I started piano lessons when I was 4. Other than that, my kiddos are obviously too little ... so that's all I've got for you.
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What age to start piano lessons?
Re: What age to start piano lessons?
We're is a similar position. DD wants to take piano and has been consistently asking for the last 6 months. We are getting our Craig's List piano today (:wee.
She can't read yet. I am going to teach her a few songs on the black keys -- things like Hot Cross Buns. I might do one or two lessons to give her some skills to play around with. I don't know. We did a modified Suzuki approach for DD1 with violin (partly by sound recognition and also by color coding the sheet music). Feelings run deep on Suzuki! It seems to be fine and she is learning to read music now.
Re: What age to start piano lessons?
I think the Suzuki repertoire is great. My brother learned violin with the books and a variation on the method. He started when he was 6.
I think if there's an interest coming from your kid, go for it!married to an anesthesia attending
Re: What age to start piano lessons?
I agree with Julia's mom.I started when I was 4, but I was also reading at that age. My boys have started ~2nd grade, except for Nathan, who started last fall and has passed his older brother as far as what he can play.....but he LOVES to play and even before lessons was spending (easily) an hour a day playing on either the keyboard or the piano.
I think that boys need to start a little later than girls (generally) because their fine motor skills lag behind and it can get really frustrating for them.
SallyWife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.
"I don't know when Dad will be home."
Re: What age to start piano lessons?
Alfred is really user-friendly, too. It is what I used when I taught and what my kids have used. They have some software, too, to help support their curriculum, and I think some of their books come with a cd so the kids can "play along" with a larger group. I am sure Bastien has the same kind of stuff.
You can browse method books at http://www.jwpepper.com. Just click on "piano" on the opening page.
SallyWife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.
"I don't know when Dad will be home."
Re: What age to start piano lessons?
I started piano lessons when I was five - on Suzuki. I learned to read music a couple of years later. My ear is very strong likely due to Suzuki, but my sight-reading abilities are lacking (although I'm not sure if that's really due to Suzuki or just the fact that my teacher wasn't as strict with that).
It's funny because I actually don't remember a time when I couldn't read music, and I don't remember actually learning how to do it. It just came naturally after knowing the notes on the piano and matching it up with the notes on the page...Wife to a urologist; Mom to 2 wonderful kiddos
Re: What age to start piano lessons?
I learned violin/viola on Suzuki and have taught many young kids to play with Suzuki. You start off learning by ear, but then you learn to read music. It's all a matter of what you want to do- if you want your kids to start off young, make sure to make it fun and not something they "have to do." I think you can instill a love of music in kids without making it a chore. BUT my sister-in-law teaches piano, and doesn't start them until 5. She just doesn't like teaching younger kids basically, but feels they should start later. She does not teach the Suzuki method.
There's something to be said for a piano or keyboard at home that is there for play and learning, and some maracas and drums and fun things for kids to play with. It's all a matter of what you want to do- you can make anything work!
Re: What age to start piano lessons?
We started DD1 at five. Her piano teacher won't take students until they can read and sit for at least 20 minutes. DS1 is reading and will start K this fall, and will start piano.
Her teacher uses the Faber and Faber series. I am taking lessons as well, and using their adult piano series. DS and DD had a music teacher in preschool who was head of the music association and taught at the local university. When I told her what books DD1 was using, she said they are a really good series- There are 4 books per level: Performance, Technique, Lesson, and Theory.
DD1 also started off with violin, and is doing strictly piano as she struggled bowing and fingering at the same time. The preschool music teacher said that the piano is the best instrument to start on, and after that other instruments are easy to pick up. We have a friend who said they did the same thing with their daughter, who's dream is to be a professional orchestral musician. Schyler started on piano, and now at 11 is playing violin, harp, flute and piano.
Good luck!Gas, and 4 kids