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15 minutes in the background

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  • 15 minutes in the background

    Here's an article about the new homeless campus in San Antonio. I work for the detox unit that is mentioned and the numbers quoted by the CFO- yeah, well- they're mine.

    Tracy Idell Hamilton - Express-News Haven for Hope, the full-service homeless campus being built just west of downtown, is expected to receive a major boost this morning in the form of a gift for construction of its health and wellness center.

    The details of the gift — who is making it and for how much — will be revealed at a news conference next to the construction site. But it is expected to exceed the $5 million gift made by Bill Greehey, chairman of NuStar Energy and one of the city's most generous philanthropists.

    Greehey says the gift will be the largest to date to the nonprofit corporation formed to build and oversee the 22-acre one-stop campus, which will boast an array of services: shelter, food, education, job training, medical, dental and mental health care, legal support and more.

    “God has truly blessed this project and (today's) historic announcement is further proof of that,” said the former Valero chief, who early on committed to raising $47 million in private funds for the venture.

    He said the gift brings him within $10 million of that goal.

    Construction on the campus is well under way, and the health and wellness center, housed in what was an old warehouse at North Frio and North Salado streets, is slated to open in January of next year. It will be named after its major donor.

    The building will include medical, dental and vision services, and will be open to the surrounding community as well as for those served by Haven for Hope. It will also house Haven's intake center, the starting point for homeless people seeking help and “transformation,” the project's most important buzzword.

    Across the street from the campus, the new public safety triage and detoxification center, recently renamed “the Restoration Center,” has already begun offering those services.

    Opened just three months ago, the center has already saved taxpayers money by keeping those with alcohol and drug problems who get picked up for minor offenses out of jail and local emergency rooms, officials say.

    “Direct savings for avoiding the use of the detention center (jail) and the magistrates court is estimated to be $330,480,” wrote Charles S. Bowker, the chief financial officer for the Center for Health Care Services, which runs the center.

    That doesn't factor in operational costs, but Bowker and others predict the savings will only increase as Haven for Hope becomes operational, beginning next year.

    Experts estimate that 60 percent of the homeless have untreated drug and alcohol problems. Those at Haven will spend up to six hours a day in long-term treatment at the center.

    While thankful for the latest donation, Greehey also had kind words for the city and county, which are both contributing.

    “This was always conceived as a public-private partnership, and both the city and the county have been incredible partners,” he said.

    The city of San Antonio has committed $15 million for land, demolition costs and other purposes.

    Bexar County originally agreed to give $5 million, but proposed on Tuesday, as part of its 2009 budget, to increase that amount by another $5 million to help pay the increased capital costs.

  • #2
    Re: 15 minutes in the background

    Congrats Jenn! Its nice to get your work noticed, even if you're the only one that knows its yours!
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      Re: 15 minutes in the background

      Congrats, Jenn! I hope that you are proud! You should be!
      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


      • #4
        Re: 15 minutes in the background

        I was over there this morning getting the newest reports for a big meeting this afternoon. It was quite the scene- balloons, signs, tents. Head honchos all over the place.

        It's been really cool to see how the Police have made the change from arresting the Public Intoxicants to bringing them to our "Sobering" unit. (where they sleep it off for a few hours) The people going from Sobering to Detox are doubling every month. Yay! All of those people used to be either sent to the ER or sent to jail.


        PS-Nellie and the other PNWers- a lot of our programming is based on the services in Portland and Seattle.


        • #5
          Re: 15 minutes in the background

          Congratulations! It's awesome to read about successes like that - especially when you can put numbers to them & get more funding!


          • #6
            Re: 15 minutes in the background

            Originally posted by DCJenn
            PS-Nellie and the other PNWers- a lot of our programming is based on the services in Portland and Seattle.
            It is?!? How cool is that! Do you know what specific programs? Amd hey....I've worked in the social service field here in Portland for 12 years. Let me know if there's ever any info you guys need, possible networking ideas, etc.

            Congrats on your 15 minutes, even if it wasn't credited to you. You should be very proud of your clinic!
            Married to a peds surgeon attending


            • #7
              Re: 15 minutes in the background

              Congrats on all your hard work, I think your work is commendable and if I were to go back to school I would aim to do something similar. Kudos to you!
              Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


              • #8
                Re: 15 minutes in the background

                Congrats Jen! Your ER must love this program. I'm afraid to tell DH about it - he'll want me to figure out a way to get it going here!
                Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


                • #9
                  Re: 15 minutes in the background

                  Awesome, Jenn. Glad your program is going so well!

