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  • Love/Hate

    Just for Fun...

    Right now, I'm loving...
    1) Panera's new egg and bacon morning sandwhich. I'm soooo addicted it is kind of embarrassing.
    2) My spot bot. (Well it is actually my parents but I might just hijack it.) You wouldn't BELIEVE the stuff that comes out of my white builder grade carpet.
    3) The Twilight Series.

    What might just kill me...
    1) Who thought that white cabinets with a black marbled countertop was appropriate for a kitchen? You can't keep it clean. Also, this family is NOT compatible with Flat White paint and white carpet. We need Army Spec grade paint and carpet.
    2) The morning commute to school. Can't the kids just do the afternoons?
    3) 7 more months of q2 call with no cash. We're so close but so far away.

    Your turn!

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    Re: Love/Hate

    Right now:

    I'm loving the weather (80s and sunny)
    My sparkly new diamond earrings my fabu husband bought me as a surprise
    The fact that my new running shoes will be delivered tomorrow.

    I'm hating:
    Being stuck in a cubby putting together medical records
    Not having enough time to finish painting my house and it looks like crap
    The once a month trip to Ft. Hood because it always happens exactly when I need him to be home.


    • #3
      Re: Love/Hate

      I love:
      - oranges ... seriously ... can't.get.enough.
      - the fact that both kids are (roughly) on the same nap schedule ... gives me a much-needed break in the middle of the day!
      - our snowblower ... cleared the driveway and sidewalk in under 10 minutes this morning!

      I could do without:
      - DS#2's need to get up for the day at 5ish in the morning
      - my stupid period, which I just got back after not having had it for almost a year and a half! ... almost makes me want to get pregnant again just so it will go away again
      - all the time and effort it takes to get everyone bundled, unbundled, rebundled in this cold weather ... come on, spring!

      -Wife of urology attending.
      -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


      • #4
        Re: Love/Hate

        I love:
        - that DS is head over heels excited about becoming a big brother.
        - that DH is a a surgery rotation that has HOME call - not house call!* (see below)
        - that I have most of the stuff ready for baby
        - that I was able to fit the cradle my grandfather made for his great-grandchildren into our home for the new one. It makes me teary each time I think about it.

        I am not enjoying:
        - being pregnant. It is so much harder this time. I just want a good night's sleep!
        - that DH is stress because he move Step 2 CK and he is still studying for it.
        - Snow. 'Nuf said. 4-6 more inches tomorrow.


        • #5
          Re: Love/Hate

          I'm loving:
          our grapefruits from our tree!
          that DD2(3years old) can carry on such amusing conversations w/ me...she seriously cracks me up!
          I'll 2ND the weather :sunny and beautiful around 70 for our high today!
          that the IL visit is in it's last month!
          all the babies IMSN that were added this past year and are still coming...almost makes me want to jump on the band wagon(NOT!)

          I'm hating :
          sharing my house(I can't wait to regain the playroom)
          the dry cough I have
          that someone STOLE my OBAMA/BIDEN circle magnet off my van(I put a piece of masking tape where it used to be & wrote:PUT IT BACK! ) I drove around staring at Bush Cheney stickers for eight years and never stole one
          all wars and all of the suffering of innocent people


          • #6
            Re: Love/Hate

            I'm loving:

            -Ava-Marie's CUTIE smiling!! She is finally socially smiling and I just want to melt when she turns her attention to me!

            -Sam's manners. All of the sudden, he's gotten super-polite (I'm sure it won't last!). Just yesterday, he held a door for me and waved his hand in a "pass by me" gesture and said, "Ladies first!" (By the way, for clarification, Sam is my four-year-old son, not my husband! )

            I'm hating:

            -Ava-Marie's TEETHING. But then, it makes her social smiling truly a distracting joy from her general state of misery.

            -HOME CALL. BANE OF MY EXISTENCE. HATE HATE HATE HOME CALL. Go away!! Are you serious?? Do you really need to hammer-page him at 3:00 AM to ask if it's OK to give ice chips? Can't you read the chart?? Dumb interns. GRRRRRRRR....


            • #7
              Re: Love/Hate


              --The baby is killing me with the cuteness. You should see her tickling us: "teeko teeko teeko!" and wiggles fingers near your midsection with a devilish grin. And a dozen other things she does.
              --I got a yogurt maker--well, actually a yogurt incubator--for Christmas, and it's been surprisingly fun making my own. Heat it up to just the right temperature, cool it to just the right temp . . . kind of geeky but not overly labor-intensive. And tasty.
              --Looking forward to not cooking any real dinners for the coming week (see below)


              --Fellowship interviews are upon us. I promise to give all the skinny after a decision is made, but until then . . . pray for us. :thud: Husband leaves this afternoon for one week and I will miss him.
              --Our apartment cools off so fast when the heats not kicked on. So tired of being slightly too cold.
              --So burned out on freelancing. Where has the love gone? Editing and I need a romantic vacation to a tropical island to rekindle the romance.
              Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
              Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

              “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
              Lev Grossman, The Magician King


              • #8
                Re: Love/Hate


                1) The crazy morning routine of running around trying to get myself ready while getting three kids ready for school, out the door, and then to two different schools while sitting in traffic and having to pee.
                2) The fact that NO ONE in DH's ER seems to know how to put a catheter in, and therefore right when he's gotten home from work and sits down to eat, he gets paged back to the hospital. For a 5 minute procedure that nurses and ER docs are supposed to be trained to do.
                3) The infection that I got in my foot from running! The doctor explained that my running shoes are too small (size 10!), and that I got little tears in my skin under my big toe nail which caused staph to run rampant. Dang. Now I need new running shoes, but can't run for 30 days until this heals. So much for my New Year's Resolution!


