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What would you do...?

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  • What would you do...?

    We recently hired a babysitter for 15 hours/week--one evening for errands/groceries, one evening for "me time" and one evening as a date night. I feel really spoiled having this luxury right now, but if my sanity and our marriage are going to survive it seems like a necessity for now.

    Here is my problem: I find myself with a free evening staring me in the face and I'm shocked that I have no idea what to do with myself. All my money is going to a babysitter, so it needs to be free/cheap activities. Other than a bookstore (where I'll be sorely tempted to spend money) I feel at a loss. Pathetic, I know, but I really can't remember what I used to do with all my free time!?!

    If you had 4 hours to yourself, no kids, no dh, what would YOU do? Will you help me brainstorm?

    Thank you!

  • #2
    Re: What would you do...?

    I could spend hours just browsing in a bookstore. I also love to hike the trails here in Portland. Sitting and just BEING sometimes is good...meditation, reading, etc. Do your 4 hours need to be spent away from home?
    Married to a peds surgeon attending


    • #3
      Re: What would you do...?

      Originally posted by LilySayWhat

      Pick up some sticks, a skein of yarn and find your local Stitch n Bitch meetup. Check here

      or here
      I'm so glad you posted this. I've never been..... what's it like at those things???
      Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
      "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


      • #4
        Re: What would you do...?

        Go to the library and read the magazines.....if you're tempted to take something home, you can check something out! TOTALLY FREE!

        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


        • #5
          Re: What would you do...?

          If I could spend it at home, I would catch up on my scrapbook pages, organize everything, do laundry, refine my truffle-making technique.

          If it had to be away from home, I'd get my hair cut or go to a spa, check out any good kids' second-hand clothing stores, buy myself some new clothes (and actually try them on!), browse through craft stores. I also love bookstores - yum, to sit & read with some coffee & a slice of cheesecake.

          Whatever you decide - enjoy!


          • #6
            Re: What would you do...?

            I would go to a bookstore (maybe leave my wallet locked in the glove compartment?). Definitely!! That would be so browse through the aisles, unimpeded by a stroller or the squawk of, "Do you want this one, Mommy? Can we go home now?"


            • #7
              Re: What would you do...?

              On this day, I would sit in my car and take a nap. But otherwise I might window shop, hit the library, bookstores, take in an occassional movie, walk, visit with friends or even sit in a park. I would give anything for 4 hours of freedom. Enjoy yourself!


              • #8
                Re: What would you do...?

                Go to the gym, meet a friend for coffee, go to a local park, volunteer, take a cooking class, etc. I would look into local community groups that do free or extremely reduced price classes or demos. I know there are several in the Boston area through local town councils that are really cool - painting, language skills, etc.

                I agree with someone else too - would the time be better served in the house segregated from the kids so you could get things done?
                Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
                Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.


                • #9
                  Re: What would you do...?

                  4 hours- no dude, no husband? I'd READ.



                  • #10
                    Re: What would you do...?

                    I loved reading your responses! Lots of good ideas. I was feeling so blah this afternoon I couldn't even think for myself. Thanks for helping me out!

                    A friend ended up calling tonight and we went out for cheap eats and some window shopping (ok, ok...I bought stuff...and it was for the kids. :huh: ) It was so nice just to have uninterrupted adult conversation. Next week I think I'll go it alone though. On the ride home I realized just how much I need silence.

                    I like the library suggestion. Unfortunately, it would cost me more (in late fees) to check something out right now than to buy a stack of books at Borders. I want to be friends with the library, but I'm really, really bad at my end of the relationship.

                    I'd LIKE to be able to stay home, but I think we'll have to go there slowly. We live in a ranch style house, so it isn't very easy to hide. The 6 and 4 year old might follow the "rule" of not bothering mommy, but the 2 years old would probably have his own ideas on the matter.

                    I'm going to have to check into the knitting. I haven't picked up needles in years.

                    Thanks, again.


                    • #11
                      Re: What would you do...?

                      I would go for a run! And then go to a bookstore and browse with a coffee and slice of cheesecake!


                      • #12
                        Re: What would you do...?

                        I second checking out community centers for, yoga, martial arts...I would take a ballet class...a great way to always have something to do, but low cost enough if you want to ditch and do something else...

                        Mom to a 12yo boy, 8yo boy, 6yo girl and 3yo boy. Wife to Glaucoma specialist and CE(everything)O of our crazy life!


                        • #13
                          Re: What would you do...?

                          I would to a SNB too! There are several in my area that I never seem able to get to because of the whole childcare issue... But that would be my very first choice. If nothing else, it would be good to do the grocery shopping alone. Take a book to a local coffee shop and hang out on a couch.


                          • #14
                            Re: What would you do...?

                            Originally posted by moonlight
                            Originally posted by LilySayWhat

                            Pick up some sticks, a skein of yarn and find your local Stitch n Bitch meetup. Check here


                            or here

                            I'm so glad you posted this. I've never been..... what's it like at those things???
                            It *totally* depends on the people and the location. I meet with a really great group at a coffee shop on Saturday afternoons, but a friend of mine in another city had trouble finding a group she liked. In general, it's mostly just sitting around knitting/crocheting and gabbing at each other about whatever. Go to a few and see what you think!
                            Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty

