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Questions about Locum Tenens

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  • Questions about Locum Tenens

    Did/ Do any of your spouses do locum tenens?

    How did you like it?

    What firms did you like or dislike?

    What was the best thing about it?

    What was the worst?

    Any words of wisdom?

  • #2
    Re: Questions about Locums Tenens

    I know we've had a few LT peeps in the past- don't nkow whether they're active posters anymore!

    regardless- welcome!



    • #3
      Re: Questions about Locums Tenens

      DH did some during residency, but only locally - rural LT arranged through the med school. The good thing was getting paid well for a large chunk of time, some of which was "off" time. Sorry I don't have advice about national LT!


      • #4
        Re: Questions about Locums Tenens

        Thanks ladies. I saw that there was a member named locumtenenswife. She sounds like she would know but I see she hasn't been on here in a few months.

        Maybe a locums wife will show up


        • #5
          Re: Questions about Locums Tenens

          Send her a PM. (Private message)



          • #6
            Re: Questions about Locums Tenens

            My DH signed up with two large LT agencies to do weekend work. They talked the big talk and after going through the whole credentialling process, neither place seemed to have any weekends available, even after we called several times. They still call him regularly to ask if he can work six months in North Dakota, or a year in Alaska, or two months in New mexico, but dont seem to have much in the way of weekends.
            Mom to three wild women.


            • #7
              Re: Questions about Locum Tenens

              Originally posted by DCJenn
              Send her a PM. (Private message)
              I sent one Jenn!

              Originally posted by Cumberland
              My DH signed up with two large LT agencies to do weekend work. They talked the big talk and after going through the whole credentialling process, neither place seemed to have any weekends available, even after we called several times.
              We have been getting a good number of calls lately sometimes numerous calls from different recruiters in the same firm. A lot of what they say seems way too good to be true.

              We would be interested in taking some longer assignments in certain states [like Hawaii or parts of CA and FL]. Guess we shall see ....

