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  • Thanksgiving

    What are everyone's plans for the Thanksgiving holiday?

    I'm flying to Ohio to my parents' house (where I was born and raised) to spend Thanksgiving with my family (mom, dad, brother, sister and sister's bf). Definitely looking forward to time off work, going back home, and lots of good food! Oh and can't forget the biggest shopping day of the year!

    Hope everyone has great plans for the holiday!

  • #2
    My bf and I are flying to IL to spend Thanksgiving with my family. Our basic arrangement is Thanksgiving in the Midwest with my family, Easter in New England with his family, and we each go to our respective family homes for Christmas. It's tough because at my parents' house holidays are a blast, and at his parents' house they're . . . not. Tense at best. Even my bf says, "It's sad that I like your parents better than I like my own." (Of course he loves them, as his parents.) Oh well, I'll worry about that at Easter.

    Anyway, I am SOOOO looking forward to this Thanksgiving.

    Cooking with my mom, talking politics with my dad, playing with my niece and nephew, kidding with my brothers, dishing with my sis-in-law . . . I love ALL that! And we're hoping to get permission to take my niece and nephew to see Harry Potter (they're pretty young and it's fairly scary). My bf and I broke down and saw it last Sunday, but it was so good we'd have no trouble seeing it again with the kids.

    Just 5 more days 'til we fly, woohoo.
    Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
    Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

    “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
    Lev Grossman, The Magician King


    • #3
      We're staying here in San Antonio. We would love to go home, but Rick is doing an inpatient rotation and therefore, no leave! Oh well. We were going to go to one of our friends parent's house, but we'd have to take the dog and it's too much hassle. So, we'll be dining somewhere in downtown SA. I am NOT cooking all of that for two people. I did it last year for three and it's not worth it. I think we'll go to one of the hotels or fancier restuarants. Heck, if we 're not with our families, we might as well pretend we're rich!!!

      Tonight is even more exciting though, because I bought tickets for us to go see Diana Krall (the incredibly beautiful and incredibly talented jazz/blues singer). I got tickets for us and for our really good friends (one of Rick's co-workers and her husband- the same people from above). We've been teasing the boys that they're going to be throwing their panties on the stage!



      • #4
        It sounds like everyone has great plans!

        T-day will be spent putting up Christmas tree and eating with my little family.

        The day after T-day ("shopping day"), my two year old and I are flying home to Ohio to spend with the extended families. (Poor Sean has to work. )

        He will miss out on all those "fun" family dynamics that has us dialing the therapy hotline on occasion. Somebody pass the prozac please! Our families are great but....well you all know how these multigenerational family extravaganzas go...the pathology and dynamics are deep! At least I should be able to get out and do some "long runs" at my MIL's house.

        Alright, I'm feeling guilty. The families really are great and we are lucky to have them....and quality prescription drugs.


        Anyway, happy Thanksgiving day to you all!
        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5
          Jay & I usually spend Thanksgiving & Christmas with our respective families. So he's going home to PA, while I'm going to my parents' house. I don't have a very big family, so it's always a nice cozy affair . Thanksgiving- along with Christmas - is my only real time to "showcase" my cooking (all that time watching the FoodNetwork has got to pay off :P, so I'll be making a few dishes. Haven't decided yet which ones. I"m still raiding Martha Stewart's and the rest of's recipe bank

          I've got work the next day, so no Christmas shopping just yet.


          • #6
            My DH and I have the whole week off! We are going to NYC to see my mom and other family and friends. That day we are going to my aunt and uncle's house about an hour outside the city. I'm sure much eating will be done -- my aunt's a fabulous cook!

            The night before Thanksgiving we may go see the Thanksgiving Day Parade balloons being blown up on the Upper West Side...a very fun thing to do! (Also very crowded!)

            For the rest of the week are planning on seeing a Broadway play, going to a few museums, catching up with friends and of course eating out a lot. I always end up exhausted from my NYC trips but they are invigorating nonetheless.

            I hope everyone has a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!



            • #7
              We're piling into the van and heading to Laguna Beach, CA for a family reunion/Thanksgiving. I can hardly wait! It'll be fun to have 5 days of hubby and kids and no school. AND the beach...cold or not. Then we're home for a few weeks and finals before we are off for Christmas break. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


              • #8

                Sounds like everyone has such fun things planned.

                We are having some friends over for Thanksgiving Turkey Thomas has to go in and round though

                ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                • #9
                  Russ has all of next week (half of his vacation for the whole year!) and we have no plans!!! We live too far from family so it will be a nice quiet Thanksgiving (if you can call it quiet with 4 boys!) We have friends who have invited us over but I think we will eat at home and then go visit them later to play games.

                  We are hoping to get out and see some of San Antonio with the kids and play tourist. We also will be putting up our lights and tree on the day after Thanksgiving (after shopping of course!) We are those crazy 4 in the morning people who get almost all our Christmas presents that day!

                  It will be nice just to have some time together and relax. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!



                  • #10
                    My Mom is here from Atlanta visiting. Jory is on call , but hope he makes it home for dinner.
                    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                    • #11
                      Matt is on-call, but it will be more like home call, but he is supposed to be within 30 minutes of the hospital. I have a close family friend (an "aunt") that lives about 45 minutes south of the hospital. The plan right now is to drive down to her house and stay there, and when/if Matt gets called jump in the car and go. Matt spoke with the attending he is to work with that day, and he said so far it should be ok, but to talk to him next week. Because Matt is on-call, he will have the next day (Friday) off as well as the weekend.

                      I have learned that it isn't necessarily the day you celebrate things, but the fact that you take time to celebrate.

                      Gas, and 4 kids


                      • #12
                        We are heading down to San Antonio Wednesday morning to spend the weekend. We will have dinner with some friends in our old neighborhood who are finishing up residency this year. While we lived there, I had a neighbor who worked for Marriott -- they have since moved, but I emailed them and he was able to get us a GREAT rate on a room at the Marriott Rivercenter -- and Thanksgiving weekend is when they turn on all the lights on the Riverwalk! We will definitely do some shopping and will see other old friends, too! The boys are very excited, as are we -- and the most exciting thing is (drumroll) I am going to get to meet Jenn! I would like to meet Robin, too, so let me know if you are interested, Robin! And anyone else in the San Antonio area is welcome, too, of course. I hope everyone enjoys their celebrations -- I know we will!

                        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                        • #13
                          My wife is on call for thanksgiving! (which is fine by me - means I don't have to go to the inlaws for dinner! )
                          So I guess I'll pack up the bambina and take some tofu turkey to the hospital and have a festive dinner there.
                          Happy Thanksgiving all!
                          Enabler of DW and 5 kids
                          Let's go Mets!


                          • #14
                            My parents are hosting TG this year and his parents and my dad's family are all coming over for it. My mom, sister and I are shopping on Friday (as always!) and Saturday.....

                            I get to go see my wedding gown!!!!! I also have a hair trial!

                            I'm so excited! I haven't seen my dress since I ordered it in June! And the sample wasn't even white, so I actually don't even know how it's going to look in white, but I bet it's going to look great.

                            Oh and I get a car! Mine was totalled over the summer and Russ' parents bought him one as a college graduation present. I couldn't replace mine since I couldn't find one for the measly pittance the insurance company paid out. My parents finally found one at home for me. So I get to pick it up (and see it...yes I bought a car based on their opinion - hope I'm not screwed).

                            I cannot wait for TG! Have to study radiology and endocrinology first.

                            Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                            • #15

                              I just found out that Thomas has to round and see patients all day on Thanksgiving and we're having a house full of guests!!!!!!!!! AGGGGGGH!

                              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

