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Woohoo It's Friday!!!!

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  • Woohoo It's Friday!!!!

    What do you have planned for the weekend?

    Tonight, dh and I are going out for dinner sans kids (yeah!) and then tomorrow I am taking three 13 year old girls plus Zoe to the Mall of America for Amanda's birthday party...a shopping day.

    Sunday is all about me sleeping in!

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    Sick kid and teething kid means tired mommy. Anna is trying to pack her lunch to go to school but she has a 101 fever so I don't think so. I'm guessing that the nearly 2 week earache has decided to go infection.

    Today? Maintain. Tomorrow? Soccer. Sunday? Sleeping, being fed peeled grapes, fanned, told I am wonderful.

    Happy birthday to Amanda!


    • #3
      Friday night: boring NSG party at attending's house. Hose, push-up bra, heels, makeup, stilted conversation and laughing at jokes that aren't funny, while not drinking any alcohol, so I don't risk being myself.

      Saturday night: not-boring NSG party at resident's house. No hose, no bra (maybe a cami), sandals, light foundation and a touch of mascara, fun conversation, and actual jokes, while drinking a little (maybe--I am not a big drinker).

      Geez, which night do you think I'm more looking forward to??


      • #4
        Friday night: play some snooker maybe go clubbing.

        Saturday: Work. Possibly go to a second hand bookshop or two.

        Sunday: Work. *Sigh*.


        • #5
          Golden weekend!

          No plans, except for a friend's baby shower on Sunday.
          married to an anesthesia attending


          • #6
            babysitting. boo!


            • #7
              Oh, and I am going to see a RC Traditional Latin Mass on Sunday. I have participated in an Anglican Latin Mass before--I compared the liturgies and they are very similiar. St. Francis Desales here in South STL uses the 1962 Missal, and performs the mass in Latin. Non-RCs are welcome, but of course I can't take the eucharist. Anyhow, I am looking forward to it--a priest friend of mine recommended I go. DH is going to keep the kids so I don't have to juggling them.

              I did have to go dig up my mantilla, though. I wasn't even sure where I'd put it--the last time I needed it was for a funeral a decade ago...


              • #8
                Today- recovering from First Thursday (neighborhood happy hour) which we hosted last night. The last neighbor left at midnight.

                Took Rick to the motorcycle dealer to get his bike fixed, took Nikolai to school. Stopped and bought breakfast tacos (hangover food). Going back to dude's school because Rick forgot to make him lunch. Going into work to print a report that no one else apparently knows how to do. Then doing it all in reverse.

                Tomorrow and Sunday are paint prep days. (and hanging out in the pool!)



                • #9
                  Friday--this month's Girls' Night out with my friends from college. The last one before we take the summer off.

                  Saturday--pick up my oldest from a two day field trip from COSI and various other kid places that his class went to in Columbus, try to "Tom Sawyer" the entire family to help me mow the lawn, trim the bushes, and if I'm REALLY lucky, mulch the flower beds. I *hate* that I can't do this stuff by myself anymore.

                  Sunday--hang with the kids while DH is on call

                  In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                  • #10
                    -Today: Hanging out at the park with the kids and the dog.

                    -Tomorrow: DH is taking DS#1 to soccer while I go grocery shopping in the morning. In the afternoon, we're getting together with my parents and ILs and doing Mother's Day ... a day early.

                    -Sunday: Church in the morning ... other than that, no plans.

                    -Wife of urology attending.
                    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                    • #11
                      Today- entertaining 2yo, enjoying a short reprieve while 2yo naps and other two DD are at school. Movie night for kids. Pray for no thunderstorms tonight and everyone stays in bed and I can get a decent night of sleep.

                      Sat- Soccer in the am. Entertain kiddos all day single-handedly. Haven't figured out how yet.

                      Sunday- Repeat of Sat minus the soccer. Try to enjoy the thill of motherhood after 7 days of puesdo single-parenting.

                      ETA: My post sounds really negative. My 2yo and 5 yo woke up at 2am because of thunderstorms and wouldn't go back to bed. I am tired.
                      Last edited by Phoebe; 05-08-2009, 12:38 PM.


                      • #12
                        Today....took the day off and DH is off today too (but had a 7 a.m. meeting ) but we are spending the day doing miscellaneous boring things (changing addresses on magazine subscriptions, for instance....) and waiting for repair people to arrive. We will probably go out to eat tonight.

               sister is coming to get furniture out of my garage and later we are driving an hour to my mom's to take her out to dinner for an early mother's day celebration.

              , then mother's day stuff I guess, then I have a baby shower to attend at 4.

                        ONLY THREE MORE WEEKS OF SCHOOL!!!!!
                        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                        • #13
                          No big plans today, I think by the time A gets up from her nap it will probably be raining and Molly is on a no walk instruction from the vet at least through the weekend so we probably won't make it out for a walk or to the park.

                          Tomorrow we're having a great friend of mine from high school and his family visit - they just moved to MN from TX and are currently staying in a corporate apartment so they needed to get out and we're excited to see them.

                          I have no idea what our plans are for Sunday but I've already told DH I'm doing nothing.

                          In other news my parents were near the big storm/tornado that went through southeast Kansas early this morning. Luckily the tornado was west of them by several miles but they got lots of wind, hail, etc and are currently without power for who knows how long. There was one death, these kind of storms scare me because they are in the middle of nowhere, there is no warning and someday I fear I won't get a "we're fine" call like I got this morning.
                          Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                          • #14
                            Scary Cheri. I'm glad they are OK.

                            Kris - My DD's birthday party is this weekend too! We've got 15 girls roller skating. It is my first "out-sourced" birthday party and I'm not sure how to handle it. I have a cake, party bags and everyone RSVP'd. Strange. I don't know what to worry about.

                            I worked all day. How's that for an unemployed wife? I have been in meetings since 9 AM. I'm working on a Federal grant for the town to repair sidewalks and I need to do a powerpoint presentation to ODOT next week. I've also recruited a poor unknowing soul to take over my PTO position as the Welcoming rep for the district, so I met with her this afternoon. We are revamping the "program".

                            Sunday, my dear family is taking me to an Indians game for Mother's Day. Hoping for a Mother's Day bobblehead...and a much needed Indians win. Too bad it couldn't have been a Cavs game.
                            Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                            Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                            "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                            • #15
                              I am living vicariously through all of you! DH is working all weekend (he literally has not had a holiday off since he started a year ago, including Groundhog's Day - I started paying really close attention because it has pretty much become a joke).

                              The kids and I went to touch-a-truck today, so I thought they'd be nice and worn out for an early bed time. Then, DH called all upset because he lost two kids today who were of course the same age as my kids, so they'll be waiting up to cheer up Daddy...
                              Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!