                1) Our new house. Love, love, LOVE IT! It is so relaxing and just....awesome. DH and I love hanging out there.
                2) My work. I was off for three weeks due to kids being out of school for a FULL week due to snow, and then two weeks for the holiday break. I missed my clients and am so glad to be back in the swing of things.
                3) My DH. He is so incredibly supportive of me and my life....not to mention he's enjoying "playing doctor" by dressing my foot for me.
                Married to a peds surgeon attending


                • #9
                  Re: Love/Hate


                  - 300+ days of marriage to the sweet wonderful DrK and a short 1st anniversary vacation on the horizon.

                  - Mom celebrating her 65th birthday today with a clear mammogram.

                  - Studying and reading about real estate laws and customs in new jurisdictions. Seriously, I haven’t really studied this much in years and I love it.

                  - Using the fabulous knives, standing mixer, cooking tools, and crystal that were given to us for our wedding.

                  - iMSN. ‘nuff said.


                  - One of my dearest friends – who held my hand for months when my mom had breast cancer – is losing her father to a brain tumor and I am not available support her the way she supported me.

                  - Constant anxiety about finding an off-cycle residency for DrK, moving, and all the other stressors that are inherent in the process.

                  - Worrying about my clients and my own job security in a desperately lousy real estate market.

                  - Feeling lonely and guilty about being apart from my husband and dog (who apparently doesn’t eat when I’m gone) for weeks at a time while I continue to wait on a local Bar license.
                  Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


                  • #10
                    Re: Love/Hate

                    The progress on our new is so exciting!
                    that my school's move to a new building is complete. I didn't realize how much the process was stressing me out!
                    the sense of humor that all of my boys have.....they crack me up regularly.
                    The "Cosby Show" collection I got the kids for funny.

                    the knowledge that our house will be for sale for the next few months
                    bickering siblings
                    the amount of driving I do
                    in-house shifts
                    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                    • #11
                      Re: Love/Hate

                      Having my parents and brother visiting from England!
                      My bread machine that I got for Christmas.
                      The cuteness of my baby boy and all the faces and noises that he makes.
                      Oh, the weather. It is just freaking beautiful at the moment.

                      The fact that said cute 10 month old is awake every hour (yes, every hour) at night. And has been for about 2 months now.
                      My aunt just started chemo again for the b*tch known as ovarian cancer. Makes me want to cry.
                      Residency and debt.


                      • #12
                        Re: Love/Hate

                        1. That my DH has been so sweet and understanding lately.
                        2. Being around my girls. Everyday I love them more and even that doesn't seem possible.
                        3. Our new kitchen.
                        4. My new Momobile, see number 1.
                        5. That we get to meet our new daughter very soon!

                        1. Stangers asking: When are you due/how far along are you/are you overdue/is this your first/how are you old enough to have three/boy or girl/are you uncomfortable yet? Seriously, why do these strangers care? I am tired of repeating answers everytime I go out into public.
                        2. Men/obviously post-menopausal women/young teens parking in "expectant mother only parking."
                        Wife to a Urologist. Mom to DD 15, DD 12, DD 2, and DD 1!
                        Native Jayhawk, paroled from GA... settling in Minnesota!


                        • #13
                          Re: Love/Hate

                          I love: spending time at home with my kids, going to the gym and chatting it up about the kids with my new pal, having the time to do whatever I want during the week.

                          I hate: having no one to have an adult conversation with at night, months without sex, working long ass shifts as a nurse to support the family, cold weather we're having right now!


                          • #14
                            Re: Love/Hate

                            Originally posted by GrayMatterWife
                            I'm loving:

                            -Ava-Marie's CUTIE smiling!! She is finally socially smiling and I just want to melt when she turns her attention to me!

                            -Sam's manners. All of the sudden, he's gotten super-polite (I'm sure it won't last!). Just yesterday, he held a door for me and waved his hand in a "pass by me" gesture and said, "Ladies first!" (By the way, for clarification, Sam is my four-year-old son, not my husband! )

                            I'm hating:

                            -Ava-Marie's TEETHING. But then, it makes her social smiling truly a distracting joy from her general state of misery.

                            -HOME CALL. BANE OF MY EXISTENCE. HATE HATE HATE HOME CALL. Go away!! Are you serious?? Do you really need to hammer-page him at 3:00 AM to ask if it's OK to give ice chips? Can't you read the chart?? Dumb interns. GRRRRRRRR....
                            Ummm, TEETHING!!! Yikes... Josie was born Aug 21 and she's not teething yet...
                            (Thank goodness she takes a bottle b/c I don't know how many bites I can take...)

                            Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                            • #15
                              Re: Love/Hate

                              Sooo, I know this thread is a little old, but here goes...


                              Josie slept thru the night all week long!!!!

                              The new Wii schedule I made... It makes it so much easier and cuts down on the "Can I play the Wii" questions...

                              Chores! The kids' chores of course. The actually *do* them!!! All that I have to do is load dishes (rinsed by Kate) into the dishwasher, the rest of after dinner cleanup is *done*. Granted, it may not be perfect, but it's done!!!

                              Going through our old home videos! We started yesterday! Nothing is labeled, so it's fun to see what's on the tapes. Kate was such a sweet 5 yo.


                              DH's stupid rotation... And "home call" which is not home call at all-- he's ALWAYS at the hospital.

                              Monday and Tuesday nights- we are so busy, and DH isn't home so I'm stuck doing Brownies, Basketball practice, dinner, cub scouts, etc., etc...

                              Josie's naps! They last maybe 45 minutes, tops... By this age I'd think she'd be up to at least 1 hour... :huh:

                              Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

