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Addicted to reality shows

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  • #16
    Joe Millionaire was too much last night. You're right, Heidi was drooling over the necklaces. Then she's all trying to speak French. Haha. She was ridiculous.

    I also watched Battle of the Sexes last night on MTV. I'm waiting for people to start hooking up! haha.

    Tonight, I'll be watching 24. The show is so good, it's insane.



    • #17
      I'm not addicted to reality shows, but to unreality shows. I love to watch Days of Our Lives if I am at home. I remember my Grandmother watching it, and my older sisters watching it. My mother never liked soaps. I have been watching it since I was probably 12 or 13. I can remember when Hope was born!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My older daughter actually watches it now.
      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #18
        I used to watch Days of Our Lives too, and every once in a while I get sucked back in -- most recently when Jack came back. I think he is hysterical. I started watching my senior year of college. A friend of mine from college was actually on the show in a bit part last year -- so of course I got sucked in again while I was watching for him.

        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


        • #19
          Didn't they have a sort of temptation island for married people? They sent several couples who were having problems to an island resort for a week or two and then filmed them 'working it out'. I never watched but i saw the ads for it.
          Mom to three wild women.


          • #20
            I'm preparing myself to watch the season premiere of American Idol tonight...two hours! I missed Joe Millionaire last night. I guess I'm not as addicted as I thought since I decided to watch a movie instead of the Joe Millionaire show. I personally think the Joe Millionaire guy is a tool. haha. I don't have much interest in watching him be annoying.

            Oh and I talked to a friend of mine yesterday and he dated one of the girls from Joe Millionaire (she didn't make it past the first round). Her name is Mary and he said that she tried to steal his credit card and would shoplift every time they were out together! He also said that she tried to get him to buy her a really expensive bracelet or something. Figures! Overall, he said that she was crazy. haha.


