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Jaded Perspective

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  • Jaded Perspective

    OK, so there was a horrible murderer on the loose here yesterday!! This psycho was recently released from prison, then proceeded to murder a string of people (eight total) who had the unfortunate luck of simply being in his path as he plowed his way through our neighboring state. This guy ended up in our city and no one could find him.

    I mentioned this to DH last night. His hospital is the big city hospital that attracts everything--they often see the injuries resulting from crime (gunshots, etc.). At least once a year, you hear stories on the news about what freak has shown up at the hospital and with what injury. So I thought DH (who walks to and from work in the dark!) might want to know.

    DH's response: "Glad I'm not on-call tonight."

    My response: "Oh, yeah. I wouldn't want you getting jumped by the guy on the way home!"

    DH's clarification: "Oh, it's not that. Doesn't this guy kill people by hitting them on the head?" (Yes, the news said the guy attacked all his victims with blunt force trauma to the head).

    ***NICE*** His concern was that his shift might get complicated by this guy's handiwork.

    PS: Late last night, I caught the guy.

  • #2
    Re: Jaded Perspective

    Originally posted by *Lily*
    You caught the guy? How did you do that?!
    Oh, I'm so sorry!!! I meant to write: "I saw on the news that THEY caught the guy." Typing WAY TOO FAST!!

    DH would die laughing if he'd read that...I am a total klutz. The only way I could catch a criminal would be to trip on him, knock him unconscious with the blow of my body, and then get tangled in his clothing so that I can't get away!


    • #3
      Re: Jaded Perspective

      I read the "I caught the guy" too and my stomach dropped a bit...

      How scary! Glad he was caught, I hate when there are people like that on the run. Luckily we don't have much of that at all where we are.


      • #4
        Re: Jaded Perspective

        I just got a good laugh out of that one.
        Mom to three wild women.


        • #5
          Re: Jaded Perspective

          Pretty impressive for a pregnant girl!

