Try not to supplement but rather have that kid at the breast as much as possible -- the more the baby suckles, the quicker the milk will come in.
Is there an IBCLC on staff at the hospital? Can you hire one privately? A trained professional can make all the difference when it comes to these crucial early days of establishing supply! Best of luck to Amy!Alison
Re: Breastfeeding Help
4-5 days for both of my kids. We supplemented with formula in the meantime for both, and things turned out just fine. I remember freaking out with DS#1 because I had no idea when/if my milk would come in, so I totally understand what your daughter is going through. If she has access to a lactation consultant, that might help alleviate some of her worries.~Jane
-Wife of urology attending.
-SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)
Re: Breastfeeding Help
Get her some help if she's having ANY issues at all! That is my #1 complaint about my experience, there were LC's on staff and they'd come in and check on me but really were of NO help. I'll hire someone with the next one if I have to, you need good one on one help with your first.Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.
Re: Breastfeeding Help
She did meet with the Lactation consultant here, but they are mostly the "nursing nazi" types and she felt worse. Her nurse today has been a great help and I think she is feeling a little better. I told her I would go and get a baby scale for her before she goes home, I think it will help her to see him gaining. Of course, that could backfire too. Kepp the suggestions coming for anything I can do to help. I'm sitting here now watching the two of them sleep, and guarding the door like a mama bear.Luanne
wife, mother, nurse practitioner
"You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)
Re: Breastfeeding Help
It came on day 5 with DD and day 6 with DS (when he had his circ, he slept most of the day and wouldn't suckle - I think it made for an increased delay). I was pressured so much to supplement with DS, but finally got an old-school nurse who helped me get a pump. I then let him try to nurse, pumped, and had DH feed him whatever I had gotten pumping. It helped greatly with my piece of mind.-Deb
Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!
Re: Breastfeeding Help
Originally posted by Pollyanna
She is so lucky to have such an awesome and supportive mommy!
I had the nurse from hell taking "care" of me the day DS was born. She was so discouraging about breastfeeding, and made me give him a bottle. She made me cry and I still get upset when I think about it!
Re: Breastfeeding Help
From "the Womanly Art of Breastfeeding," on average milk takes 2-6 days to come in and newborns make about 6 wet diapers (2-4tbsp) and 3 dirty diapers per day. I don't think Daegan pooed that much but that's what the book says for "Is my baby getting enough?" It also recommends trying to nurse every 2 hours, and when the milk comes in to finish the "first breast first" instead of just switching because of time.
I think she just needs to give it some time...and having you there is great support for her!
I'm sorry the LC at the hospital wasn't that great. You could also try a La Leche League leader if she still feels she needs help....they aren't all crazy.Sometimes, too, just going to a meeting and seeing other people breastfeed can help alleviate some fears. But prepare her for the nursing 3yos...that freaked me out a little my first meeting.
Says the mom nursing an almost 2yo who shows no signs of weaning.
Mom of 3, Veterinarian
Re: Breastfeeding Help
A little late on this but http://www.kellymom.com is an awesome website to help bf moms with every little thing that can come their way. It's widely used by bf moms
Re: Breastfeeding Help
kellymom.com is also a great resource for any questions regarding meds and supplements compatibile with BF, pumping, and a whole bunch of other issues that come up down the road while nursing. It's evidence based, and when DH was in training, I know the pediatricians used it as a resource.-Deb
Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!