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Holiday Shopping....

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  • #16
    Re: Holiday Shopping....

    My hope is that I can get away with our new son being a gift to everyone!! Seriously, we are not buying gifts for anyone but each other and our soon to be little guy this year. And if we were shopping for the entire fam....I probably would not have started yet.
    Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


    • #17
      Re: Holiday Shopping....

      I bought my sister a gift the other day and thought I was WAY ahead of the game. Are you all serious - finished with holiday shopping at the beginning of November...? WOW!


      • #18
        Re: Holiday Shopping....

        Originally posted by frowe01
        I bought my sister a gift the other day and thought I was WAY ahead of the game. Are you all serious - finished with holiday shopping at the beginning of November...? WOW!
        I am one of those that is always in search of the perfect gift. If I find it in Jnauary then it gets stored until the next December. I also hate pressure shopping for anything! Not even for myself. I cannot handle the pressure of finding a specific item much less when there are tons of people in the stores. Hence, finishing early. I still have a few items left - stocking stuffers etc. But they are nooo pressure. If I find something - great - if not that's fine too. I am all about finding ways to make the holidays less hectic. I also celebrate the 12 days of Christmas and on Epiphany have a dinner party for friends. I find it less stressful for all to do any gift exchange/get together after December 25th!
        Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


        • #19
          Re: Holiday Shopping....

          So glad you posted this Kris because I have since remembered that DD1 has been asking about a basketball hoop and DD2 asked if Santa will bring her a new CD player since the one he brought last year broke.

          I love the idea of finding the perfect gift and storing it until a birthday or holiday but I tend to forget those stored gifts.


          • #20
            Re: Holiday Shopping....

            Originally posted by cupcake
            I love the idea of finding the perfect gift and storing it until a birthday or holiday but I tend to forget those stored gifts.
            My mom has always done this, and she would forget sometimes, too. I will *sometimes* pick things up ahead; usually when we're traveling and it's something I know I can't get at home easily. I get around forgetting by having *one spot* in the house to put bought-ahead gifts. Then whenever a gift-giving occasion comes up, I check there first to make sure there isn't already something there for that person. Mom mostly did this, but she knew we knew where that main spot was, so she would try to get sneaky with stuff for us, and then forget where she'd hidden them, or that she bought them at all. I guess if your "one spot" is a locked cupboard or something?
            Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty

