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Hanging out a shingle

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  • Hanging out a shingle

    Have/ are any of your spouses opening their own practice? If so, how is that going?

  • #2
    Re: Hanging out a shingle

    Nope. He's perfectly happy letting the Army provide the malpractice insurance, the administrators and the support staff!

    Good luck, though!



    • #3
      Re: Hanging out a shingle

      Nope, we talked about a fair amount. It is (obviously) a big undertaking but depending on the specialty and market, do-able. We decided it was more than we felt like taking on. If the current job didn't work out, there is a better chance we would try -- and also be able to save to get ready for the expenses and lack of paycheck.


      • #4
        Re: Hanging out a shingle

        probably won't for DW. It is very difficult to do so in her field, b/c it is very expensive and difficult.

        However, that has been the plan for me for all along...but I may partner up so I don't have to handle all the administrative work.
        Husband of an amazing female physician!


        • #5
          Re: Hanging out a shingle

          We will be in 4 years from now. We have a 3 year contract with a hospital, but the practice will become Dh's after that term is over.
          Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


          • #6
            Re: Hanging out a shingle

            Interesting responses. DH has always had it in his head that he would be starting his own practice. He has stated that Chiropractic school actually teaches the students how to run their own business. He did not find that with med school.

            It was surprising to see the looks of horror by the older attendings at his residency graduation at the prospect of him going out on his own

            Originally posted by cupcake
            Nope, we talked about a fair amount. It is (obviously) a big undertaking but depending on the specialty and market, do-able.
            Absolutely specialty drive, I think. It is a big undertaking, but it is an exciting prospect! I am hoping to learn a lot and see different practices during our locum year.

            Originally posted by Laker
            However, that has been the plan for me for all along...but I may partner up so I don't have to handle all the administrative work.
            What is your specialty? DH has considered partnering up - it is a matter of finding a like minded practitioner.

