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I know this is a strange question but..

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  • I know this is a strange question but..

    Is there anything in this world that you are fanatical about? Besides your family and friends is there anything that you truly turn to escape? I feel almost silly and teenager like, but there is a band that I am fanatical about. I love them so much that if life were to permit and I was 18 again I would become a groupie and follow this group around the country on tour. Maybe it's the couple of glasses of wine that I have had tonight, but do you ever get that feeling about something that is so not associated with medicine and the life of a medical spouse? I will probably hate myself in the morning for posting this

  • #2
    So tell us, which band is it? I might follow U2 around if I could...


    • #3
      OK Its Matchbox Twenty. Here I am 34 and an official member of their fan club and anxiously awaiting their upcoming tour, so much to the point that I plan to go to several of their concerts, shhh! don't tell DH! I plan to go to the one's scheduled for Ohio, Ill, Ind, Penn, and Tx. My DD has preschool tomorrow and show and tell is the letter "M" and she is bringing a CD of MB20 and telling her class that she is going to their concert with me. Little does she know its a ploy to get to meet Rob Thomas. We don't listen to Barney or the Wiggles in my car. The girls know that its MB20 time for Mommy. My 2 yr old even sings along. I'm horrble, I know, I can't help it.
      Okay everybody, fess up. Don't make me feel like the weirdo here.



      • #4
        Hi Trisha!

        No worries, you're not alone. I've always been fanatical about bands I like and music in general. First to buy the band's album on the day it comes out, waiting on to get tix for their next show, subscribed to newsletters, waiting after shows to get autographs and hopefully meet them (only when it's smaller shows), and all of that good stuff I get a tshirt or buttons every time I go to see a band I like live. Not the best way to spend my money (the tshirts are expensive), but I can't help myself.

        At least for you, you have one band...I have so many (although the list isn't as big for those I really really love). Luckily I have a friend who's the same way so we can share in our obsession.

        Good luck meeting Rob Thomas. I'm sure if he actually got to meet you, he'd leave his wife.



        • #5

          You are normal. I think that all of us moms in the burbs have some fantasy of something that is fails to fit into our play group acceptable, oh- so-practical, mommy world. I still fantasize about backpacking around the world like a vagabond. (I'm glad I got some of this out of my system in my younger years or I would feel unfulfilled.) I still run because it makes me feel free. Heck, after a few glasses of wine, I have visions of me showing up for play group driving a bright orange Humvee, sporting a tattoo, and wearing black leather pants. I guess these feelings temper our need to be ever-practical, scheduled, and completely giving to another human being. I love my little guy more than life itself but there is also this adventurous side of me that I have to put away in order to be a good mom. So what you are saying is completely healthy, my friend.
          Rock on Trisha, and give Rob a big hug from me.

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            Trisha, when I read your post I had to chuckle. I think it's hilarious (not in a you're a wierdo sort of way but in a "you go girl" sort of way) and fantastic. I think it's great to have an escape and such a fun one at that. I wish you all the best in your endeavor to meet Rob Thomas and pass the wine!

            Thu Van


            • #7
              You are too funny Trisha! I have a similar thing for Pearl Jam (actually its just for Eddie Vedder), my husband knows I have the hots for him and thinks its kind of funny. That is so cute that your 2 year old sings along! My 3 year old likes to sing "I wanna be a cowboy baby"--I'm not even a big fan of Kid Rock so I'm not sure where she gets that from.
              Awake is the new sleep!


              • #8
                Ok, to sound off for the guys that are here... I would have to say that I am fanatical about my health. The family side has some history of "bad things" happening over time and if I can stay a couple steps ahead of the curve I at least am at ease. I love, LOVE to get out of the house and hit the gym. When the weather is nice, I am on the Mt. bike. That is my fanantical hang-up... now as far as the moms in the burbs fantasy goes (considering me in that category, since I am SAHD), it would have to be a pro or top level college football coach....getting paid to be outside, leading the team to victory, and getting paid a truck load of $$'s! Ah...just call me 'coach'.....[/quote]


                • #9
                  I am a Trekkie!!!! I love anything Star Trek. As for music, I absolutely love Folk Music. Give me Bob Dylan & Joni Mitchell!!!
                  wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                  "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                  • #10
                    The only people I would leave my husband for are Bono or Larry!! Just kiddin'......but I do LOVE U2. Speaking of MB20, my best friend just got to go to the local radio station in St Louis to see them in person. They also played for the people who got to meet them--I think there were like ten people plus the band!


                    • #11
                      I'm actually a bit embarressed to admit that I am a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanantic. I'm 33 years old and love the show.


                      • #12
                        I am fanatical about politics. I'm the only person I know who watches C-Span for fun. I send so many emails to my elected officials that I'm sure I'm on the "nutcase" list. The Republicans are probably ready to ban my email address. (and so are the wishy-washy democrats that piss me off almost as much!) I send at least one email a week about something that's bothering me or some issue that matters to me. I figure they work for me so I might was well make them earn it!



                        • #13
                          For Matt and I- it would have to be the Barenaked Ladies. We absolutely love them.

                          Gas, and 4 kids


                          • #14
                            Crystal, did you know the bnl's are Canadian? Yup. In fact, there was one show they were going to do in the city hall of Toronto to celebrate Canada Day (July 1). The mayor of Toronto (North America's fourth largest city) got up in a tizzy (Mel Lastman, a clown at best) because of the NAME of the band! He thought it offensive and asked them to change their band name. Yeah right!!! Needless to say they didn't, but as a Torontonian at the time, I was bummed I couldn't see them live for free!



                            • #15
                              I also like BNL, I have seen them live twice.
                              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)

