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ebates gripe

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  • ebates gripe

    I bought something about a month ago that should qualify for a fairly big credit through ebates ($15 or so). It never posted to my account, so I filled out their online form to ask about the status. (I've done this before, and they've always gotten back to me and resolved the issue and credited my account in a very timely fashion.) This time ... I'm running into a very frustrating wall. :banghead:

    Their customer service emailed me to say that they needed a copy of the order confirmation page from the merchant to verify the purchase. Fine. I forwarded them the requested info, and they emailed me back to say that some of the information requested was not on the page and I needed to get it from the merchant. So I emailed the merchant and told them what I needed, and the merchant emailed me back and basically said that the order confirmation page that I was sent (and subsequently forwarded to ebates customer service) is the only documentation of the transaction. So (thanks for continuing to read this ) I forwarded their response to ebates, told them that since they're the ones partnering with this particular merchant who is not supplying whatever specific information ebates requires ... that they need to take it up with the merchant.

    That was last week, and I've still not heard back from them. I've searched and searched for a telephone number for them, found a couple of numbers on some random message boards (there's no number on the ebates website), called the numbers, and discovered that they've been disconnected.

    :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

    I'm assuming this is a lost cause, but anyone have any additional ideas? Anyone else have problems with ebates?


    -Wife of urology attending.
    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)

  • #2
    Re: ebates gripe

    That sucks Jane. Knock on wood, the 6 or 7 times that I have had to fill out that form, they have credited my account within 2 days of submitted the request. One of them was a big credit too for two car seats. I hope that it works out. I feel your frustration.


    • #3
      Re: ebates gripe

      I think ebates is great.....but I have found that probably about half the time I have used it I have to chase up the credit. Even from the same store I find it is inconsistent. :huh:
      I have not had the problem you have though, sorry. Frustrating!!! I have got this a couple of times though:

      "Thank you for your patience. After researching your order, it has been determined that your order was not credited to Ebates. This research is done in conjunction with the merchant to provide the most accurate results. Any other promotional discounts used during this purchase may over ride the eligibility to earn Ebates cash-back. In this case, the use of a non-Ebates coupon/discount overrides the eligibility to earn Ebates cash-back."



      • #4
        Re: ebates gripe

        Wow. I've never had either problem (and have almost $400 in ebates to date). I have had to chase down some, but I've never been declined. I'd keep up the chain of command, Jane. It's bs that the receipt you have isn't sufficient. You might even just start a new "claim". They probably aren't cross-checked with the old ones.

        (edited to correct my ebates total, which is insanely high)

