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weekend plans?

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  • weekend plans?

    Just wondered if anyone is doing anything interesting this weekend. I'm trying to live vicariously.

    Our plan WAS to get up very early Saturday morning and check out the local grower's market, then tour High Country Gardens and pick out some plants. But DH has been sick this week (food poisoning, IMO) and may want to sleep in. Plus, the people hauling in the compost for our garden have kept delaying, so the area might not be ready by the weekend. DH is post-call Monday, so maybe we'll tour the Gardens then.

    Please tell me someone else has more exciting plans!

  • #2
    Re: weekend plans?

    Can't help- hubby is on-call for the next two weeks. We may go to the Botanical Gardens- they're having a 'dog days of summer' where you can bring your dog. It raises money for the local animal shelters.

    Other than that? nada. Mow the grass, clean up the branches that we cut back last week, swim in the pool.



    • #3
      Re: weekend plans?

      DH is on home call all weekend, so I might go up to Poconos to visit friends. I'm just waiting for them to decide if they'll be around or in the Hamptons this weekend.


      • #4
        Re: weekend plans?

        If I have some motivation when I get up on Saturday we're going to go the Farmer's market, otherwise no plans. Its supposed to hit 90 on Saturday, so its going to be a hot one.
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #5
          Re: weekend plans?

          We're going to the beach for the weekend. :wee: We haven't been to the coast once yet this summer. Some friends of ours have a beach house and we are staying with them. Anna, my fearless adventurer, has been asking to go crabbing for months now and will finally get a chance. Then we get to go again next weekend with some friends who are visiting from Denver. I'm hoping for a bonfire on one of those nights.


          • #6
            Re: weekend plans?

            That sounds nice, Nellie!

            We're going to spend the gazillion-degree weekend at home this weekend. My brother is coming to visit a friend, so we'll try to get together with him a few times over the week that he's here.
            married to an anesthesia attending


            • #7
              Re: weekend plans?

              Lily - Party on, man! It sounds like fun! DH thinks those are my kind of people - never mind that I've never been to anything like it.

              I'd also like to live vicariously through the beach or pool people. It's time to take my kids for the first time. They got drenched in the kiddie fountain at the zoo this week and loved it!

              DH is on home call all weekend, so I might go up to Poconos to visit friends. I'm just waiting for them to decide if they'll be around or in the Hamptons this weekend.
              Hmmm... maybe you could solve the problem by offering to visit them in the Hamptons!


              • #8
                Re: weekend plans?

                School shopping for DS1 And DD2. School begins on Monday!
                This summer break was tooooo short...but I must admit only having the younger two @ home will be sweeeeet!


                • #9
                  Re: weekend plans?

                  School is starting? Yowza, Suz! That is soon! That will be nice to have 2 in school.


                  • #10
                    Re: weekend plans?

                    I'm assuming there will be some sort of dresser stripping / refinishing taking place, but we really have no big plans.


                    • #11
                      Re: weekend plans?

                      Deb, you really haven't lived until you've slept in 1 hotel room with 9 hippies and a dog.
                      Yeah... the "vicarious" part of this is sounding better and better! Sounds like good memories & a good story, though - and great friends. Now I'm curious enough that you'll have to post after the event to tell us how it was.

                      Julia - I'd like to think of myself as a cultural nerd at heart! But I didn't marry one (he'd rather be hiking, which is fine with me, too). So it lies dormant until my kids are old enough that I can drag them along with me. Have fun!


                      • #12
                        Re: weekend plans?

                        I'm not dreading/thinking that far in advance. DH is working all weekend on the tail end of some killer hours this week. I called him last night at 7:30 to ask he was on-call because I hadn't heard from him and he wasn't supposed to be off at 4ish.

                        We have a birthday party this weekend, maybe hit the gym and try avoiding the heat. Nothing special!


                        • #13
                          Re: weekend plans?

                          No big plans here, either. The kids and I are going to a birthday party on Saturday, and will likely hit the pool on Sunday (it's supposed to get HOT). DH is probably studying all weekend, he sits for his boards on Tuesday.

                          -Wife of urology attending.
                          -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                          • #14
                            Re: weekend plans?

                            The kids and I planned to meet my brother and his kids at my parents' cabin in Tennessee for a little boating and bonfires. Unfortunately, my grandmother is terminally ill and I don't think it is appropriate for all of us to travel five hours away to a place with marginal cell phone service while my mom keeps a death watch over her mom. My grandmother hasn't eaten or drank in five plus days and currently is receiving Hospice crisis care. My grandmother has been in a really bad way the last two years and it is pretty unbearable to watch. She is not conscious, but my mom and uncles are on the ragged edge. Unfortunately, the last two years of pain overshadow her ninety previous good years. It is just a hard situation all the way around. I pray that this doesn't come off as flip or callous, because I really do care, it is just that a slow death is pretty hard to deal with because you are stuck in a half state of neither life nor death.

                            Sorry, I know that this conversation was posed as a lighthearted "How are you doing?" and watch me go and spoil the entire tone. But if I honestly answer the question, this is what we will be doing. We will probably stay close to home, do some final visits, and clean the house.

                            Carry on with normal conversation. I'm particularly intrigued by the thought of just cutting loose with some hippies. That is so antithetical to everything in my life right now that I just may steal away in the night to join you.

                            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                            • #15
                              Re: weekend plans?

                              I'm sorry Kelly. It's hard, no matter how many good, healthy years they had before.

