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  • What's up?

    What's everyone doing today?

    Having a pretty busy day so far: did a little work this morning before anyone was up, then lots of kids/breakfast/kitchen activity. DW took the kids out to a community playgroup this morning (part of our last-chance-to-know-your-offspring campaign), while I did a Costco run and more work. (Usually I can work with the kids around but these were two long phone calls.) Now I am un-disaster-making the kitchen and .. if I'm feeling ambitious .. I might mow the lawn.

    Probably not, though, because I just got the "ping of doom" text message which means they're all on their way home.

  • #2
    Tests and presentations for me: all my algebra classes have there last test before finals, and geometry is presenting their review posters. I am going to go to the bank and to buy some sandals after work, eat Subway with DH, and keep packing! The next two weeks are CRAZY - I will need a LOT of wine when I'm done!
    Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


    • #3
      so far...
      4:30 got up with DD2, changed her, got her bottle.
      5:30 DD2 falls asleep
      6:00 I fall asleep
      6:20 I get up and get dressed
      6:40 Go to meet the contractor at the house we're supposed to buy
      7:20 Done with contractor, run to supermarket
      7:40 Home, supervise breakfast while DW takes DD1 to school
      8:45 Take DS1 to school
      9:15 Take DD2 for her checkup
      10:00 Go to work. Teach, plan, etc.
      1:30 Run home, get car, go pick up DS1 from school.
      2:00 Home, sitter leaves. Baby is up from her nap. (#*$&(#*
      Enabler of DW and 5 kids
      Let's go Mets!


      • #4
        Kids off of school - carnival in town. DD is at the fair with friends now. I'm running DS to soccer practice and then to friends afterwards so they can go to the carnival together. I took a long-ish morning hike with the dog and the new puppy. We are teaching him how to walk on a leash. He's slow and mule-like. Meanwhile, the other dog pulls.

        I got the vegetable garden planted this morning. I'm now working on the herbs and mulching. Planning to coach my first softball practice for tomorrow AM. I wanted my daughter to have a female role model....but I'm going to be out there with all these hard core jock dads. Heaven help me. All and all a great day today though.

        DH is on call this weekend - but given he's been home past 8 PM every night this week, I'm getting used to single parenthood again. Honestly, May is the WORST over scheduled month for school aged kids and families; I've just accepted that now and only aim to survive day to day events. I'm looking forward to summer!!
        Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
        Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

        "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


        • #5
          Laundry, laundry and more laundry. I figured it's a holiday this weekend so everyone should celebrate with clean pants.

          Memorial Day!

          We're meeting some friends at McDonald's after school. It's our regular TGIF celebration. My fridays sure have changed.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ladybug View Post
            Laundry, laundry and more laundry. I figured it's a holiday this weekend so everyone should celebrate with clean pants.

            Memorial Day!

            We're meeting some friends at McDonald's after school. It's our regular TGIF celebration. My fridays sure have changed.

            The baby slept from 9pm to just before 6 this morning (happy dance). I'm working now (can't you tell?) and then tonight it is off to dinner at a place that will set us back way more than we can afford. Sans anyone without a double digit age. Thankfully my mom gave us $100.00 gift card, but I anticipate using every penny and then a whole bunch more.


            • #7
              Kris - enjoy it!!!! I'm glad you get some grown-up time tonight!!!
              Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


              • #8
                Sitting at work waiting for the day to end. 90% of the staff are already gone (the methadone clinic is open from 6am-2pm) and apparently the corporate offices upstairs are like a ghost town.

                We had a FAB anniversary dinner last night. For some serious fun, I just paid the second half of the property tax bill. (and now I'm feeling exceptionally poor)

                No big plans for the weekend. We may have Rick's friend who lives in Houston come over on Sunday. Right now it's cloudy and rainy which is great because we're in a serious drought.

                The rest of the day is going to be spent verifying birth weights of the babies whose moms are in our methadone clinic. (we go from 1.5 pounds to 12 pounds so I'll be interested to see how it all plays out once I get it all charted)



                • #9
                  Vegging while A naps then we're off to my 16 week doctor's appointment. Tomorrow is a department "family fun day", we'll see how fun it is. When I asked DH if he was off Monday he didn't even realize it was a holiday so hopefully I can convince him to take at least a 1/2 day off.
                  Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by fluffhead View Post
                    so far...
                    4:30 got up with DD2, changed her, got her bottle.
                    5:30 DD2 falls asleep
                    6:00 I fall asleep
                    6:20 I get up and get dressed
                    6:40 Go to meet the contractor at the house we're supposed to buy
                    7:20 Done with contractor, run to supermarket
                    7:40 Home, supervise breakfast while DW takes DD1 to school
                    8:45 Take DS1 to school
                    9:15 Take DD2 for her checkup
                    10:00 Go to work. Teach, plan, etc.
                    1:30 Run home, get car, go pick up DS1 from school.
                    2:00 Home, sitter leaves. Baby is up from her nap. (#*$&(#*
                    Have I told you lately how incredible I think you are?

                    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                    • #11
                      This has been a lazier day for me. phew! I have had such a busy week.

                      I got the kids out this morning, went for my 3 mile walk with an ex-neighbor, picked up Aidan and then chatted with Kelly. Andrew is out of school for the year as of yesterday (YEEEEHAW!!) and so he offered to babysit for 2 hours in exchange for a subway sandwich. I obliged and went and had coffee with dh...then Zoe and I fed the fish and...she earned a marble for using the potty.

                      That's all I've got so far.

                      Tonight Andrew has his end-of-the year picnic for school.

                      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Sam_ View Post
                        What's everyone doing today?

                        (part of our last-chance-to-know-your-offspring campaign), while I did a Costco run and more work. .

                        That's an AWESOME way to put it! Just wait till your kids tell their friends that their mom lives at the hospital.

                        Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                        • #13
                          Today is Luke's birthday-- so we went to a Dr appt for him, and for the baby, and to the grocery store... We won't celebrate the birthday until we can predict that DH will be home... Which isn't until Monday!

                          Trying to kick myself off the computer to go do something useful, though...

                          Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                          • #14
                            IL's coming for the weekend to "help". Oh joy. I'll be posting!
                            Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


                            • #15
                              Ugh, hang in there MrsK!!

                              I’m watching the clock and limping through a few last projects at work. DH and I are planning on taking advantage of the holiday weekend by taking the pups for a couple of hikes in the hills. We had informally planned on camping but those pesky tourists have filled all our favorite sites. Probably for the best considering the UHaul truck is reserved for this Thurs. We’ll be spending more time than we’d like filling boxes this weekend. Time to break out the alcohol.

