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Raise your hands...

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  • #16
    Re: Raise your hands...

    We have a landline. We tried cell phones only when we first moved here, but it was a pain to run for a cell phone in a four level split house.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #17
      Re: Raise your hands...

      We don't have a landline anymore. We had one in Phoenix but got more nuisance calls in a year than I have in my whole life before (even though we were on the do not call list). It also saves money.

      We don't have the best cell phone reception here so it is a pain sometimes, but we are not big phone talkers. We have the most basic cell phone package and still have way more minutes than we use.


      • #18
        Re: Raise your hands...

        We have a landline for emergencies and I guess for the DSL. We also have cell phones, but mine runs out of battery all the time, or gets buried in my purse so I can't hear it ring.


        • #19
          Re: Raise your hands...

          We have a landline too. We just got prepaid 7-11 cell phones this year because the minutes are good for a whole year. Before that, we would load the minimum required (about $10) each month and still not use the minutes up before they expired!!
          I actually had someone at a bar laugh at my ancient looking cell phone. Hey, I just got it this year!


          • #20
            Re: Raise your hands...

            We have kept ours for safety reasons...this may sound crazy, but I feel safer when I am home alone when I know a phone is always only a few steps away.


            • #21
              Re: Raise your hands...

              We haven't had a landline in 2-3 years. We usually aren't home during the day and here, it is cheaper to have a cell. So, two cell phones = $100/month + cable internet ($55/month). We both need cells anyway since school and family have to be able to reach us. I've had the same cell # since 1997!
              Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


              • #22
                Re: Raise your hands...

                We have a landline BUT it is only there for faxing and for the alarm system. If I could figure out a way to not need it I would because the only calls we get are telemarketing calls...and we are on the do not call list.
                Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


                • #23
                  Re: Raise your hands...

                  We have a landline. Our cell phone reception is spotty up here in the mountains, and I feel safer having both options.


                  • #24
                    Re: Raise your hands...

                    Originally posted by pinkpickles
                    We have a pool and small kids ,therefore we have a land-line. I like the fact that 911 can quickly determine where a call is coming from regardless of whether or not someone is able to speak on the other end!
                    Oh, wow. Very smart. I hadn't thought of this consideration at all. A pool, and Tara's alarm system concern, make a landline non-negotiable under such circumstances, I would think!


                    • #25
                      Re: Raise your hands...

                      When Hurricane Ike hit Southern Ohio, my parents had a land line with AN ACTUAL CORD that still worked during their eight day power outage. They are retired Phone Company employees and my stepdad was a communications officer in Vietnam so he could probably hook up a Speak-and-Spell a la E.T. and get some sort of reception. Anyway, this really made me rethink our communication lines in our home.

                      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                      • #26
                        Re: Raise your hands...

                        Originally posted by houseelf
                        When Hurricane Ike hit Southern Ohio, my parents had a land line with AN ACTUAL CORD that still worked during their eight day power outage.
                        That's right!

                        In Houston, when cell phones were not working (I forget the recording we kept getting - it would change - but basically said you could not send your call) the land line still worked!! Keep in mind though that you need an "old school" phone - no fancy caller ID/cordless/answering machine - you need a phone that does not require electricity.
                        Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


                        • #27
                          Re: Raise your hands...

                          Kelly, I am a former phone company employee too! It wasn't my area so don't rely on the following -- I *think* that as long as you have a jack that has been set up, but not actively subscribing to phone service, you should be able to dial out for 911. This is the case if your phone has been shut off for failure to pay or at least that was the case in the region where I worked. I wouldn't want to count on that, I'd rather have the service hooked up and option to dial more than just 911 in an emergency.


                          • #28
                            Re: Raise your hands...

                            We have a landline. We use two phones - a corded one in the kitchen, and a cordless w/ answering machine in the bedroom. We pay under $30/month to have it and 30 minutes of long distance. (Although apparently Verizon now charges you for the long distance minutes even if you don't use them.)

                            It made me feel good to know that I could use that phone and 911 would know where I am, and that the phone would work in case of a power outage. We are on the Do Not Call list and it has cut down on the number of calls considerably. We also screen our phone calls with the answering machine. And the only people who call on the landline are the medicial school and doctor's offices - usually with reminders about appointments.

                            Oh, and car dealerships like to call us. I bought a car in February and the other half will be buying one in the next month, so every car dealership in the state will have contacted our household in 2008.
                            Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


                            • #29
                              Re: Raise your hands...

                              No landline, we use cellphones and when communicating internationally, Skype.


                              • #30
                                Re: Raise your hands...

                                Landline here, and there will be one in the new house, too. Ditto what someone else said....if we go out and leave the kids, our phones are with us....they need the landline to be able to talk to us or anyone. (Although I think DS #1 will be getting a cell phone in the next year or so, but I am trying not to think about that can of worms....)

                                Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                                "I don't know when Dad will be home."

