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"I Hate Jon&Kate" Support Group

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  • "I Hate Jon&Kate" Support Group

    First, by initiating this thread, I intend no disrespect to those of you interested in this TV show or just in the spiraling personal lives of those involved.

    But, to the rest of you, come join me in a support group dedicated to people who don't give a spit about these selfish, contrived, ridiculous people.

    This week, the news includes: an historic revolution in a totalitarian religious state (and the Administration's showingly spineless, statist reaction to the cries of the oppressed for a voice in their own goverance); the Dem-led Congress is considering taxing those of us who make $100K or less--apparently, that now being the standard for "rich"--on our health care benefits, to fund their dream of the Nanny State; the US Supreme Court dodged considering the issue of the constitutionality of the Voting Rights Act, in an opinion that suggests that, if and when they take it up, they may find significant problems; in Mexico, 47 children died in a horrific daycare fire; in the Congo, a prisoner riot result in the brutal rape and beatings of twenty female prisoners; and, since Netanyahu's agreement to come to the peace talk tables if the Palestinians acknowledge Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish state, there have been more Hamas-backed attacks.

    And, yet, EVERY SINGLE ONE of the cable "news" channels is giving time to Jon and Kate. STOP IT!!! They are NOT NEWS. They are not important. They are wanna-be celebrities whose staggeringly myopic selfishness is the most interesting thing about them.

    Does anyone else feel this way, or I am the only one not able to enjoy the freefall of American culture?
    Last edited by GrayMatterWife; 06-23-2009, 05:14 AM. Reason: Type-o

  • #2
    Originally posted by LilySayWhat
    I'm sorry that anyone's marriage falls apart, but I am WAY more interested in reading about the heroically brave protesters in Iran than I am about two talentless, fake celebrities.

    So it's not that I hate Jon & Kate but I do hate the show and the whirlwind of drama around it. Bored. Like Paris Hilton bored.


    • #3
      ITA w/LIly


      • #4
        Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


        • #5
          Won't say a word about them because they are not important. It's not like they are TomKat.
          Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


          • #6
            *raises hand* I want to join!

            I've never actually seen a whole episode, but since a couple months ago when it became "news" that they were having trouble, I have actually started glancing at articles about them. Only managed to watch about 5 minutes of last week's episodes before I got distracted, but still, I feel so bad for that family. I feel kind of silly getting emotionally involved, but I feel like it would just take a little bit of maturity from the parents, and those poor kids' lives could be a million times better. Now they're going to to pseudo-celebrities of a broken home. They just don't stand a chance...
            My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


            • #7
              It bothers me how much publicity (the networks) is generated from watching a train wreck.
              How sad!
              Those kids need therapy, and a cloak of invisibility.

              Real news, please.
              Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
              Professional Relocation Specialist &
              "The Official IMSN Enabler"


              • #8
                Originally posted by wildfin View Post
                It bothers me how much publicity (the networks) is generated from watching a train wreck.
                How sad!
                Those kids need therapy, and a cloak of invisibility.

                Real news, please.
                Especially since there was an ACTUAL TRAGIC Train wreck that hasn't gotten 1/2 the attention the TLC couple & gaggle have gotten!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by LilySayWhat
                  I'm sorry that anyone's marriage falls apart, but I am WAY more interested in reading about the heroically brave protesters in Iran than I am about two talentless, fake celebrities.
                  I can't even imagine protesting in Iran. The way I can imagine Ahmedinijad "taking care" of this problem would make Tiananmen Square seem like a tea party.

                  Now....who the hell is Jon and Kate, and why should I care?
                  (only half kidding - I do know what I've seen on the AP newswire, but never seen the show)
                  Enabler of DW and 5 kids
                  Let's go Mets!

