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For Earth Day I am going to...

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  • For Earth Day I am going to...

    order some sort of composter!

    For those that have one, give me the pros and cons on the type you have!


  • #2
    Mine is a huge tericota pot. LOL!
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


    • #3
      Heaps have always worked for me, in 17 years of small and medium scale composting. Now we have that black perforated plastic thing just to contain it, but it's still functionally a heap. Fancy turning things are silly, imho.
      Enabler of DW and 5 kids
      Let's go Mets!


      • #4
        I have a silly turning composter. After having problems with rats and the black plastic contained heap method, I switched. Mostly I wanted rodent proof more than spinning. I use the black plastic one for leaves and grass only.

        I just started using it and am back on the compost wagon. I'll pick that for my earth day thing. Mostly I am trying to switch to all non-bleach and phosphate free cleaning stuff.


        • #5
          If I had to order one now I would get a Duo....I have the Urban Compost Tumbler and I like it, it's pretty easy to use...but it's HUGE!!! And it takes forever for me to fill it up and then I have to wait for it to compost....if you are good it can compost in as little as 3 weeks, but then where do I put my compostables for 3 weeks? The Duo (maybe has a fancier name) lets you load one side, then the other....while you load the second side, the first side is cooking. Then switch. It was more expensive than my UCT, though.
          Mom of 3, Veterinarian


          • #6
            Am I supposed to do something specific for Earth Day? Can't being the biggest recycler on my street (BY FAR) be enough this year?

            Suz - Costco's flier this month had a composter. They're not allowed in my subdivision, so I have no other info.


            • #7
              Picking up recycle bins and give thanks to God for blessing us with such a beautiful creation. It's a perfect spring morning here. It smells like new life, new flowers, fresh rain. *Sigh* I read Genesis (kid version) with the kids last night and we talked about earth day, recycling and the importance of taking care of God's gift of creation.


              • #8
                I have the earth machine. It is fairly inexpensive and easy to use. I rarely turn it, I just dump it over every few months and use the stuff on the bottom, then put the stuff on the top that hasnt composted yet back in.

                I used to have a huge green compost tumbler and I didnt think it even worked. I wouldnt recommend it as it way too much work to really get compost.

                I compost mostly so that my green waste doesnt go to the landfill, not so much to actually make and use compost. With that in mind, it makes it a lot easier.

                A good kid job is to have them take the compost bucket out to the composter. My 5 yr old can do it if the top of the composter is off.
                Mom to three wild women.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ladybug View Post
                  Picking up recycle bins and give thanks to God for blessing us with such a beautiful creation. It's a perfect spring morning here. It smells like new life, new flowers, fresh rain. *Sigh* I read Genesis (kid version) with the kids last night and we talked about earth day, recycling and the importance of taking care of God's gift of creation.
                  ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                  • #10
                    For Earth Day (provided it hasn't already happened), I will continue not owning a car.


                    • #11
                      Bummer about the tumbler composter. I'm with you though in not wanting the compost as much as cutting down on the food waste that goes in the trash. Since I'm not in a hurry, hopefully it will work eventually. Suz, to your question -- had I not had the rat problem (caused in part by the chicken feed), I would probably do the earth machine again (which is what I use for the leaves and grass).

                      I don't think I will have a garden this summer but hope that by the fall I will have a space cleared out and start working on some raised beds. Then I will need the compost!

                      I agree, Sylvia -- lovely comment Annie.


                      • #12
                        It's today, McPants, the 22nd, so it's mostly already happened for you, I guess. Congrats on not owning a car; that's a *lot* harder to do here, unfortunately, except in the largest cities.
                        Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                        • #13
                          We're planting trees at a local park with my daughter's Brownie Troop.


                          • #14
                            continue to recycle, use some earth friendly cleaning products that I already have, take my canvas bags and refuse plastic ones, not use the air conditioner unless it's an emergency, and drive my Honda Civic. I love my car!

                            After our wedding, DF and I will be obtaining a compost bin through the county. Yes!!

                            Suggestion/Cool Product: BioBags - they come in kitchen, lawn and leaf, compost and pet waste.
                            You can get them on (along with a bunch of other household products) for much cheaper than in-store. Plus, no tax (!) and free shipping (!) on orders over $50.
                            Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
                            Professional Relocation Specialist &
                            "The Official IMSN Enabler"


                            • #15
                              I need to avoid rats as well! So I assume I need to get a kitchen counter top compost bin & use the bio bags as a liner? Then, when full, have the kids take it out to the composter that I will buy.

                              We desperately need the compost, because desert soil sucks and we have gone plant/landscape crazy since living here!

