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I can't stand the PAPER

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  • #16
    Re: I can't stand the PAPER

    Originally posted by DCJenn
    The medical journals end up going directly from the mailbox to recycling because he has found he gets better information from the web searches and he keeps them in files on the harddrive. If he needs to he'll print it but it's rare.
    That's how it goes in our house, too. For a while, he kept every stinkin' JAMA because "they looked cool lined up on the bookshelf" Puh-leeze

    He has a program called "Papers" (I think) for his Mac that keeps everything nice and organized (and virtual!).
    Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


    • #17
      Re: I can't stand the PAPER

      Hmm, in my relationship, I'll have to admit to being the paper gatherer, however virtually none of it makes it into our apartment. After all, I do have an office. Besides, I don't tend to save my articles etc in paper form if I can avoid it. If I keep them as pdfs on my laptop they're always available, no matter whether I'm working from home or in the office.


      • #18
        Re: I can't stand the PAPER

        Originally posted by LilySayWhat
        I picked up a cardboard box and put it in the closet on the floor. Every few weeks, after the rotation ends, I pick up all the papers off the desk and chuck it all in the box. If he needs it, he can go through it. Otherwise I'll wait until it's full (it's almost full) and then send him off to find a place to shred it.
        I do something very similar. I once described it in another similar thread here. I call it the "Crap Box." I advise him that he has a week to "clean out the Crap Box" before I just pitch it and everything in it. He rarely cleans it out, so he loses a lot of stuff. I don't care. If it were that important, he'd take care of it. Our home is not is OCD-enabling garbage repository and I am not his maid.


        • #19
          Re: I can't stand the PAPER

          This is hilarious. I have the exact same problem. I especially hate the weird articles and notes that are folded in half from being in his white coat. Inevitably he writes important things on the back of random bits of paper that he needs and then asks me where it is. Like I know! I bought him a small, light, leather bound notebook to take notes in before he started 4th year, it has been pretty effective so far. Every few weeks we have a "I am about to throw everything away tell me what is important session." I am ruthless with clutter! Both of our parents are serious pack rats, we seem to have gone in separate directions, I want to throw everything away and he wants to emulate. Hopefully there is balance somewhere. Ahhhh, what a life!

