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3 day walk for breast cancer

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  • 3 day walk for breast cancer

    I had a friend that did this with her sister a few years ago, it was amazing. Good for your friend!

    I have another friend that is running a marathon with Team in Training in San Francisco in a few weeks, I'm so jealous.

    When I'm done having kids and can get myself in shape I'm going to do one of these, that is my goal!
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

  • #2
    Re: 3 day walk for breast cancer

    I'm pretty certain La Hussey did this awhile back. Very cool stuff.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #3
      Re: 3 day walk for breast cancer

      It is super cool. SueC & I have a cancer survivor friend here who has done it. To make it all the more impressive, she did it AFTER her cancer had metastisized throughout her body, being given 3 months to live (15 years ago), AND having both hips replaced. She rocks.


      • #4
        Re: 3 day walk for breast cancer

        Someday I will do the Alzheimer's walk. Not sure if it is the same distance, etc. I hate asking people for money so I might just sponsor myself. It is good to have a goal and this is a great one!

        eta: huh, it is only 3.2 miles. Ok, maybe I'll get off my arse and do that one sooner than later.


        • #5
          Re: 3 day walk for breast cancer

          The Breast Cancer 3-Day was held here weekend before last. They walk through our neighborhood, so we get a front-row seat. The walkers (mostly women) are very inspiring. I checked out the website and found that the walkers do about 20 miles per day for each day of it, and they have to secure $2200 in donations before they walk. The decorated cars/trucks that follow along the route are hysterical, with painted windows and slogans like "Give Boobs a Chance."


          • #6
            Re: 3 day walk for breast cancer

            Originally posted by AtTheBeach
            The decorated cars/trucks that follow along the route are hysterical, with painted windows and slogans like "Give Boobs a Chance."
            I like the t-shirts that say "Save the Ta-Ta's" and "Save 2nd Base".


            • #7
              Re: 3 day walk for breast cancer

              Dh's cousin did the 2 day walk in SF this past July. She said it was absolutely amazing. The pictures gave me the chills. She said it was such an emotional experience. I am hoping to do it with her one of these years if I am out there. I have no idea how to train tho.


              • #8
                Re: 3 day walk for breast cancer

                I trained for the two day walk but only completed day one (one marathon) because I had three inch blisters on both feet after trudging several miles through rain and mud.

                I did a marathon for the Arthritis Foundation back in '01.

                It's fun and a great way to meet people.



                • #9
                  Re: 3 day walk for breast cancer

                  I actually did this walk two years ago. I was signed up to do it with a friend and she backed out. Knowing that the walk is 95% women I was impressed with DH stepped up and offered to train, raise the money, and walk with me.

                  It was quite the journey, especially when the tent froze over the first night. It was an experience to remember...and pretty bonding for us. You can't have music playing or any sort of distractions during the walk, so 20 miles a day...3 days...lot of talking.

                  Good luck with anyone who decides to go for it, it really is a great experience and for a great cause.

