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Moving for Fellowship

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  • Moving for Fellowship

    We are most likely moving for residency. Well, definately moving, either within the same city or to a different one (I personally want to move next door to the vacant house that I am in love with, but we can't afford all of the renovations...)

    However, we are being very careful about selecting programs for residency that also have one of the fellowships that he is interested in. That way we have a chance of not moving for just one year...

  • #2
    Re: Moving for Fellowship

    We will be moving for fellowship and wil not be any closer to family, we will most likely be even farther. We don't have the choice to stay here.
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      Re: Moving for Fellowship

      We were lucky enough to do med school and residency in our hometown, but there were no fellowship options so we had to move....twice! We really want to come home to work and DH needed fairly specialized fellowships anyway so there was no choice....Australia was great, but a BIG move with 3 kids. The current fellowship is very competitive and intense and so far a bit of a PITA and I;m not even there yet! One more year......right


      • #4
        Re: Moving for Fellowship

        Are you kidding? If the military can move you, they do.



        • #5
          Re: Moving for Fellowship

          i picked we dodged the bullet.

          dh has no interest in doing a fellowship. but, if he did do one...we would have to move.

          good luck, lily.
          ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


          • #6
            Re: Moving for Fellowship

            we moved for med school, residency, and will for fellowship too before we settle down, someday. It doesn't bother me much now.. but once the kids are school age I think it will be more difficult to deal with not only the logistics of moving but uprooting what is "home" and comfortable for them.
            Wife to PGY5 ortho resident
            SAHM to 3


            • #7
              Re: Moving for Fellowship

              DH initially wanted to do a fellowship but changed his mind after first year of, we dodged the bullet.


              • #8
                Re: Moving for Fellowship

                We did not move for med school . . .

                Then we moved for residency, but moved back to the area where I grew up near my family . . .

                Now it seems we will move again for fellowship, but don't know where yet.

                Dreading it, but I agree it has to be done. Hate moving, the idea of moving with kid or kids sounds hellish, and I'm sad to "break up" my parents and my daughter, who have quite the little relationship going on.
                Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
                Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

                “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
                Lev Grossman, The Magician King


                • #9
                  Re: Moving for Fellowship

                  Luckily we dodged the fellowship bullet but we did move for internship and residency and for this job. The internship/residency moves were within NYC but still involved packing everything and hauling it an hour (or more) to another location and then a year later doing the same thing all over again. I had a good job in NY and it didn't make sense for us to leave (plus I flatly refused). But after spending all those years close to friends and family I was ready to put some distance between us. We still see our NY friends pretty often but luckily family considers our current location as too far.

                  I don't regret staying in NY all those years, the 20s is a perfect time to enjoy a big city. Approaching 30s we realized we'd like a bit more space and a lot less stress. I also don't see myself living outside of NE and few areas are a good mix of not too rural but close to a big city and afforadable at the same time.


                  • #10
                    Re: Moving for Fellowship

                    It's no secret that I dislike Chicago.
                    We sit in traffic no matter what we do, no matter what time of day, no matter which day of the week. To what? Fight for a parking spot at a strip mall?! In the summer, you think you're going to die from the heat, in the winter, you think you're going to die from the cold IF THE BUS TAKES ANY LONGER TO F*CKING COME!

                    But, and here comes the big BUT. I have made friendships for a lifetime in this city. I just recently told a friend that dh and I are leaving next year, and she started crying. CRY-ING. I sort of half-promised that I'd come back for a visit, and when I got home... I cried.

                    It's going to be very hard to leave this place. And I'm sure I will catch myself saying, "In Chicago, this or that is SO much better than here."
                    married to an anesthesia attending


                    • #11
                      Re: Moving for Fellowship

                      We moved for medical school, residency, and will be moving for the job. If he had done a fellowship (whew, bullet dodged), we would have moved for that too.

                      I don't think that all you east coasters realize (even midwesterners) how lucky you have it in the medical move department.

                      We grew up in Utah. In Utah, there is one medical school. Said medical school has probably the highest admission standards of any public state medical school in the country. Chad was not admitted. We would have loved to go there, but it didn't happen. So, we went where he got in. As there are literally almost no other medical schools in the Western US that accept out of state applicants, we ended up in Albany, NY paying exorbitant tuition.

                      It's hard for me, honestly, to hear about people deciding to stay in an area for this or deciding to be within driving distance. I really wish we could have.

                      Residency was the same ball of wax. Ortho is stupid competitive, and even though Chad did an away sub-internship at Utah, got letters from there, and was well liked, he didn't get a residency spot there, much less an interview. We matched here, in South Carolina. Again, it takes 4 DAYS driving to see my family, and all day on an airplane.

                      So, the one time we get a choice.... we are moving to Florida, again far from Utah. Not that there were many jobs to be had there, but we wanted to be in warm weather. There just is no large city that has warm weather within driving distance to SLC except Las Vegas, and that is a 7 hour drive. The Western US is just set up so differently with virtually no cities. Here, if I drive in a 7-hour radius, I can be in Orlando, Atlanta, Charlotte, Raleigh, Birmingham, Nashville, and nearly Washington, D.C. It's just a whole different world.

                      I would have loved, especially when our kids were babies to be close to family. It just wasn't a choice for us. It still makes me bitter and sad.
                      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                      • #12
                        Re: Moving for Fellowship

                        We moved for medical school, and then moved *back* (home, closer to families) for residency. We're lucky to be staying here for fellowship. There are only 4 sites around the country that offer the fellowship that DH is doing, and he pretty much only applied to the one here.

                        I've put some pretty deep roots down here since we started residency 6 years ago, so it would be really, really hard for me to move once fellowship is over. I've made some fabulous friends and we've been so blessed to be able to be near both of our families. DH puts our odds of staying here at 80%. *fingers crossed*

                        -Wife of urology attending.
                        -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                        • #13
                          Re: Moving for Fellowship

                          I dodged the residency bullet because I didn't meet DH until his intern year, but he moved for that. We moved for fellowship two days after we got married. His fellowship wasn't apart of a match system so he interviewed and was able to pick where he wanted to go. That was nice and luckily only 4 hours from family. We moved three years later for his attending position.


                          • #14
                            Re: Moving for Fellowship

                            We moved for medical school and residency, and we will move for fellowship and again for the job. DH moved for college as well.

                            80% of our families are in CA. 98% of our families are out West [ one crazy g'ma in OH & pops in the UK]. Despite there being 1,000 medical schools in CA, it is very hard to get into one. And once you leave, it is pretty hard to get back. We already have a job opportunity in So Cal, I'm just not sure that I'm a So Cal kind of girl. Why oh why are there so many freakin' cars out there?!! And the job is inland. If I am going to have to live in So Cal, I want to live at the beach. Fellowship is all about who your program knows so seeing that we're in the midwest chances are that's where we'll be for fellowship. And then we are so out of here. Somewhere out west. CA would be great since our families are there, we are also considering UT, OR, WA, and NM. DH really wants to live in either San Clemente, CA or San Luis Obispo,CA. I LOVE LOVE the beach but good grief the traffic down there is insane. I would love to go back home, but DH hates Northern CA.

                            I just keep telling myself that one day we'll settle somewhere... one day...


                            • #15
                              Re: Moving for Fellowship

                              Yup- one trip on the 405 to the 14 is enough to convince my husband that he can't ever go home again.


