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Middle East News

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  • Middle East News

    Hey, anyone's who's interested in what may/may not be happening in the near future in the peace-in-the-mid-east talks, tune into the news right now. I've got FOXNews on, but I would think that CNN and the others would carry it, too. Shortly, Israeli PM Netanyuhu will be giving an address on the foreign policy of Israel. He is expected to agree to Obama's demand for a Palestinian state, but with conditions: it will be de-militarized (and that the US will play a part in keeping it that way); and that the Palestinians first acknowledge Israel--not merely its existence, but its right to exist specifically as a Jewish state (something Abbas has repeatedly, emphatically refused to do). There is no word on what he will say about Obama's demand that the Israelis give up all settlements in the West Bank. But, it he concedes to this, it will be very interesting: his coalition may well fall apart. He was voted into office by a constituency that refused to give on this point, saying that it is the first line of defense for the country.

    Currently, it's about 12:10 (Central)...the speech is expected anytime...

  • #2
    Forget about losing his coalition - if he were to dismantle all settlements (they're more like cities) and return to 1967 borders, he'd start a civil war. It would never happen. And even Jimmy Carter agreed today that areas like Gush Etzion will probably never be given up.
    Enabler of DW and 5 kids
    Let's go Mets!


    • #3
      You can watch it here too:
      Enabler of DW and 5 kids
      Let's go Mets!


      • #4
        I've been watching Fareed Zakaria GPS ...primary focus: Iran's election results. I'm sure I'll see more on the topic you have mentioned as the day goes on. I'll be interested to see what is/isn't said.


        • #5
          Originally posted by pinkpickles View Post
          I've been watching Fareed Zakaria GPS ...primary focus: Iran's election results. I'm sure I'll see more on the topic you have mentioned as the day goes on. I'll be interested to see what is/isn't said.
          Post if you guys hear anything interesting... I am trying to keep up, but I don't think I appreciate the backstories and alliances going on. I mean, I get the really general, big picture, but I can't make any educated guesses about where things are going...


          • #6
            I think this op-ed piece gives a pretty good rational analysis of the Israeli position:
            Enabler of DW and 5 kids
            Let's go Mets!


            • #7
              George Will said the following when Stephanopolous asked for his thoughts on what the Israeli Prime Minister said:
              "...The state(a Palestinian state) is going to be an odd looking state; it will not have certain rights that are inherent in sovereignty. Such as a right to an armed forces, control of their air space it'll be the beginning of protracted agonizing negotiations, such as we've had for forty years."

              In short nothing much has changed...nor does it appear much will change.

