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  • #31
    Originally posted by oceanchild View Post
    Funny, DH's cousin (who lives in Denver) is up your way for a fishing trip this week and whining on facebook about how humid it is there.
    It has been more humid here this past week but not too bad. Now the Eastern side of the state (or once you're out of the Black Hills really) is a different story and can be miserable. We're generally pretty dry here, though. Just for comparison sake, our average humidity in Aug is 39% and Denver's is 35%.


    • #32
      My parents were here visiting this week and kept complaining about the humidity. They are from Nevada, so I forgive them, but I still think they are wrong.

      To be fair, I have no idea where specifically they are fishing. It might well be further east.
      Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


      • #33
        Further threadjack...

        Jenn, is she at DH's hospital? (A-O) I can see why your mom is pissed! Was the 911 overkill? Tell her Wegmans has a lot of $4 prescriptions and that they have free delivery. Your aunt lives here too, right? Is she keeping an eye on things? Your grandmother sounds like a firecracker!


        • #34
          Completing hijack-

          Don't know which hospital- I'll ask. Crazy aunt died not long after I visited. I'll tell my mom about Wegmans- I bet she doesn't know that.

          Yikes! Well, if we all have to traipse in to NY, at least THIS time I'll have the time to go visit.



          • #35
   Triple digits daily. (I haven't noticed that it's particularly humid, though, thank God.)

            Jenn-- DH's grandma did almost the exact same thing a couple of years ago. But if I remember correctly, she skipped the cutting the pills in half stage and just stopped taking them. Oh, and then she complained bitterly about the docs "making" her go back on her blood pressure meds. She apparently thought that a short course should "clear up" her HTN, you know, like it's strep throat or something.


            • #36
              Triple digits here.

              Just came home from work and learned from DH that the AC is out. Niiiiiice - and it's Friday after 8:00p - double niiiiice! I put in a service request from American Home Shield. Probably will not be seen until Monday - triple niiiiice.
              Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


              • #37
                It's in the 80s, but at night it cools down so wondefully. Sunny and dry. I love sleeping with doors and windows open vs having the ac on.
                married to an anesthesia attending


                • #38
                  Yesterday was in the mid-80's - a full 10 degrees cooler than it was the last few days!


                  • #39
                    We're getting to 103 degrees. Yay.



                    • #40
                      We are in the 70's here in the Pacific Wonderland. I was planning on visiting my mom at the end of September in Denver but might have to go this summer - too hot!


                      • #41
                        Forecast says 97 here, but my google weather page says it's 99.3. Heat index warnings of 103 to 105. We're expecting a storm tonight that will bring in a cold front and get us down to the 80's for next week. Fingers crossed that they're right. I'm melting.


                        • #42
                          Today was about 80 with low humidity. A complete turn around from the last few days where it felt like you were breathing under water.


                          • #43
                            It's 6:51 local time and it's cooled down to 109 !!!


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by pinkpickles View Post
                              It's 6:51 local time and it's cooled down to 109 !!!
                              I can't even imagine! Stay cool!


                              • #45
                                Cool front (last night) just brought back the "normal" summer weather to the midwest - it was only about 75/80 today and no humidity - HOORAY!
                                Loving wife of neurosurgeon