                  I'm also glad to hear Portland and Seattle already have similar setups.
                  Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                  • #10
                    Re: 15 minutes in the background

                    How did the rest of the day go yesterday? Did you get any kudos from work, or was it a pretty hectic day with all the celebrations?


                    • #11
                      Re: 15 minutes in the background

                      I think this actually makes 30 minutes in the background for you, and that's just since I've known you. Congrats.


                      • #12
                        Re: 15 minutes in the background

                        Way to go! A friend of ours is an ER doc and I'll have to ask him about it next time I see him. I'm sure they love it.


                        • #13
                          Re: 15 minutes in the background

                          Yesterday was a regular day after all of the muckety mucks moved on. We got stuck w/ trying to figure out what to do w/ a 7 months pregnant woman in heroin withdrawal which was a bit tricky. (withdrawal can cause miscarriage)

                          Here's the blurb from today's paper:

                          Craig Kapitan - Express-News

                          Despite a poster board snafu briefly indicating a much lower figure, San Antonio's Haven for Hope homeless shelter celebrated a “historic” donation Friday of $7.1 million.

                          The amount of the donation and its origin — from Methodist Healthcare Ministries — was kept quiet until the unveiling event, in which community leaders including Mayor Phil Hardberger and County Judge Nelson Wolff lined up on the podium. As fireworks sprayed from a yet-to-be-completed “health and wellness center” the donation will fund, each official held a placard displaying part of the seven-digit figure.

                          The first two numbers were transposed but quickly remedied.

                          Until the Friday morning event, officials with the planned one-stop homeless support campus would indicate only that it would be the largest donation they've ever received. It also is the largest one-time donation Methodist Healthcare Ministries has ever given, said Kevin Moriarty, the organization's chief executive officer.

                          “It was a natural step for us,” he said moments before the announcement, explaining that his group has helped fund most of the healthcare needs for San Antonio shelters for years. Still, he said, “I didn't realize our board would jump as high as they did.”

                          The first section of the 22-acre Haven for Hope campus, a public safety triage and detoxification facility dubbed “the Restoration Center,” opened three months ago. Other elements of the campus — that will eventually provide 800 beds, job training, daycare and legal support — are expected to come online throughout the next year.

                          The idea is to pull together homeless services that until now have been provided at different facilities across San Antonio and consolidate them at the campus, located on land just west of downtown that was donated by the city.

                          The health and wellness center, a retrofitted warehouse that will be named after Methodist Healthcare Ministries, is expected to be ready for occupation by late December. Its dental clinic and intake area will open in January, with vision and other medical services opening in following weeks as the medical equipment is installed.

                          The health center will be open to the entire community, homeless or not.

                          In purely pragmatic terms, the facility is expected to save the community millions in coming years as it aims to put a stop to the “endless, stupid repetition” of cycling the homeless through jails and emergency rooms, Hardberger said.

                          “The movement from charity to transformation is a huge, huge difference,” he said. “It's like giving a new life. It is the essence of redemption.”


                          • #14
                            Re: 15 minutes in the background

                            Originally posted by DCJenn
                            In purely pragmatic terms, the facility is expected to save the community millions in coming years as it aims to put a stop to the “endless, stupid repetition” of cycling the homeless through jails and emergency rooms, Hardberger said.
                            That's the very best part! A huge accomplishment all on it's own, but even bigger if you consider that something that is simple common sense actually got approved & put into motion!

                            LOL about the big-wigs holding the numbers in the wrong order and making the figure seem lower than it was!


                            • #15
                              Re: 15 minutes in the background

                              We got stuck w/ trying to figure out what to do w/ a 7 months pregnant woman in heroin withdrawal which was a bit tricky. (withdrawal can cause miscarriage)
                              There is a HUGE heroin problem here. It's passed down through the generations among the Native American population in particular. DH has a quite a number of pregnant patients being treated with methadone.

                              That's the very best part! A huge accomplishment all on it's own, but even bigger if you consider that something that is simple common sense actually got approved & put into motion!
                              And the switching the numbers would have been fun if it had been on purpose!

