I've put the residency reviews back up and will try and working on adding back the reviews that we have up until this point (only about 15...I gave up on this awhile back because it was too time consuming....but the new format will make this really work-free 8) . You don't have to register with the website to add your review.....and it can be posted completely anonymously.
Add as much information as you can to help out other spouses.....what information would you have liked to have known?
Visit the reviews by heading over to medicalspouse.org and clicking on 'residency reviews'
If you have comments on how we can improve this, contact myself or Carey
Add as much information as you can to help out other spouses.....what information would you have liked to have known?
Visit the reviews by heading over to medicalspouse.org and clicking on 'residency reviews'
If you have comments on how we can improve this, contact myself or Carey