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  • Back home...

    I'm back from a glorious week long vacation with the parents and inlaws. My hubby missed us deeply so it is good to be reunited with him. But other than that, I miss my hometown! My son had a wonderful time and he received an unbelievable amount of toys from his grandparents. (TWO suitcases full 8O ...Who needs Santa when you have two sets of adoring grandparents?)

    We did a lot of small-town-USA things like attend my nephew's middle school basketball game, run through cornfields, and spend time at the local diner. After living in the big city, I really see my home town in a different light. I guess that we came here to grow as individuals and a family.

    My in-laws were actually on better behavior this time. I think that they realize that not every daughter-in-law would spend an equal amount of time at their house on her vacation home. They seemed really appreciative and I felt like more than just Sean's wife and Cade's mommy.

    But most of all, I miss my mama. She rocks. I'm going to try to get her to come up here in January for a long weekend. I'm so fortunate to have such a great mom.

    Anyway, hope you all had a nice week too!

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    Wonderful, Kelly!! I am so happy for you! Isn't it great to visit home sometimes? Well, do tell, what sorts of toys were in the two suitcases? And yes, you are very gracious to spend equal time with both sides. I'm going home after Christmas for a week and I cannot wait to see everyone. I am very hormonal right now and, of course, burst into tears on occasion when I think about leaving my husband for that long. I am comforted by the fact that his in-service exam is at the end of January and so he will probably be thrilled that I am out of his hair for a week! Maybe he can actually get some studying done! I'm so happy that you had a great vacation - when is your next one??


    • #3

      Your time away sounds great! Both Rick and I have enjoyed our vacations away from each other this year. Of course, we also enjoyed our vacations together as well!

      I hear you about the Mom Factor. My mom is really cool, too. She's one of my closest friends (now!). Of course, had you asked me when I was 16...

      Glad you had a great time. (and that Cade had some well-deserved grandparent time, too.)



      • #4

        I am glad you had such a nice time. I love to go back home and get in touch with my midwestern roots, but to be honest, it is pretty stressful because I end up chasing around seeing everyone that I feel like I "should" see, and the kids get out of sorts and we all end up exhausted. My family and friends are spread out all across central Indiana and I don't get up there often enough to not make an effort to see most of them each time. I am toying with trying to fly up by myself sometime in February for a long weekend and spend a day with each of my "must-sees", but I don't know if we'll be able to work it out.

        I am glad that you get along so well with your mom. I love my mom very much, but we still definitely have issues -- mostly unspoken. Maybe if we ever get to live a little closer to her we can get some of it worked out.

        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


        • #5
          Thanks for the warm tidings!

          Sally, I hear you on how a vacation home is really not a vacation. Our families are spread out from Columbus to Cincinnati so we run around constantly. It does through a wrench in my toddler's schedule as we go from nursing home to farm to another city where the old people "squish" my son (his words). But it is worth it. I want my son to know where he comes from and his relatives.

          Jenn, I agree, some amount of separateness in a marriage really makes it work. My hubby was beside himself without us and couldn't wait to have us home. Meanwhile, I feel recharged and refreshed. These are direct benefits from a little bit of separateness.

          Claudia, since you asked, here is my run down on the loot (also known as the pre-Christmas Barnett toy review for toddler & preschool boys :

          :arrow: Bobble head bobby remote control car--The Gift that my son will not put down. His first words in the morning were "Where is my bobble head toy?" We have all enjoyed this toy (well, with the exception of my parents' cocker spaniel who is a little freaked out by it.) Rating *****

          :arrow: Cariboo. A game intended for toddlers and preschoolers that is mildly entertaining for adults. Super ingenious game.****

          :arrow: Barrel of Monkeys--overhyped, thanks to appearances in Toy Story. A $5 package of cheap plastic monkeys that have the same effect as a string of paperclips. *

          :arrow: Chutes and Ladders--an oldy but a goody for those learning to count. Not near as entertaining as Cariboo for the adults, however. **

          :arrow: Thomas the Tank Engine Big Loader train set--I'm torn on the review that this one should receive. It is a mechanized train system that is really cool to watch but has very little interactive value for the child. After the first hour there is not much to do with this toy. The train keeps going around and around with no direction or input from the child. I would recommend the classic wooden Thomas cars instead which allow the child to create new tracks and encourages pretend play. **

          :arrow: Boggle Junior--A little above my son's comprehension level. I think that workbooks and alphabet puzzles have about the same appeal. **

          :arrow: Matchbox cars--Classic cars that every child should have. They are cheap, durable, and foster creative play. My son is a double fister in that he must have a car at all times. ****

          :arrow: Bob the Builder plastic figurines--I can't believe that anyone would buy this toy, it is similar to a McDonald's happy meal toy but costs over $5. Very little value in this toy *

          :arrow: Gearation activity game--This is an awesome activity for little hands to create new patterns. Heck, even the adults enjoyed this one. ****

          Yup, as I said, who needs Santa when you have Grandparents?

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6

            Welcome back my friend 8) Glad to hear you survived the mil with your sanity still intact!

            I love your toy list...though I must admit that Chutes and Ladders are a hit in our house!

            I'm so glad you're back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! I missed you

            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


            • #7
              Kelly, I completely understand how it takes a little away time for the hubby to really appreciate you!

              Last Easter I took the kids "home" to Dallas where we visited my parents. Of course DH couldn't come because he had to work. We were gone a week and I figured he'd be glad to have some peace and quiet to himself also. When I called him mid-week to see how he was doing he actually sounded sad! He said it was kind of fun the first night - he ate on the couch and got crumbs all over himself and really liked that. But then he said after a few hours of peace, it was too quiet and he really missed us.

              So yes, away time ain't always so bad.

              Thu Van


              • #8
                Kelly- Welcome back from your restful vacation! I am glad your enjoyed yourself and came home refreshed. We missed you around here. You were in Columbus? That is only 2 hours away from me.


