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MS 4 Spouses

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  • MS 4 Spouses

    Dh is 4 months into MS 4, we just completed his ERAS application ... and I do mean we! Would love to commiserate. The next few months are going to be crazy, interviews, match, moving etc. Would love any input, worries, funny stories etc. We have been together since undergrad and while parts of med school were challenging it feels like it is really beginning now. It seems like the match process was created by people who were both incredibly intelligent and incredibly sadistic.

  • #2
    Re: MS 4 Spouses

    I can commiserate - he filled out all aspects of the ERAS application, but I feel like I know every. small. detail. about the whole process. I think I did review the personal statement ages ago and I know I spelled checked what he typed into the online application fields.

    Wow, 50 programs! Sounds like you might be doing a lot of traveling. Isn't it expensive to apply to that many? I know there are the standard fees ($60 for the first 10 programs) but it costs more to apply as the number of programs increases ($8/program between 11-20, $20-$25/program after 20+). Is your DH applying to a really competitive specialty? I heard that people who want to do ortho have to apply to a lot of programs.

    The SO applied to 18 programs and submitted his ERAS at 9:30 AM on Tuesday morning (he is off this month to study for and take Step 2 CK). I really hate the feature that they have that allows you to actually see the time and date when each program downloads your application. For someone as hypervigilant as my SO, this application feature feels like a slow, painful death to me. Yesterday (and today), I got a break down of which of the 18 programs downloaded his app at what time, and the reasons behind why they did or did not download his application yet. Is it March 19th yet?? :banghead:

    (I have to say that he did get an interview at a nearby program already. It's not at the top of our list, but it has boosted his self-confidence a little bit.)

    I think the NRMP program computer algorithm was created by some computer nerd who got screwed over by a doctor in one way or another. His internal anguish gave birth to a computer program that has screwed with the minds of all doctors ever since. Wonder how much he got paid to create the algorithm...
    Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


    • #3
      Re: MS 4 Spouses

      WE WE WE and alot of ME did the ERAS app and gathered the other documents. "We" are done filling out the application. Personal Statement is almost done. I'm hoping that it will be ready to submit by Friday. DH really really hates having his picture taken. :fight: Although I'm really good at taking pics I'm sending him to a studio to have it done Friday. I'm off the to post office to send documents to our last LOR writer. My goal is to get this application submitted by next Monday.

      I'm very happy to help even tho I moan about my "to-do" list each day. I'm NOT looking forward to sitting around waiting for interview offers. The waiting..... I hate the waiting. How much longer 6 months?
      Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
      "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


      • #4
        Re: MS 4 Spouses

        Anyone have more updates?

        I do! Studio photo session today went Fantastic!! It turns out DH CAN smile like a normal person.

        There was last minute drama because my MIL took DH's suit to be cleaned yesterday without telling anyone. She didn't know he needed the suit jacket for the photo today. That left me scrambling last minute before the appointment I had today to find him a jacket. I know this sounds so tacky.... but Thank You Target for having cheepo suit jackets that look pretty good in a head shot! LOL! Once again Target saved the day. LOL!

        I had to rush across town to meet him with the jacket at the studio after my appointment. Thankfully the picture turned out great and the photographer helped us pick a shot and burned it to a CD right on the spot. <sigh> Check that off the list! Almost done.........
        Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
        "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


        • #5
          Re: MS 4 Spouses

          I am not looking forward to buying a new suit for these interviews. I spent today printing program info out of FREIDA and then enter the important (to me) info into a spreadsheet. You know, salary, hours, who pays health insurance...


          • #6
            Re: MS 4 Spouses

            So far so good on this front. We submitted on Tuesday and have a total of 30 programs (intern and rads diagnostic apps). We'll start to "stress" more when the interviews come in because at that point we will be having our son too I hope all goes well for everyone! As for pictures we just cropped one from the wedding since he looked so good and was wearing a nice suit.
            Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


            • #7
              Re: MS 4 Spouses

              Hi All!

              What a great response! Good to know that you all are out there somewhere. Updates on our front: DH submitted on Tuesday - 48 turned out to be the magic number. There may be a few more later that had additional requirements - SAT scores anyone? As for the picture situation, he hates pictures, decided to submit solo shot of him at from our wedding pics. He whited out the background pixel by pixel to comply with the "white or light colored background" stipulation. Sometimes I just have to let him indulge in his type A tendencies.

              As for me, just chugging along through this away rotation. Ugh, it is so much easier just to hang out after a long day at work than talk on the phone. I am going to Miami to visit him this weekend and we have a BBQ to go to with all of the residents) not really looking forward to the small talk, (especially since most of the residents don't seem to be married but so it goes. Once he gets back he has surgery sub i then the rest of fourth year should be pretty tame rotation wise, of course we will have that whole interview/match situation to deal with.



              • #8
                Re: MS 4 Spouses

                Originally posted by sstreet
                Hi All!

