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Anniversary Gift For Parents?

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  • Anniversary Gift For Parents?

    My parents' 25th wedding anniversary is coming up soon. (Yep...I was their love child! ) I would like to get them something really meaningful since this is one of the big anniversaries. I don't want to spend too much, maybe $50, tops, and I'm at a loss for what to buy. Any suggestions?


  • #2
    Re: Anniversary Gift For Parents?

    DH and created a "Memory Package" for his parents 25th anniversary. We went to the container store and got a really nice box to put all the items in. We purchased a wine from their wedding year, the top movie from their year, made a CD of all of the top 20 hits for their year and created a what was going on in the world on their day packet. You can also add a picture of them from that time, favorite candies of the day etc. It was really fun to do and we learned a lot about what the time was like for them.

    We spent less than $40 for everything and just made the packaging really nice...They loved it!
    Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


    • #3
      Re: Anniversary Gift For Parents?

      Thanks for the suggestions! Unfortunately, my parents are really hard to buy for!

      I've done dinner gift certificates in the past, but my parents already eat out a ton--like 4-5 times a week--so I feel like that's not really a special treat. And the memory kit is a really cute idea, but my parents aren't the type to sit down together and do "date" stuff, so I think a lot of that stuff would be enjoyed by one or the other of them but that they wouldn't necessarily enjoy it together, if that makes any sense.

      I guess I'm thinking more along the lines of a cool keepsake-type thing, but I have no idea what.

      Back to the drawing board! I'm seriously at a loss for what to do! :huh:


      • #4
        Re: Anniversary Gift For Parents?

        Originally posted by Blondie06
        My parents' 25th wedding anniversary is coming up soon. (Yep...I was their love child! ) I would like to get them something really meaningful since this is one of the big anniversaries. I don't want to spend too much, maybe $50, tops, and I'm at a loss for what to buy. Any suggestions?

        1. Did they get to have a wedding ceremony (sounds like things may have been a little rished ). If not, why not make them (make it--so it's affordable) a wedding cake and get them a nice wedding cake topper? Something symbolic, from the heart, and the topper is a nice keepsake.

        I suggest this because it reminds me of what I did for my folks for their 30th. They had a beautiful wedding and their cake had a sterling silver wedding bell topper. I've seen pictures--gorgeous! However, someone STOLE the cake topper during the ceremony! My mom had always been sad that she didn't have one. For their 30th, they planned to go to Ruth's Chris for a steak dinner. My brother, sister, and I pooled our money, and contacted the restaurant ahead of time. We gave them my credit card number, to cover the meal, and then gave to them a beautiful new china cake topper. They made a small little cake and surprised my folks at the end of the meal with the cake and its topper (and the good news that the bill was paid for!). I wish we could have been there--it was really cool. Everyone in the restaurant applauded and congratulated them. I think the wedding cake topper was around $50.

        2. Alternatively, for their 25th wedding anniversary, my sibs and I got together and got them an announcement in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (the big paper in town), with a great picture of them. They were getting congratulations and best wishes from their friends for weeks afterward! It definitely cost less than $50.

        Whatever you do, good luck! Hope it's the perfect gift!


        • #5
          Re: Anniversary Gift For Parents?

          For my Dad and Step-Mom's 1st anniversary, my brother and I got together and cooked them their wedding menu. We asked a gourmet cupcake place to make them cupcakes that were their cake flavor. Anyway, I'm sure it didn't taste as good as the wonderful caterer that they used but it was still pretty special. Any idea what they ate that night? You could recreate it with white tablecloths, etc.
          Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
          Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.


          • #6
            Re: Anniversary Gift For Parents?

            Do you have brothers and sisters? If so, do you live close enough to have a professional picture done? I told my daughters last year that the only gift I wanted was a picture of the two of them together when Caroline was home. It doesn't have to be expensive. I think Sears still has inexpensive packages. It seems like after about age 12 it is difficult to get a group pic of your kids!
            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)

