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Do you let the doctor doctor you?

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  • Do you let the doctor doctor you?

    So my DH was sick with a cold all last week, and joy of joys... I got it yesterday. I was taking Nyquil last night before bed, and he's telling me to take Afrin and some other meds too. Of course I ignore him and just take the Nyquil.

    He flakes out and asks me "Why don't you trust me? I'm a doctor, you know!". I always do this - I realize he's a doctor, but I don't ever listen to him when he tells me about mixing meds. I'm not sure why, maybe because I knew him before he was a doctor?

    Anyone else do this?

  • #2
    Re: Do you let the doctor doctor you?

    I listen to DH when it comes to pain med type things but everything else I usually figure out on my own. Of course most of the time its b/c he isn't any help.
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      Re: Do you let the doctor doctor you?

      I turn into a baby when I'm sick. I rarely do (knock on wood), but when I do, it's really bad. I tell dh my symptoms and make him pour me a glass of water and hand the meds over to me. I make him keep track of how many times I've taken certain things, too. Again, I'm a real baby when it comes to getting sick. (But so is he! )
      married to an anesthesia attending


      • #4
        Re: Do you let the doctor doctor you?

        "I'm sick. Help me."

        "Are any of your bones broken?"

        "No. I have a fever though. I feel awful."

        "I can't help you. Call the doctor."

        "You are a doctor! What good are you, anyway?"
        Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


        • #5
          Re: Do you let the doctor doctor you?

          I'm waiting to break a bone...I think that is the only way (and who knows then?) he will offer medical advice.....I suspect he would say that the odd time he does ofer me advice I don't listen...that may be true


          • #6
            Re: Do you let the doctor doctor you?

            Originally posted by Vanquisher
            "I'm sick. Help me."

            "Are any of your bones broken?"

            "No. I have a fever though. I feel awful."

            "I can't help you. Call the doctor."

            "You are a doctor! What good are you, anyway?"
            Yep. Except w/o the "broken bones" thing. Mine is a freaking pathologist! Unless I want to cough something up and put it on a slide, I'm out of luck. He'll say "what do I know? I'm a pathologist!"

            Plus, when he does give advice I usually ignore him anyway. I've known him since he was 15 so it's still really hard for me to believe he knows what he's talking about. I know he's smart, I've known that since the moment I met him ... but it's just weird for me when I hear him talking doctor-speak.


            • #7
              Re: Do you let the doctor doctor you?

              Yes, I let him Dr. me, but when it gets bad I always go to my physcian.

              DH was IM before going into cards. He's still solid in Medicine, and often helps out his IM friends. This has been advantageous, because he calls it pretty accurately. The only area he lacks in is keeping current w/the meds...he hits the PDR and the net to see whatever newer medicines are out there. I think his IM board just lapsed recently... he thought about taking it again, but didn't have the time to study new treatment protocols & meds.

              I pray none of us will ever need him for his specialty !


              • #8
                Re: Do you let the doctor doctor you?

                I've come to trust what DH tells me when it comes to pregnancy. And for minor things, I usually take what he suggests - although I didn't until about a year ago.

                When DH was moonlighting in the minor emergency clinics, people - including guys - would ask him to be their regular doc, and DH would tell them, "Unless you have a vagina, you're out of luck!" So unless it has to do with pregnancy or a minor cold or something, I ask an FP or a specialist.


                • #9
                  Re: Do you let the doctor doctor you?

                  For emergency-type things (like the two days straight of nothing staying in me), yes. I actually let him start an IV on me this week, and felt much better. When I was desperate for Imodium and he wouldn't let me take it, I listened. To be honest, I completely think I am a doctor for all the studying I helped him do in med school, so I'm probably not the best patient for him. Even with the IV, I questioned him on it. Did I really need two liters? Couldn't I just get one and be done with it??? When the two year old is jumping around, I tell her "don't break yourself when Daddy's not here to fix you." Anything else, we go in to our own docs.
                  Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


                  • #10
                    Re: Do you let the doctor doctor you?

                    I completely trust dh's medical advice; it's just that I usually have to flog it out of him. I would have to have a heart-related zebra to get his medical attention (but then again I don't want that kind of attention!)


                    • #11
                      Re: Do you let the doctor doctor you?

                      I don't really ever ask my husband for medical advice for myself, unless I'm really really sick. I just prefer to deal with it on my own. However, my kids are different story. I am always asking him about every little cough or scratch. Normally his answer is "wait a couple days and if he/she isn't better then go the doctor".


                      • #12
                        Re: Do you let the doctor doctor you?

                        We don't rely on my husband for medical advice. He doesn't feel comfortable with treating family or friends most of the time and won't prescribe for us either. It can be a real pain sometimes....especially considering he's willing to add his 2 cents to whatever the pedi says.
                        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                        • #13
                          Re: Do you let the doctor doctor you?

                          "How old are you? Oh, I'm sorry, I don't see patients over 21. Call your NP."

                          That's how it works in my house.



                          • #14
                            Re: Do you let the doctor doctor you?

                            Are you kidding? We have to be on life support before he jumps in.

                            Like everyone else said, DH has become too specialized to deal with most of our common ailments. Although he did through a mean stitch when DS needed his foot sewn up.

                            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                            • #15
                              Re: Do you let the doctor doctor you?

                              Originally posted by houseelf
                              Although he did through a mean stitch when DS needed his foot sewn up.

                              Well, that's totally worth $200K in education and 9 hellish years of training .... right??

