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June Check-In

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  • June Check-In

    Can you believe it is Summer already? I know this is a big month for a lot of iMSNers. Check in and tell us what you have planned.

    DrK started a new IM rotation today. He'll be doing IM the next two months. He's in Q-4 call this month. Not sure about next month.

    "Graduation" dinner is Friday. We are going but we are not graduating.

    We move to our "Summer Home" end of this month so I'm buried in boxes.

    I'm still struggling at work and got knicked in the last round of pay cuts. I'm pissed. Not so much about the pay cut because I saw it coming and, let's face it, it's good to be employeed. But because they didn't bother to tell me about it. I found out when I got my last pay check. That led to some rather uncomfortable discussions with the senior partners. So, this will definitely limit the frequency of my visits to FL.

    Thankfully, I'm feeling better. Thank you all for your wonderful support, advise and prayers. Hopefully, we'll have a smooth summer.
    Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.

  • #2
    No changes for us really. DH is entering the last month of his first year of research with one more to go. He has been taking very little call and the Chiefs change in a few weeks so we'll see how that changes. We go on our first childless vacation since A was born on 6/12, my parents are coming up to stay with A. We find out the sex of the new little one on the 15th. We are headed to Chicago for a visit with DH's 4 good guy friends and their families the weekend of the 20th and the IL's are coming to visit the weekend after. We also hope to hear about fellowship location by the end of the month.

    Other then saying goodbye to some dear friends that are moving on this year, not much is changing here. I do hate being in a 7 year program for that reason. This is the 2nd year I've had to say goodbye to a lot of good friends and it stinks!
    Last edited by SuzySunshine; 06-01-2009, 12:17 PM.
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      Dh is DONE with residency on the 19th! Graduation is that evening, movers come to pack and take our stuff on the 20th, and we move to California on the 22nd!
      married to an anesthesia attending


      • #4
        Our residency journey begins this month! We are still in Texas waiting to close on our first home. I’m officially 17 weeks into my first pregnancy, and counting the weeks until my due date! It’s an exciting month.
        Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
        "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


        • #5
          Originally posted by moonlight View Post
          Our residency journey begins this month! We are still in Texas waiting to close on our first home. I’m officially 17 weeks into my first pregnancy, and counting the weeks until my due date! It’s an exciting month.
          You mentioned this in another thread and I was like, "WHAAAA?" Did we know that? Congrats!!

          The last day of residency is June 26th. My parents are tentatively arriving June 27th to help watch kids while we pack. Moving day is July 1st.

          I need my house in Washington like a cheesy love song needs a romantic metaphor. I NEED TO BE THERE. I'm off to pack...


          • #6
            Originally posted by alison View Post
            Dh is DONE with residency on the 19th!

            June is a month of transition for us. This past weekend, thanks to a giant U-Haul truck, all of our earthly belongings successfully made the big move for residency. As I write, everything (except our home office/guest bedroom) is unpacked and put away in our new home. Not bad for two and a half days of hard work.

            We made the six hour drive back to our current location last night and I am desperately trying to stay conscious and productive at work. DH will be here for another week and then will be heading out for good, yikes. I had forgotten how much I like our new city and am looking forward to visiting at the end of the month and making the move myself in July or August.


            • #7
              June itself is nothing really special here, DH is finishing up the first year of his 2-year fellowship. More of the same.

              But ... he's traveling a lot these next few weeks/months, interviewing for jobs. I'm SO EXCITED to finally be moving on and finishing with training!! (And at the same time, I cannot BELIEVE how long this process is taking. From the time his CV went out in January ... to the time he expects to accept an offer later this year, it's going to be almost 12 months!)

              -Wife of urology attending.
              -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


              • #8
                Well June is the beginning of a new journey for us. DH is leaving his attending position of 8 years at the level one trauma center in Columbus to start up a new EM residency in Marietta Ohio. He is also taking the assistant director position in the ED there. We are not moving although the commute is increasing from 55 miles one way to 79. It's scary, but hopefully this will be a step towards our goal of eventually moving out of Ohio and to Florida permanently.

                Me? The girls and I are packing up in 5 days and heading to the condo for the months of June and July. I hate Ohio in the Summer.


                • #9
                  We aren't graduating or anything so our month seems so uneventful compared to the rest of you. DH is doing his last rotation of third year (family medicine) in his home town, so we are apart, but hoping to meet halfway tomorrow night for our 2nd anniversary. Also this month we are hoping to hear whether or not DH gets his away rotations/sub-Is he applied for (for Aug and Sept).
                  Without DH around I plan on catching up on lots of stuff around the apartment, getting ahead on work, and hopefully enjoying the warm summer weather!
                  Loving wife of neurosurgeon


                  • #10
                    Suffice it say that our life is extremely complicated right now, thanks to retirements and deployments of other people in the department.

                    Things 'should' smooth out by September but it's going to be a long, hot summer.



                    • #11
                      We are all relieved and excited that summer is here! After a very busy May (lots of babies) DH is looking forward to a lighter June, with three weekends off (unheard of)! We plan on making the most of them. The younger two boys are on a swim team for the month, and my oldest is on a summer basketball team, so that will keep me busy I'm sure. I took my oldest to register for high school classes this morning! He is excited.....I just can't quite believe it!

                      My college choir (Chorale) is having a reunion at the end of the month, with our old director (who was also my voice teacher). He and his wife will be staying at my house, as well. He was at the university I attended for 10 years, so the people attending will be members from that time period.....some I know, some I don't. It will be fun to sing with him again!
                      Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                      "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                      • #12
                        Graduation next week, with the fellowship starting July 1. Getting through the last month of IM wards EVER! Woohoo! DH is just relieved to finally be focusing on his primary interest and not having to treat everything under the sun as internists do... I know he'll be much happier with his clinical focus during fellowship. We still haven't received his call schedule yet (they do it a year in advance for fellows), but we do know when his vacations are...first one not till December. Although it's a long way away, at least it'll be shortly after the new baby arrives (we think) so that will work out.
                        DS and I are enjoying the summer weather that is appearing in increasing frequency. Had a little picnic at the park today. I've had to make the transition to maternity clothes now...oh well. At least now I can just let my bulge relax instead of stuffing it into regular clothes.
                        Wife to a PGY-7 Interventional Cardiology Fellow, Mom to two. DS(7) and DD(3).


                        • #13
                          Congrats to those of you finishing, especially finishing residency!!!!

                          DH has an easy schedule for the first part of the month, rotating at a community hospital. We are going to Napa for a family wedding this weekend. Nasty schedule for the rest of the month and through July because of the changeover.


                          • #14
                            Congrats to all the grads!! We are in the process of moving to St. Louis for DH to start clinical rotations. We will be all moved by the end of the month. Gotta love the hot weather for moving... NOT!!
                            Wife to PGY3 Rads also proud mother of three spoiled dogs!! Some days it is hectic, but I wouldn't trade this for anything.


                            • #15
                              June should be a good month for us. DH is off this weekend and next, and we're planning a trip to Dallas to visit friends next weekend. In July, he starts PGY2, and he'll move to the university hospital, where he'll start getting a more traditional residency experience. (They do their intern year here at a private hospital.) It'll be tough, but we're both kind of looking forward to it, since he'll finally get started with training in anesthesiology. Not looking forward to the schedule, but definitely looking forward to him gaining more confidence in his chosen field.

                              My job is going well. I'm pretty optimistic that they're going to move me into more of a developer position, which will be a million times more interesting than being a business analyst. I'm bored out of my mind writing documentation - ready to get my hands dirty in code... Yeah, I'm still a developer at heart!
                              My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)

