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  • Photoshop-itus...

    Yes, it's a sickness... and I have it. Lol!

    Anyone else love to stare at the dull blue glow of their screen and digital scrapbook or design for their blogs?? That is my main passion when it comes to Photoshop, although I do use it for editing photos too...

    My blog is a constant changing atmosphere. I get bored easily with backgrounds and since I am one picky blogger, I choose to make my own.

    We even did our own announcements for DS's birth. Now, I am roped into doing my mom's Christmas cards (which I don't mind, gives me one more excuse to enjoy my hobby).

    I even felt impulsed to update my signature, since the other one was "too big" in my opinion. If it was starting to annoy me, I know it must have annoyed at least one of you... **rhetorical statement**

  • #2
    Re: Photoshop-itus...

    I'd love to be able to do all that! I plan my scrapbooks "online" (in Word on 12x12 pages), but I'm personally addicted to the feel of textured paper. I would like to keep a better blog, though. I guess I'm getting old - can't figure out how to make it do what I want.

    Post pics of your cards/announcements/etc.!


    • #3
      Re: Photoshop-itus...

      Me, too. I'm hooked on actions & presets. Oh, the things you can do with RAW files!

      I started a blog just before DD was born and have had fun putting photos on there. I never change the background which is mostly black, though. I also designed her birth announcements and had them printed by Vista print. Between Ebates and coupons, I was able to get 150 announcements for $25. It sure beats paying $3 per announcement! Maybe I should make an Etsy business out of it?


      • #4
        Re: Photoshop-itus...

        Here is our announcement for Vaughn... (scaled down to fit in the window of cource, the original is 5x7)

        And here is a background I made for my sister's computer...

        And one of my scrapbook pages (12x12)

        And one I did for a friend's computer...

        Here is the link to my tinypic account ... It's where I host most (if not all) of my work. The blinkies are from a friend... since I don't have the software to make them yet.


        • #5
          Re: Photoshop-itus...

          You are creative with the announcements. I love your son's birth announcement, his little scrubs are so cute.


          • #6
            Re: Photoshop-itus...

            Those are awesome! Thanks for posting.


            • #7
              Re: Photoshop-itus...

              Those are awesome! Do you use full Photoshop or Photoshop elements?


              • #8
                Re: Photoshop-itus...

                Originally posted by Leese
                Those are awesome! Do you use full Photoshop or Photoshop elements?
                I used Photoshop - the "full version" as you call it. It is actually the 7.0 version, so I am in need of an upgrade. Just trying to decide between the upgrade (which is a little cheeper for those who already own a full fledged version) or get a new DSLR camera.... I am pretty happy with my little ole' version, so I think it will be the camers!

                Decisions decisions!

