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Chidin' Biden

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  • Chidin' Biden

    Did anyone else see this on the news? Holy cow!

    Joe Biden was preparing to administer the swearing-in of some new staff members. Biden was at the mike; Obama was standing directing off to the side. front of everyone, including the press..

    Biden made a horrible joke, something to the effect of, "Well, of course, I can't do this as well as Roberts" or something like that--of course, referring to Chief Justice Roberts's inversion of some words when he swore-in Obama.

    Even the PRESS booed at the joke. The press.

    It was just in such poor taste (and it was stupid to remind everyone about it, because of all the nutballs out there who are claiming that Obama was not a legitimate President on his first day in office, because the oath hadn't been properly administered). A very, very, very smart man probably got nervous as he was swearing-in the most powerful man on earth. Roberts is absolutely brilliant and made a completely human gaffe (he shouldn't have tried to memorize the lines). Obama handled it graciously and smoothly when it happened at the ceremony, then very wisely had a follow-up, almost-private "re-swearing," so as not to draw attention to the need for the re-administration of the oath and (frankly) not to make Roberts look bad.

    It was a cruel and thoughtless thing for Biden to say, essentially disparaging the high-ranking member of our judiciary. It was so undignifed and petty. Low class and low blow. And somewhat inconsistent with Obama's theme of putting smallness of political differences aside.

    Anyhow, almost the second Biden said it, Obama (who is always Mr. Complete-Understated-Control/Never-Let'em-See-You-Lose-It) reached over to Biden and grabbed his elbow, and slightly nudged him. Obama was NOT smiling. He was not amused. He was PISSED. You could tell. It was startling, honestly. As I watched the news clip, I couldn't believe what I was watching. I thought I'd mis-heard. I have no idea how Obama was able to process what was going on and react to it so quickly and appropriately--his response was firm and almost instant.

    Biden is such a doof. He is a walking, talking foot-in-mouth. I can't believe how forgiving the press was during the campaign, by not recounting all his past idiotic remarks. Thank goodness that his (blabber-mouthed!!--how inappropriate was that on "Oprah"??) wife told him to be VP instead of Secretary of State. You couldn't hide him and control him as Secretary of State. Hillary would NEVER do something that stupid.

  • #2
    Re: Chidin' Biden

    I heard Biden's comment on the news last night. I think Biden's reference to Justice Roberts' mistake was: " memory is not as good as Justice Roberts'."

    This was to be expected from Biden, wasn't it??? Am I supposed to be surprised? :huh:
    married to an anesthesia attending


    • #3
      Re: Chidin' Biden

      Well, everyone was wondering how long that would take and now we know.


      • #4
        Re: Chidin' Biden



        • #5
          Re: Chidin' Biden

          Yawn. A lame joke in poor taste. Shame on you, Mr. Biden.

          I think I'll focus my attention on Obama's ordered closing of the Guantanamo detention camp now.


          • #6
            Re: Chidin' Biden

            Hehe, well, maybe we can start having "Great Moments in Vice-Presidential Speeches" on Letterman? There was a reason they were keeping Biden hidden during the campaign. Hopefully they can keep his mouth shut more often than not during President Obama's term(s). But if not, it'll give us some good Daily Show, Late Show, Colbert Report, and SNL episodes!
            My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


            • #7
              Re: Chidin' Biden

              I don't know, I thought it was funny. I mean he did TOTALLY screw up the oath.



              • #8
                Re: Chidin' Biden

                YEAH ANNIE! Way to cycle it into the conversation!!
                Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
                Professional Relocation Specialist &
                "The Official IMSN Enabler"

