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On a more "frivolous" note...

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  • On a more "frivolous" note...

    Jay & I were talking over the weekend about wedding invitations. He's of the idea that we should not include "Dr. or M.D." in the text of the invitation; since in his words, all our family & friends will know, anyway, and they're who matter. But I think we should include it since he's worked so hard for it. He & I are both pretty adamant about our stances.
    So how many of you & your SOs included your/his/her title in the wedding invitation? : :



  • #2
    Well- we went pretty casual since we were paying for it ourselves- I think it said something like:

    My full name
    His full name

    request the honor.....

    We also sent announcements (because we only invited 50 people and only 33 showed up- we sent announcements to everyone else) that read the exact same way except that I changed my name to my newly married name.

    Part of the reason we didn't include titles was that he was also promoted the day of graduation so his title is Captain Joe Blow, MD and then a line below that's supposed to say United States Army and that's just too, too much formality for us! We might have goen the more formal route had we been younger or were being married at one of the military chapels. We were married in my mother's living room, though. (At least that's what my Service Ettiquite book says!)



    • #3
      Oh, boy, this was one of the biggest issues in our wedding planning!
      My spouse is a lieutenant in the U.S. Naval Medical Corps, so technically, he'd be Lt. John Doe (not his real name obviously), M.D., United States Naval Medical Corps (or something like that).

      My parents strongly felt that we should include Doctor or Dr. in front of my husband's name on the invitation because he worked very hard for that distinction. My then-fiance also felt the same way, especially since most invitation etiquette calls for the groom to be listed formally as Mr. John Doe, which my then-fiance was not.

      My now in-laws said they would go along with whatever we wished.
      So we ended up with something like

      Mr. and Mrs. JenL's parents
      and Mr. and Mrs. JenL's fiance's parents
      request the honour of your presence
      at the marriage of their children
      Jen Middlename Lastname
      Dr. JenL's Fiance's full name.

      Technically we should not used my last name along with my whole name, but I thought it looked weird not to have it, and I kept my last name anyway. And technically, we were supposed to spell out "Doctor" but that meant reducing the font size to fit it in, which looked worse, so we abbreviated it and hoped that the strictest etiquette mavens would forgive us that one thing.


      • #4
        Wedding Invites

        No problem deciding here...we eloped!


        • #5
          We didn't put it in ours, since we sent out the invites before my husband graduated. But at the wedding, we put Dr. before most of the groom's attendants. They had all just graduated a few weeks before and we thought they would think it was kind of cool to see it in print--we got married in June before any of them started their internships.
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6
            We NEVER use the term Dr. or MD unless in the hospital. We are not listed in the telephone book as DR except in the yeloow pages under physicians. Our telephone listing just has out first & last names.
            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


            • #7
              We're getting married three weeks before graduation, so not putting Dr for FH or any of his friends (on invites). But he did try suggesting to hold off the wedding until after graduation, so that he can be listed as Dr.

