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Holiday Survival

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  • #16
    Re: Holiday Survival

    Originally posted by scarlett09
    MrsK - loved your story about the plant. Has it gone back to your neighbor's house yet?
    Cassy - I am sorry to hear about your grandma. I hope she is doing better.

    My Turkey Day was pretty good. The other half and I spent it with both sides of my family. It was a small dinner with my DM and her BF. We then went to my aunt & uncle's house (on my DF's side) for dessert. My other aunt (DF's sister), her husband and my three cousins decided to show up as a "surprise" (they were in the area, about an hour away). Let me tell you how well that went over. Especially when they turn their noses up at the 10 kinds of pie available and only eat the pie that they made and brought with them. Their surprise arrival was particularly funny because, 15 minutes before they showed, my grandmother commented on how quiet it was without her daughter, son-in-law and their three children!

    Oh, and there was wayyyyy too much pumpkin pie. My DM made one for us, my grandmother made one for us, and my aunt (on my DM's side) stopped by with one for us on Friday after we had left for home! (All three of them have now been consumed by us. ) And then, when I had dinner with my grandmother and assorted family on Wednesday, she tried to pawn another one off on me! I had to put a stop to it because I cannot have the BF turning a shade of orange while on the interview trail!

    The plant was returned to its guardians immediately after the IL's left and it is once again prominately displayed in their window where it will remain . . . until Christmas, I suppose?

    We had too many sweets too. I baked a "MrsK's Thankful for Pumpkin Spice Cake" and MIL made a pumpkin mousse (pretty much the same as a pumpkin pie but made in a springform pan) and she brought two types of goodies that her neighbor baked and she brought cookies from a hometown baker and she bought candy while she was here. FIL is diabetic. So I packed up the spice cake an sent it to work with DrK. When MIL found out, she said, "but I wanted that."
    Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.

