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Would this really embarass DrK?

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  • #16
    Re: Would this really embarass DrK?

    Oh, wait, oh wait!! I forgot one more thing: he once called and asked me to bring him a prescription bottle from our medicine cabinet. It had pills for his cold sores. When he is really stressed out and sleep deprived, he gets these awful cold sores. Poor guy--he's gotten them all his life. He says they are caused by some herpes virus. Well, the problem is, the medication he takes to help stop them is the same stuff you take for the STD herpes virus (which, I feel compelled to say that he doesn't have--just for clarification).

    Anyhow, he didn't want anyone to see the bottle and think he had an STD. So he wouldn't let me drop them off and leave--I had to wait for him to scrub out and hand them to him personally.

    Are you kidding me?


    • #17
      Re: Would this really embarass DrK?

      On various occasions, I've brought in sneakers, his white coat, and a tie. Not all on the same day. Mostly, these have occurred when he had call on the weekend and got up early for it...


      • #18
        Re: Would this really embarass DrK?

        Here is a novel idea, why not call the ED and ask to speak to him? Believe me, its no big deal. There are many phones in the ER.


        • #19
          Re: Would this really embarass DrK?

          Ha! He just left for work this morning and called from the ER to ask for his ID.
          Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


          • #20
            Re: Would this really embarass DrK?

            My MD BF doesn't even have time to call or send me a text message when he is on call. I can't imagine ever being able to 'stop by' to bring him something. Maybe its because he is an intern...? He took me to the hospital ONCE but not up on the floors because he said there were just sick patients up there and nothing to see. How often do you all visit the hospital? Do you think things have changed as he/she got more used to the program? I would like to be able to surprise him or eat lunch with him in the cafeteria (if he takes a break to eat that is!).


            • #21
              Re: Would this really embarass DrK?

              Originally posted by frowe01
              My MD BF doesn't even have time to call or send me a text message when he is on call. I can't imagine ever being able to 'stop by' to bring him something. Maybe its because he is an intern...? He took me to the hospital ONCE but not up on the floors because he said there were just sick patients up there and nothing to see. How often do you all visit the hospital? Do you think things have changed as he/she got more used to the program? I would like to be able to surprise him or eat lunch with him in the cafeteria (if he takes a break to eat that is!).
              DH is a R2 and I don't usually speak to him when he is at work. He calls me when he is on his way home. Sometimes that's 5pm, sometimes that's at 1am. If I really need something I send him a text page and I know that if he is able to, he will call me back. I don't know what specially your BF is but I have brought DH lunch/dinner a handful of times. During intern year it was mostly when he was on ortho versus the 9 other "general surg" months. The kids and I went in with DH when he was on ED service a few times while he was working. One time, I went to work with him after I fell on the ice and I was about 15 weeks pregnant and his attending did an ultrasound on me. We live about 15 minutes away and I have 3 children so I definitely would not just swing by without calling first. Depending on the service there are down times. Even so, it's not like there's time to just hang out. And if you like surprising your BF, I say go for it but I would just make sure you are okay with the disappointment if he is unable to appreciate your surprise. Even just ortho clinic lasts all day long with very little breaks and trauma with or w/o call in the spring/summer months are long days and I don't bother and if I do I know it's a drive by drop off.


              • #22
                Re: Would this really embarass DrK?

                Originally posted by frowe01
                My MD BF doesn't even have time to call or send me a text message when he is on call. I can't imagine ever being able to 'stop by' to bring him something. Maybe its because he is an intern...? He took me to the hospital ONCE but not up on the floors because he said there were just sick patients up there and nothing to see. How often do you all visit the hospital? Do you think things have changed as he/she got more used to the program? I would like to be able to surprise him or eat lunch with him in the cafeteria (if he takes a break to eat that is!).
                He calls me when he gets a minute. Sometimes our chats only last about 6 seconds. But I think that's in part because I commute for my work and we are separated by 1200 miles about half the time. If he didn't call, we'd never speak at all.

                This week is actually the first time I've been here while he is working in the hospital. Previously, I had visited with the DME and toured the hospital a couple times. I stopped by on Election Night when DrK had a PM call. I came just before his call started because he asked me to bring him some dinner. I brought a home-baked cake for everyone (I'm really good at cakes) and hoped that they'd let me watch the election returns in the doctor's lounge since we don't have TV. They let me in the lounge and DrK introduced me to a couple people but it was very awkward. They all acted like a bunch of cardiologists when they saw the cake and no one even took a slice until I was gone. Then DrK called to tell me how much they enjoyed it. :huh:
                Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


                • #23
                  Re: Would this really embarass DrK?

                  I cannot count the number of times I have brought stuff to my husband. Yes, even now, the Attending husband- yes, the same man who went to Ft. Hood three weeks ago and FORGOT HIS UNIFORM. Remembered the boots and beret. Not much I could do for him from 3 hours away.

                  (He wore scrubs, FYI)



                  • #24
                    Re: Would this really embarass DrK?

                    Jenn - I just spit tea on my keyboard thinking about your husband forgetting his uniform!!!!

