Snow removal fairy that is.
I took of from work 45 minutes early to beat traffice and the second band of snow to hit us and was more than pleasantly surprised to see just a dusting of snow in the driveway again!
This time it had to be the landlord because our snowblower was covered in snow and he is the only one who has the access code to the garage besides us! I love the fact that I didn't even have to ask! (Can you tell he is the father of three little ones?)
I will have to shovel in the morning, but it will only be a couple of inches, not the 6 or so that appear to have fallen around here.

I took of from work 45 minutes early to beat traffice and the second band of snow to hit us and was more than pleasantly surprised to see just a dusting of snow in the driveway again!
This time it had to be the landlord because our snowblower was covered in snow and he is the only one who has the access code to the garage besides us! I love the fact that I didn't even have to ask! (Can you tell he is the father of three little ones?)
I will have to shovel in the morning, but it will only be a couple of inches, not the 6 or so that appear to have fallen around here.