                What a great response! Good to know that you all are out there somewhere. Updates on our front: DH submitted on Tuesday - 48 turned out to be the magic number. There may be a few more later that had additional requirements - SAT scores anyone? As for the picture situation, he hates pictures, decided to submit solo shot of him at from our wedding pics. He whited out the background pixel by pixel to comply with the "white or light colored background" stipulation. Sometimes I just have to let him indulge in his type A tendencies.

                As for me, just chugging along through this away rotation. Ugh, it is so much easier just to hang out after a long day at work than talk on the phone. I am going to Miami to visit him this weekend and we have a BBQ to go to with all of the residents) not really looking forward to the small talk, (especially since most of the residents don't seem to be married but so it goes. Once he gets back he has surgery sub i then the rest of fourth year should be pretty tame rotation wise, of course we will have that whole interview/match situation to deal with.

                Maybe with low expectations the BBQ won't suck all that bad! LOL! And enjoy Miami!!! I sure could use a weekend at the beach right about now......
                Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
                "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


                • #9
                  Re: MS 4 Spouses

                  Ok. It's official, the application was submitted tonight! Can someone please tell me what to do with myself now? :| For the three years and 5 months I have been anticipating this moment. We researched, planed, he worked so hard, and all the effort...... now it's over and all we do is wait. my gosh. i don't know what to do with myself!!

                  THANKFULLY I do have a second interview tomorrow for a job that I think I already have. The other manager wants to meet with me basically. I think this might mean I'm starting work this week opposed to waiting two more weeks to get started. Thank God.
                  Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
                  "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


                  • #10
                    Re: MS 4 Spouses

                    I had a great interview today as well. Have an "audition" on Thursday to test my skills and hopefully that will open the door. It is a WAY nicer place than I ever thought I would start my career as a pastry chef at so I am pretty excited. If all goes as planned I will start there full time next week. I will be so relieved to have this job search be over. I can not wait to get into a routine.


                    • #11
                      Re: MS 4 Spouses

                      Originally posted by sstreet
                      Originally posted by moonlight
                      THANKFULLY I do have a second interview tomorrow for a job that I think I already have. The other manager wants to meet with me basically. I think this might mean I'm starting work this week opposed to waiting two more weeks to get started. Thank God.
                      I had a great interview today as well. Have an "audition" on Thursday to test my skills and hopefully that will open the door. It is a WAY nicer place than I ever thought I would start my career as a pastry chef at so I am pretty excited. If all goes as planned I will start there full time next week. I will be so relieved to have this job search be over. I can not wait to get into a routine.
                      Best of luck to both of you with your interviews!!!
                      Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                      • #12
                        Re: MS 4 Spouses

                        Originally posted by oceanchild
                        First interview invite received!
                        :stars: Congrats!!!!
                        Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                        • #13
                          Re: MS 4 Spouses

                          Congrats on all of the interviews! :wee:

                          Please let us know how they went!!

                          I have no updates. We submitted on Sept. 2, so now it's just sit back and wait. The other half has scheduled the interview with the nearby-program-that-is-sort-of-okay for the week before Thanksgiving.

                          Sometimes I just have to let him indulge in his type A tendencies.
                          I think your DH and my boyfriend may be related somehow. If he hadn't found the place nearby to take his picture, I know he would have done the exact same thing.

                          I am not looking forward to purchasing a new suit either. I believe Joseph A. Banks is having a sale right now, so I am pushing the SO to go, like right now. But once I see him in that new suit, all of my annoyance at purchasing it will disappear.
                          Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


                          • #14
                            Re: MS 4 Spouses

                            Just finished my audition. I was nervous and felt like I didn't perform as well as I had hoped BUT they offered me the job! Of course I got another job offer today at smaller restaurant - when it rains it pours. The smaller restaurant would be easier and more flexible but if I didn't take the position at the place I was at today I think I may always wonder what could have happened... So I am going to take it! I expect to be on edge the next few months as I get used to it but I am already on edge so I might as well just go with it.

                            Heading down to see DH tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great weekend!


                            • #15
                              Re: MS 4 Spouses

                              Hey everyone,

                              I am so excited that someone started this thread. I am wife to MS4, wanna be nuerosurgeon. This process is PAINFUL! Though it is kind of exciting not knowing where you will be a year from this date, it is also stressful. Does anyone else feel that their life is in limbo? Ever since dh submitted application, last tuesday, I have felt a little lost. I am unmotivated at work, knowing that I might be there much longer, but at the same time it is so hard to get excited about moving....cause you have NO idea where!

                              Anyone feeling my pain? :anyolne:

                              On a good note, he did get his first interview today...not a top 5 favorite but definately a good program. So all the fears of doing something wrong on the app are gone. He applied to 40 progams due to the competitive nature of the specialty, and hoping to do about 15 interviews. This will definately be a crazy exciting fall/winter.

                              I hope you all continue to update on this thread, this is going to be roller coaster and it will be great to have some friends going through the same thing!

